20 amazing thrift shop finds that are absolutely to die for

Thrifting is a great hobby and we all know that there are some great treasures among the copious junk. It takes time (and a little knowledge of what has worth), but you can save hundreds or thousands of dollars by checking out thrift stores (and estate sales, as well as places like Craigslist).
Of course, not all of the best thrift store finds make you a profit. Some are just amazing items that itâs hard to believe exist.
Weâd found both kinds of treasures scattered amongst Redditâs r/ThriftStoreHauls subreddit and here are 20 of our favorites:
1. Say what?!
Anyone who has looked at kitchen or cooking inspo photos will recognize Le Creuset, the famous French cookware brand. And while they do have outlets where you can buy their goods at a discount, a huge set for under $25 is unheard of!
This kind of thing only happens when thrift store employees donât know what they have on their hands because this is about $1000 worth of items.
I thought I was hallucinating, all for under $25 from r/ThriftStoreHauls
2. Cleaning house
Plenty of people clean out the houses of loved ones and donât have the time or the energy to see whatâs of value before donating it. And lots of them figure that itâs good karma to let someone find a treasure they have no use for.
We imagine thatâs how an item like this ended up at Goodwill.
Navajo rug I found at goodwill I got it for a $1.49 other rugs by sane Weaver are valued at a minimum of $2,500 NizhonĂ diyogi from r/ThriftStoreHauls
3. Better than a thrift!
We are so wildly jealous! Even if you didnât need a new chair, this could certainly turn a profit if you decided to sell it.
Commenters couldnât believe someone would just put a $7,000 chair out at the side of the road just because it required a minor fix.
Ok not a thrift shop, but found by the side of the road for council cleanup, minor fix required to the armsâŠfree from r/ThriftStoreHauls
4. Saving a buck on the big day
While some people prefer all the pomp around searching for the perfect wedding dress, others take a more sustainable route.
Since itâs the kind of thing you only wear once and may not have the room or use for after the wedding, plenty of pricey dresses end up at thrift stores.
Think of all the money she saved for things that will last much longer!
I was starting to lose hope that Iâd be able to thrift my wedding dress. I bought this today for $60! With alterations and a cleaning, still comes in far under what I would have paid for something a lot more simple. Iâm in love! from r/ThriftStoreHauls
5. A diamond in the rough
Itâs hard to get jewelry right at thrift stores since they donât tend to employ experts. Thatâs undoubtedly why this ring was sold as green amethyst.
And green diamonds are so rare anyway that it would have been nearly impossible to guess without equipment and expertise.
I was told this was a green amethyst, and haggled to $42. Took it to a jeweler to have it appraisedâitâs a rare green diamond, 4.4 ctw, over 100 years old, conservatively worth more than $8k! from r/ThriftStoreHauls
6. A family find
We would definitely be shocked to find a painting from a family member at the thrift store.
This is the kind of special, priceless find that you could never expect and dare not even hope for.
Went to the Goodwill to pick up something, and saw a painting that looked just like one my grandmother would have painted. IT WAS HER PAINTING!! To my knowledge, they were sold about 25 years ago. I thought they were lost forever. Guess I will be stopping every day for a while. from r/ThriftStoreHauls
7. A signed copy
Sure, plenty of these could be fake, but the real excitement comes from finding a treasure like this and letting it make your heart flutter.
Adding it to your collection is more about bragging rights anyway.
The best $1.99 I will ever spend in my lifetime from r/ThriftStoreHauls
8. Truly worth buying
Sure, itâs far more funny than valuable, but we canât imagine passing by this amazing piece of cookware and not picking it up.
This of all the conversations and laughs it will spark.
You could even start a cooking contest with your friends to make the most kickass Karen casserole!
9. Dressed to the nines
Itâs less common for contemporary fine suits to end up at thrift stores, especially in such good condition. This was a real steal for one lucky guy.
And it fits him perfectly.
Those are the moments when you figure it was meant to be.
Searching for a suit for a wedding. Found a three piece with retail value $1700, paid $20 for it. from r/ThriftStoreHauls
10. They donât make âem like they used to
If youâve tried to buy even the cheapest dresser any time in the last 10 years you know just how expensive they are and how crappily theyâre made.
So imagine getting this midcentury masterpiece for just $30! And that fact that the mirror is still in great condition makes it more mind-boggling!
Thrifted this dresser and mirror for $30.
from r/ThriftStoreHauls
11. Computer error
If youâre not familiar with Mac desktops then you probably think this is just a monitor. But iMacs have all the goods in there, making this a whole computer.
Just add a keyboard and mouse and youâve saved yourself hundreds!
Working iMac â $18 â It was displayed with the old computer monitors. from r/ThriftStoreHauls
12. Speaking of MacsâŠ
Wow. We bet this kind of thing happens a lot with Mac products.
Although you have to wonder how someone ended up with a whole box of these valuable computers. Did they fall off a truck?
Sure, theyâre a bit outdated, but theyâre also still useable!
Goodwill cashier said they had a box of âbulky old external hard drivesâ in the back. He returned with a box filled with 2008 Mac Minis and said I could have it for $10 because it was taking up too much space. from r/ThriftStoreHauls
13. Vintage fashion
Some luxury items are recognizable to just about anyone.
Even if you didnât know how much a Burberry coat (even a vintage one) retailed for, youâd no doubt recognize the name and be able to look it up easily.
Not only is $75 a good deal since it seems to be in great condition, but it really does fit her like a glove!
Got this vintage Burberry trench coat at Goodwill for $75; it fits me perfectly
from r/ThriftStoreHauls
14. Truly a relic
A childhood treasure (that no doubt this poster had to beg for) served its time in the closet and is now hanging in their home.
It just goes to show you that real art never goes out of style.
i think i maxed out when i found this work of art at a garage sale as a child. now proudly displaying it in my first apartment! from r/ThriftStoreHauls
15. For those future dinner parties
Dansk dinnerware may not be what it used to, but scoring 117 pieces for under $300 is still quite a steal, especially if youâre a newlywed who didnât register for China because the pandemic upended your wedding.
Now you just have to hope it wonât be too long before people can come over for dinner again.
Newlyweds first thrift trip since quarantine started. Scored an almost complete Dansk Mesa Sky Blue set for $300 from r/ThriftStoreHauls
16. The best bookcases
Barrister bookcases are awesome because they keep our dust and allow you to display your valuables without fear of damage.
They are, however, really expensive â even the cheap ones are still way more than other bookcases.
Not only did this thrifter score one for $50, but it seems like it has a pretty cool story to go with it!
Found my white whale!!! This globe-wernicke metal barrister case was a whopping $50. They retail for hundreds to thousands of dollars. This must be what heroin feels like! from r/ThriftStoreHauls
17. Cats have no respect for your thrift store finds
You can expect your cat to express minimal excitement over your find as long as it has space for a cat on it.
They really do have a way of taking over the things we love most in the house.
$450 new, was in new condition and I paid $20. Cat immediately claimed it. Jerk. from r/ThriftStoreHauls
18. Blast from the past
Itâs just a jean jacket, but it came with a note that really makes you think about the whole thrifting enterprise.
Weâre not sure weâd want to know exactly where itâs been, but wouldnât it be fun to know it holds some good stories?
If anyone in the Twin Cities knows a Don G. who partied hard in the 70s tell him I rescued his jacket from the bins. from r/ThriftStoreHauls
19. The perfect item
With all due respect to vegans and the lactose-intolerant, this is the perfect sweater. In fact, why didnât they make more of these? How are we only now seeing it after it has been discarded by its owner?
Needless to say, someone really found a treasure that day.
I think my thrifting sister has peaked with this one. from r/ThriftStoreHauls
20. But how?
If itâs not Chanel or Prada, some people have a hard time identifying designer bags.
But after seeing THIS, weâd imagine thrift store employees would at least create a running list of brands to set aside.
Then again, there are a lot of fakes out there. If this is real, itâs an incredible find.
Pristine condition Loewe âPuzzleâ bag, $20 at Goodwill. Retails at $2,590 from r/ThriftStoreHauls
Ok, we need to see what kind of online thrifting we can do. We suddenly got the urge to shopâŠBIG TIME.
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Source: Reddit â r/ThriftStoreHauls