20 bizarre, nonsensical and downright wrong laws that currently exist across the world

You may think that certain laws that you have to obey are just plain wrong. Well, be thankful that you don’t have to abide by these laws.
Some laws are 100% necessary. But other laws go the opposite way. They’re 100% unnecessary. This is true all over the world. Just imagine being in a situation where you were caught breaking one of these completely real laws from across the globe:
1. Western Australia limits the amount of potatoes you can own

Do you dream of owning so many potatoes that you could literally swim in them if you wished? Well, tough luck if you ever want to live in Western Australia. Potato ownership is capped at a mere 110 pounds.
2. Singapore’s chewing gum law is stricter than any US school’s rules

Remember when you were a kid and the teachers told you to stop chewing gum? Well, in Singapore, that’s the cops. Chewing gum is like doing drugs in the tiny nation.
3. In Samoa, if you forget your wife’s birthday, you’re a criminal

Any husband who forgets his wife’s birthday naturally has hell to pay. But in Samoa, there are also legal consequences.
4. No goldfish bowls allowed in Rome

What’s a goldfish bowl for? The clue is in the title, unless you live in Rome. Since 2005, putting a goldfish in a bowl has been considered animal cruelty.
5. You need to have at least two goldfish in a bowl in Switzerland

If you try to flee from Italy with your illegal goldfish in a bowl and cross the border into Switzerland, you’re safe, unless you only have one goldfish in the bowl. In Switzerland, a goldfish can’t live alone.
6. No urinating in the ocean in Portugal

It’s pretty common to have no peeing in the pool rules. But what about the world’s biggest pool, the ocean? In Portugal, it’s illegal to piss into the ocean. How many prosecutions do they make of this a year?
7. No whaling in Oklahoma

Lots of places want to protect their whale populations. Oklahoma is no different. But there’s a catch. The state is completely landlocked. Perhaps they think that the ocean will one day cover most of Texas because of all that Portuguese urine?
8. No swim shorts in swimming pools in France

If you go to France and want to relax in a swimming pool, you better bring a pair of speedos. Swimming shorts in the pool are illegal.
9. Sandcastles? Not in Eraclea, Italy

Because kids shouldn’t be allowed to have fun on the beach.
10. You have told hold your salmon honestly in Britain

If you hold a salmon in a suspicious manner in Britain, then there are legal consequences. Sure, England must have lots of weird laws because it’s 1,000s of years old, right? Well, this law only dates back to 1986.
11. No reincarnation (unless you ask first) in China

Have you ever tried to meet up with a friend, only to find that they’ve reincarnated? Well, in China, it was such a problem with Buddhist monks that the country has made it illegal for them to do so, unless they get permission first.
12. Absolutely zero killing of Bigfoot in Washington State

You know how you just want to attack Bigfoot whenever you see him? Well, you’ll have to rein in your urges if you live in Washington State sadly.
13. Camouflage? In Barbados, it’s more like cam-no-flage

Someone call the fashion police, because if you’re wearing camouflage in Barbados, you’re breaking the law.
14. No surprise pizzas in Louisiana

In Louisiana, it’ll cost you $500 in fines if you order a pizza for someone without telling them first.
15. Why did the chicken cross the road?

Because the chicken’s owner was a disgusting criminal, if you’re in Quitman, Georgia.
16. No fake cowboys or girls in Blythe, California

These boots were made for walking? No, they were made for herding cows only, or else, in Blythe, California. That’s right, no cowboy boots for anyone in the city unless they own a minimum of two cows.
17. Only one alcoholic drink for married women in La Paz, Bolivia

Do you just want to drink the night away? If you’re a woman in La Paz, Bolivia, you better be unwed!
18. Interrupt a wedding and face jail time in Australia

If you disrupt someone’s wedding in Australia, be prepared to pay a $10,000 fine or serve two years in prison.
19. No feather mattresses in Argentina

The government of Argentina has decided that mattresses stuffed with feathers are just too indulgent to be legal.
20. No nudity in the Swiss alps, please

If you’re ever hiking in Switzerland, remember to put some clothes on first, or you could get a $176 fine!
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Source: Redbook