20 “scary” cats shooting their owners the most evil looks of all time

Cats are some of the cutest creatures around, but that doesn’t necessarily make them the cuddliest. In fact, some cats are the least affectionate animals on the planet, but it doesn’t make us love them any less. If we were to be totally honest, though, some of our cats can shoot us looks that are so evil it makes us afraid to turn our backs on them.

Whether it’s because we showed more affection to the dog, didn’t give them enough treats, or simply just because they feel like it, our cats can be terrifying when they stare us down with those evil eyes of theirs.

Here are 20 cats shooting their owners looks that are so evil it would make the devil himself want to run crying to mama.

1. This is what the face of hell looks like

Imgur/katieslova Source: Imgur/katieslova

Can you imagine trying to cuddle on your cat and catching this evil little face glaring back at you? Let’s just hope this was a one0time face and not the look of his general disposition.

2. A sure sign of possession

Imgur/creepiestgirl Source: Imgur/creepiestgirl

If you come home to your cat looking like this, it’s perfectly natural to want to scoop him up and make sure he’s okay. Before you do, take one long look at those evil eyes. It may just be regurgitating hell-sputum from the demon they swallowed.

3. This, my friends, is feline greed at its finest

Reddit/ShirleyFerrell Source: Reddit/ShirleyFerrell

Are those coins made of catnip or something?! We’re starting to understand why cats are said to be the guardians of the underworld. Apparently, they’re also taking bribes.

4. The most evil look of all

Imgur/Alfosn Source: Imgur/Alfosn

Yep! This is definitely what the face of evil looks like. Sure, he’s got a good excuse; his face has been powdered in flour. Even though it’s probably his fault, the blame falls all on you.

5. Just let it burn

Reddit/Subtractive_ Source: Reddit/Subtractive_

The strut of this cat says it all. Yeah, he’s guilty, and he doesn’t give a damn. Gangsters ain’t got ish on this evil kitty.

6. Think he’s plotting something sinister?

Reddit/pleasuretohaveinclas Source: Reddit/pleasuretohaveinclas

Have you ever seen a look as evil as this…beyond just in the movies? We didn’t think so. We don’t know what his plans are, but we know we don’t want to be around when they’re put into action.

7. Hope you weren’t hungry

Imgur Source: Imgur

Sometimes cats just can’t wait around for their hoomans to feed them, especially when they can nab a perfectly good salmon large enough to feed a whole family. It doesn’t matter if there’s enough to go around, the cat isn’t letting you have any of it.

8. Don’t get too comfortable

Imgur/mtdewd Source: Imgur/mtdewd

Just when you think your kitty is starting to accept himself as part of the family, you’ll find him creepily stocking you from a dark corner. Don’t be fooled when you think they’re coming around. They’re just keeping their enemies close…

9. He WILL have his vengeance

Reddit/pipertakespictures Source: Reddit/pipertakespictures

How dare this poor kitty’s hoomans do this to him! His evil look says it all. There will be payback and it’s going to really, really hurt. The cat will make sure of it.

10. This guy learned his lesson…

Reddit/melanieee Source: Reddit/melanieee

This Reddit user thought she had better go check on the boyfriend and her cat when the house was too quiet. Sadly, she was too late. This is what happens in the aftermath of those evil cat looks. That’ll serve him for taking his place on his hooman’s bed and stealing all his playtime.

11. Proof that cats don’t need saving

Reddit/Vmoney1337 Source: Reddit/Vmoney1337

This firefighter thought he was going out of his way to do a good deed. Turns out he was just pissing the cat off. Don’t these silly hoomans realize that cats don’t need saving? It’s their own skins they should worry about.

12. The most terrifying thing in the world

Imgur/Nailer91 Source: Imgur/Nailer91

If your cat is smiling at you like this, it’s probably not a good sign. Look at the devilish grin! Something tells us his hooman is in for a very unpleasant surprise soon.

13. Silly hooman! There are so many more ways to do it

Reddit/JustinSchwimmer Source: Reddit/JustinSchwimmer

You don’t need a book to find out if your cat is trying to kill you. The answer is always yes. The question is a matter of when, not if.

14. Yes, hooman! Keep going.

Reddit/malena_holmes Source: Reddit/malena_holmes

If your cat is looking at you with an evil grin like this, watch your next step. Dollars to donuts says that you’re about to walk into one of his evil plans for your demise.

15. A revealing photo-bomb

Reddit/heyhosoitgoes Source: Reddit/heyhosoitgoes

This girl was just taking a quick selfie. Innocent enough. What’s not so innocent though is that evil look her cat gave us when he photo-bombed her. Something is definitely up. Someone call an exorcist!

16. You both will pay!

Imgur/JeffGoldblumsLeftNut Source: Imgur/JeffGoldblumsLeftNut

While cats don’t like having attention forced on them, they also don’t like being left out. If he can’t have tea and crumpets, then no one can!!!

17. The Great Cat-Owl

Imgur/dubouc Source: Imgur/dubouc

Anyone remember the Great Owl from The Secret of NIMH? Turns out he was based on a very real character. Meet the wisest, creepiest, most evil cat in the world. He will tell you what you want to know, but not before stealing your soul…

18. Don’t you dare mess with my portal

Reddit/AngryGothBoi Source: Reddit/AngryGothBoi

You may have thought your kitty was an angel, but it turns out they’re something else altogether. Don’t get us wrong, they are definitely from another dimension. It’s just that dimension is below and not above. This is proof positive that cats hold the keys to the gateway of the underworld, and they’ll be happy to take you there with them. Just don’t expect to make it back.

19. Bow before me hooman! Do it now!!!

Reddit/TraumatizedZombie Source: Reddit/TraumatizedZombie

This picture may just be where the misnomer that “gingers have no souls” comes from. If it is, we can totally see why. He looks like he’s going to set the whole world on fire with his eyes if we don’t obey his every will.

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20. You will get rid of the dog

Reddit/FistBumpHighFive Source: Reddit/FistBumpHighFive

One thing that’s common to all cats is that they think…er, know they are superior to dogs. This cat is putting her paws down and claiming the bed and ALL the toys for herself. Don’t ask her where the dog is. You’re never going to get a confession out of her.

H/T: Shareably
