20 totally random but impressive things people created when they were super bored

Being bored is a state of mind. You might have run out of reasonable things to do at work or at home, but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep your brain chugging along and your hands moving by indulging in some random crafts.

You know what they say about idle hands, right?

These 20 people had a little extra time (or a real lack of motivation to get anything reasonable done) so they resorted to trying their hands at creating strange things.

And, frankly, we’re impressed by the completely random and amusing fruits of their labor. Check them out:

1. Hot potato

I mean, we already love carbs, but carbs in a bikini? Irresistible!

Ok, frankly, we hate peeling potatoes, but also never came up with such a great way to amuse ourselves while doing it.

A potato in bikini, a peelkini

2. Stand-in

Ever decide to leave work early because you’re just done?

Well, be sure to gather as many extra supplies as you can to make a replica of yourself before you head for the door. That way your boss might be confused enough to give you a few extra minutes to make a break for it.

leaving work early

3. Battle-ready

Ok, so maybe you can’t leave work and you have to fight your boredom for the rest of the day.

That’s where leftover cardboard comes in. Make yourself into a “weekday warrior.”

Boredom at work

4. No GMO

If we can’t safely engineer strawberries without the seeds, maybe we can find enough bored people to pry them out one by one.

We’re not sure what’s more impressive here – the amount of effort this took to complete or how carefully it was done so as not to leave a single blemish on the berry.

When you’re bored at work…

5. That’s bananas

What were you actually going to use that White-Out for anyway?

Leaving a randomly “whited-out” banana in the kitchen is also good for a workday laugh as well.

Work was slow from r/funny

6. Binder clip beast

Now, THIS is an excellent use of binder clips. And we’re even more impressed at the staple remover head.

This person’s creativity is clearly going to waste by sitting in an office all day.

Have you ever been bored at work?

7. World-builder

It seems like a waste of chips, but no one said you couldn’t eat it once you were done.

This is wildly impressive – especially once we noticed all the islands were there too!

Potato chip map of the world.

8. Cool while it lasts

We don’t want to know what happens when those come crashing down and they’re no longer fit for use and you have to explain to your boss what happened to the extra cups, but it’s certainly fun to look at before that all happens.

Slow day at tha Juice from r/funny

9. The worst best friend

We all have a friend who will take a prank to the next level if they’re given the time and the Post-its to follow their dreams.

Now, the question is, do you remove the Post-its before you drive home?

Such prank dedication…and a waste of office supplies. from r/pics

10. A penny for your thoughts

There’s some skill and patience involved here, but not a lot of thinking.

Who even carries that many pennies around anymore?

I, too, am bored at work

11. A true accomplishment

This isn’t boredom, this is art – a true accomplishment.

All that’s left is to figure out how to go about eating it to get the most satisfaction back out of the project.

Sweet satisfaction (and far too much free time)

12. The value of a dollar…or 5

Cash isn’t worth any less if you’ve oragamied it into a man walking a dog. So what’s stopping you?

Have you just never been this bored before?

Was a slow day from r/funny

13. A bit concerning

If you’ve brought more than one color marker into the bathroom and have the time to dabble in some artwork, may we suggest some more fiber in your diet?

This is the one place you really need to get in and get out of without wasting too much time.

Boredom at Work

14. The perfect foe

So, who do you think wins the battle between this binder clip beast and the one from #6?

Our money is on the scorpion look-alike.

When you’re bored at the office and decide to get creative

15. Move over, Sparta

Onion arms are going to win every time.

We don’t make the rules.

We got bored at work

16. Your tax dollars at work!

We don’t mean to begrudge an entire sector of workers their well-earned slacking time, we’re just a little suspicious about this whole thing.

Then again, maybe a little fun really does make the day go by faster.

Construction Fun !

17. Mother of boards

Boss not springing for a new office chair? Don’t know how to recycle those old motherboards?

You know what to do.

Got bored at work, made a throne

18. Fighting franchise boredom

We have to admit, that’s pretty cool.

However, it seems to be made out of BBQ sauce and we were really hoping for sweet & sour.

Bored at-at work?

19. From bored to Bob’s Burgers

Some people’s brains work in mysterious ways.

It honestly never would have occured to us to partake in an art project like this, but it’s pretty cool.

I got bored at work, so I drew the Belchers on spoons. from r/pics

20. Man as art

If you don’t want to make the art then BE the art.

Just have fun explaining it to people when they walk by your desk.

Bored at work

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Source: Brightside, Time Magazine, Brightside, Brightside
