These 20 botched cosmetic surgeries are kind of giving us the creeps

Sometimes, things just don’t exactly go as well as planned. Especially in the world of cosmetic surgery, the end result isn’t necessarily always an improvement. Of course, it’s everyone’s own choice to do cosmetic surgery to their body, and not every procedure ends up in botched surgery like these.
But what about the things that do go wrong? Think about some evidently clear lip fillers which make them seem like they’re about to explode, or perhaps even ab implants that look just as real as your average cartoon character. We’ve compiled a list of 20 horribly botched surgeries, that will certainly give you the creeps!
1) Poster boy

This photograph of a doctor has made rounds on the internet, with plenty of people commenting that you should never sample your own product. One thing is for sure, his clients certainly know what to expect!
2) Those lips

You’ll see a lot of lip filler issues in this list, but this is probably one of the more severe cases out there. It just seems like this woman isn’t able to close them anymore. The internet pretty much unanimously decided that the lip filler trend should die after seeing this picture.
3) This happens when you get addicted

Doing multiple cosmetic surgeries pretty much always results in a completely unnatural look. The picture above is a ‘before and after’ comparison after a twelfth nose job.
4) Chubby cheeks

Even though cosmetic surgery to get chubbier cheeks isn’t that common, this example is certainly an example of something that is overdone. Some Redditors even compared it to a chipmunk.
5) Better than going to the gym?

It’s not only women who tend to get implants, this man actually got oil implants pretty much everywhere. Aside from it being completely unrealistic, one person commented that it was actually a shame as well.
“The thing is, he looks like he has a good body under the oil implants. It’s just the unrealistic standards that he set himself.”
6) Lost all shape

This person has probably done numerous surgeries to his face, and it hasn’t gone unnoticed on the internet as well.
“What is with this face shape right now?! The guy doesn’t even look human anymore. Why would you *willingly* do that to yourself?”
7) A tiny nose

Admittedly, a lot of people probably won’t notice the tiny nose on this picture at a first glance, but once you notice it, you can’t look at anything else anymore. It’s just so incredibly tiny, makes you wonder how she’s actually able to breathe through it.
8) Blue and pink

Apparently, wearing pink hair coupled with blue eyeshadow just really doesn’t work. Add the numerous cosmetic surgeries to the mix, and you end up with a very unnatural look, to say the least.
9) Barbie-man has competition

There’s a guy out there who would do everything to look like Barbie’s Ken, but it looks like he has some competition…
“The people who perform these operations are very bad people,” one person commented who clearly thought surgeries like these aren’t responsible.
10) Breast enlargement done wrong

We’re not really sure how something like this can happen in the first place, but it clearly still happens. When you get a breast enlargement, you might want to check that they’re not mismatched!
11) Speaking about breast-enlargement…

Apparently, this was a black market pec injection, which clearly went sideways.
“Taking the term uniboob to a whole new level,” one person commented on Reddit.
12) The Sims in real life?

Someone on Reddit commented that this person looks like a Sims 4 character after his surgery, and now it’s something that we completely can’t unsee.
“Whoa, I honestly thought the right was a high quality, though angular, simulation…”
13) The worst lip filler job in history?

This doesn’t look like a lip filler, this looks like a terrible allergic reaction you’d get after being stung by a hundred bees. The before picture on the right was infinitely better!
14) Apparently, this is a new trend

If this truly is a new trend in Asia, this doesn’t really fit in this list of ‘botched’ surgeries, but a lot of people agree that it doesn’t really look good either.
15) Unable to walk

We’ve mentioned the man who wants to look like Ken above, and he certainly couldn’t be missing from this list. This is truly the next level, and it just downright dangerous and completely irresponsible.
16) The same person

You might not expect it, but this is actually the very same person. It looks like a mask out of a horror movie, but it’s very, very real.
“Poor woman. Breaks my heart seeing her in comparison. It’s like with one surgery she changed also her complete nationality,” one Redditor wrote.
17) Why form over function isn’t a good idea

Of course, anyone would look unflattering at this angle, but that’s not what matters here. Just take a look at her nostril – it’s so tiny that she actually can’t breathe through her nose anymore.
18) Where’s the other half?

It’s truly astonishing that any doctor or surgeon would be happy with this result because a huge chunk of the nose is just simply missing.
19) Shredded! Or not?

Every owner of a six-pack of abs will agree that you can only get there with hard work – or with some implants, of course.
20) That doesn’t look right

This lady decided to get butt implants, but you can’t exactly claim that this was a surgery done right. After all, those definitely do not look comfortable or realistic at all.
“Did they run out of butt implants and substitute a breast implant?” one person wondered.
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Source: Reddit