20 cats that have no concept of personal space

Cats have two basic modes – 1) complete neglect of humans bordering on spite and 2) wanting to be so close that you feel like they’re trying to become one with you.

These 20 cats are in the latter mode – and from treating their owners like furniture to getting a bit too up close and personal, we couldn’t help but laugh at their furry feline antics.

1. He’s rooting for Sauron

You might think there’s a human reading this book, but you’d be wrong.

Of course, somewhere in there is a human, but apparently the storyline was just too compelling for the cat to ignore.

Plus, a human face acts as a nice butt warmer.

tomecat.com Source: tomecat.com

2. Is there a kitten in your pants or…?

Well, it looks like this kitten found a warm spot. And some guys do spend a lot of time in the bathroom, so perhaps this is the ideal kitten hangout space.

We’re just not sure what happens when you need to pull up those drawers.

lmvo23/Reddit Source: lmvo23/Reddit

3. Utter mayhem

Why would you look at yourself in the mirror when you could be looking at your cats?

These naughty beasts found the perfect solution.

No one could possibly concentrate on themselves at this point.

hightechkid9/Reddit Source: hightechkid9/Reddit

4. My turn

If you’ve ever tried to brush a cat’s teeth you know the struggle to keep their dental hygiene up to snuff is real.

But if you can make it look like it was their idea, perhaps you’ve got a decent strategy on your hands.

innkspecialist/Imgur Source: innkspecialist/Imgur

5. Mind meld

My mind to your mind…

We’re not sure what point this cat is trying to get across, but if it’s just a ploy for attention we’d say he or she has found the perfect way to avoid being ignored.

NotABeautifulDisasterLikeAPrettyDisasterOnAGoodDay/Imgur Source: NotABeautifulDisasterLikeAPrettyDisasterOnAGoodDay/Imgur

6. Annoying coworker

We all have that one co-worker that just won’t leave us alone during the day and thinks work is a time to socialize.

In reality, work is a time to pet the cat. As are all other times.

donniespinks Source: donniespinks

7. Cool shelf

What can we say, pregnancy boobs are a new experience for everyone.

And some family members really know how to make practical use of them.

tigerrose4242/Reddit Source: tigerrose4242/Reddit

8. Me time

Did you think just because you were in the water that your cat might leave you alone for fear of getting wet?

Silly human.

minnesotagal/Reddit Source: minnesotagal/Reddit

9. Ya read me?

Why read a book when you can just stare at your adorable cat instead?

Well, there are a couple of reasons, but this cat owner won’t get to explore them – at least not today.

Imgur Source: Imgur

10. Ergonomics

This is the only solution to working with a cat around and keeping them off the computer.

But watch out for your wrists because this is not the ideal setup for typing.

GazellaLeptoceros/Imgur Source: GazellaLeptoceros/Imgur

11. Silly selfie

What a ham.

This cat will do anything for attention and is happy to become Insta-famous if that’s what it takes to get her owner to pet her.

Lord_Nuke/Reddit Source: Lord_Nuke/Reddit

12. You’ve reached the end of the game

It doesn’t matter if you won or lost, you lost your ability to play.

Don’t you dare move that controller or you might use up your last life.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

13. Buttface

Well, at least cats clean their butts.

It’s a good thing too because they have no qualms about setting them straight on your face.

Sweet dreams.

Pinterest Source: Pinterest

14. The cat is a hat

This cat is probably thinking “I can see great from up here.”

Once your cat realizes you’re nothing more than a moving cat perch, it’s all over.

pokeswithstick/Reddit Source: pokeswithstick/Reddit

15. Shuteye

Forget the silk face masks.

Fur is where it’s at if you want to block out the light.

Pinterest Source: Pinterest

16. Um, a little privacy, please!

Aww, c’mon! That’s just rude.

But as every cat owner knows, it doesn’t really matter what they see.

And if you’re going to get your self-care in you might just have to do it with a furry feline watching.

Imgur Source: Imgur

17. Desperate measures

Do you think this kitten tried everything to get attention before it resorted to this maneuver?

Or do you think it just went straight for the nuclear option?

xblade724/Reddit Source: xblade724/Reddit

18. Butthead

You’re just furniture to your cat.

That is, when you’re not feeding them.

NotABeautifulDisasterLikeAPrettyDisasterOnAGoodDay/Imgur Source: NotABeautifulDisasterLikeAPrettyDisasterOnAGoodDay/Imgur

19. Study buddy

Cats are happy to help you study, as long as you’re studying cats.

We’re not sure what it is that they love about an open book, but we’ve found more than our fair share of cat hair in ours.

-Zuko-/Reddit Source: -Zuko-/Reddit

20. Generous groomer

Once you’re part of your cat’s “tribe,” prepare to be treated just like any other cat.

And that includes being groomed.

The only problem is you might need another shower afterward.

szor/Imgur Source: szor/Imgur


We love our cats, but anyone who thinks that dogs were the needy ones has clearly never met one of these furry felines.

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