20 cats caught on camera being complete weirdos

Cats are weird. That’s why we love them.

In fact, some have estimated that cats drive about 15% of all web traffic on the Internet – that’s how obsessed we are!

Not only do they have personalities that are hard to understand, but the way they can contort their bodies and balance with great skill makes them masters of the awkward comfort angle.

Check out these 20 furry friends – and see if you can get through them without laughing (although we don’t know why you’d even try – laughing is good for you!):

1. I am the tiger

This kitten is practicing its big cat energy.

It’s good to have role models – even if we wouldn’t necessarily send him out into the jungle.

Perfectly timed picture… from r/cats

2. I believe I can haz fly

We have no idea what’s happening here and we think it’s better that way.

In fact, this is probably just your average cat trying to be the center of attention – and it just happened to decide that flying was the right way to do it.

I found a flying cat

3. What the heck are you looking at, hooman?

This cat is in no mood to hear that there’s clean water in the house.

What about right here where it wants to drink? Why did you fail to put water there?

Because you’re terrible, that’s why.

This water is bird flavored

4. Doing the worm

Who doesn’t love to stretch out?

When your partner is away, don’t you take up more of the bed?

We just want to know if there are actually two cats in this house or if the owners just know that their stretchy cat needs an extra bed.

Need? Want? No, don’t care, still taking. from r/catsindogbeds

5. Incoming

That’s never a fun view to get in person. You know these furballs are coming in hot, claws first.

Just duck! They’ll land on their feet!

The flying cat is prepared for landing.

6. Just say whoa

Aww, we normally feel pretty helpless when our little buddies are under sedation and don’t have full control of themselves.

But to be fair, this little girl looks like he might be enjoying the ride.

Under anestesia!

7. Comfiest seat in the house

How cats get comfy in ridiculous places will remain a mystery.

Despite all the photographic evidence we have of them defying the laws of gravity, we are no closer to figuring it all out.

King of the hill

8. The great escape

They jump, they climb, they make bad decisions they can’t get out of. Basically, they’re furry toddlers.

And they’ll always best the dog.

You guys see the cat run past here? from r/funny

9. Hanging out

This cat doesn’t even appear to be trying to escape anything. It was probably just trying to get on top of the door for a nap.

In fact, we bet he got up there just fine after this photo was snapped.

My wife just texted me this picture of our cat from her potato phone. from r/funny

10. It’s more comfortable this way

We’re not sure what shape of cat this is, but we truly thought they only came in the one shape before this.

If it can get up without trouble after eating this way, more power to it!

The rare starfish cat

11. Open wide, put in treats

We love these photos.

Of course, this is human humor more than cats being funny, but we’ll take it.

My friend’s picture initially freaked me out from r/cats

12. Shush, this is the best way

They never fail to make things more difficult than they need to be.

Then again, how do you get to be good at balancing if you don’t practice?

Normally she goes for faucets… This is new. from r/cats

13. On a break

This cat looks like it was practicing its dance routine when it decided to take a break.

Or maybe this is its sexy pose. We’ll never know – and we like it better that way.

14. A long day

Boy, do we feel this mood.

Someone get this cat a scotch.

15. I learned it from watching you

Hey, if you don’t want the kids to turn into you, then you have to be careful how you act around them.

The same thing goes for the fur kids.

I am like hooman from r/aww

16. Cats are liquid

Are they waiting for food? Did they just assume that the food place and the sleep place are the same thing?

Cats really will find the strangest places to sleep. But they sleep deeply – which means they sleep a lot better than we do!

17. Mobile fur bed

When there don’t appear to be any comfortable places to sleep or you worry about getting your fur dirty, this is where dogs come in handy.

They’re like a spare picnic blanket.


18. This is fine

Hey, when you get yourself into a sticky situation but you need a nap, sometimes the best course of action is to just close your eyes and hope things work out by the time you wake up.

My cat fell asleep with her claws stuck in the curtain. Didn’t really want to ruin the large amount of cuteness happening so I just left her there. from r/aww

19. Bowl of kitty

Cats can morph themselves into just about any shape.

They’re especially adept at doing this when they know you’re going to need a specific vessel or value it a lot.

20. What a day

Life is tough when you’re a kitten.

And let’s face it, it’s this how we all feel right about now?

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Source: Small Biz Labs, BrightSide
