20 ridiculously adorable photos of cats that look like they’re smiling at you

Cats don’t smile.

They do have lots of other ways of showing contentment – such as purring, kneading, and head-butting – but no “happy” facial expressions.

Technically, cats have enough muscles in their faces to recreate what humans see as a smile, but that has nothing to do with happiness. In fact, most of the time what we see in a cat’s “smile” is a “flehmen response” – this happens when cats curl their lips and squint their eyes because they’re trying to detect pheromones in the air by drawing in scent particles.

Of course, that doesn’t stop some of us from insisting we see a grin every now and then – and that’s just fine because it’s totally adorable.

1. Cuddle bug

Don’t you just want to scratch those little cheeks? Rub that cute little chin?

This snuggly kitten looks so happy it’s even making US smile.

CryptarchGurl/Imgur Source: CryptarchGurl/Imgur

2. Fun in the sun

We don’t know if that’s a smiley face, but it sure is a look of contentment.

And what creature wouldn’t be pleased to be enjoying some attention in the sun out by the pool?

tinternettime/Reddit Source: tinternettime/Reddit

3. So pleased with herself

What do you think this cat is dreaming about? Dinnertime? Chasing squirrels?

Destroying all humans?

CryptarchGurl/Imgur Source: CryptarchGurl/Imgur

4. Sweet dreams

And speaking of sweet dreams, we love the little face on this furry dreamer.

Zombieddy/Reddit Source: Zombieddy/Reddit

5. Springtime smiles

This is the perfect example of a “flehmen response” in which the cat is taking a nice sniff of air but looks like it’s smiling.

Of course, that doesn’t mean it’s not sweet as can be.

basedonair/Reddit Source: basedonair/Reddit

6. Right where he belongs

This cat looks like he knows he’s making it tough for his owner to get up since he’s so darn cute – and he’s pleased with himself!

Cynaster/Reddit Source: Cynaster/Reddit

7. Sinister smile

It’s just a case of the camera snapping at the right time to capture this Cheshire cat grin.

Those little teeth really make it look like this kitten is thinking about doing something delightfully evil later.

Mnphillips/Imgur Source: Mnphillips/Imgur

8. Furry and photogenic

What a sweet and lucky photo to capture of this cat looking so content.

If only we could all have such a perfect headshot!

Pinterest Source: Pinterest

9. Non-stop excitement

It’s playtime and someone caught this kitty mid-meow.

But it certainly looks like it’s mugging for the camera.

thethriftywalrus/Reddit Source: thethriftywalrus/Reddit

10. True love

This cat owner’s girlfriend snapped this lovely photo after he got home from spending 6 weeks in the hospital.

We really do think that’s a look of utter love and satisfaction, even if it’s not technically a “smile.”

Parowax/Reddit Source: Parowax/Reddit

11. Mischief maker

Not all smiles are ones of love and devotion.

This goofy grin looks like one a toddler would give you after they got a supremely awesome and disastrous idea.

Damocles15/Reddit Source: Damocles15/Reddit

12. Snug as a bug in a rug

This shag rug is definitely this kitty’s happy place.

agreydawn/Reddit Source: agreydawn/Reddit

13. Hello

This cat has such a naturally earnest look on its face that we couldn’t resist giving him anything he wanted.

And those eyes!

godchode/Reddit Source: godchode/Reddit

14. Yay, I’m in the way!

Some cats look especially pleased with themselves when they’re doing something naughty, like sitting in front of your computer begging for attention.

But could you deny this face?

Snugglbnny Source: Snugglbnny

15. Love me

We can’t get enough of this happy-looking cat mugging for the camera while getting some face rubs.

UnStoppableWho_/Reddit Source: UnStoppableWho_/Reddit

16. Contentment

It might not look like a grin, but we can just imagine this cat trying to get it’s smile perfect for picture day.

TrappaTroopa/Reddit Source: TrappaTroopa/Reddit

17. Catnap

Cats sleep so many hours a day that it’s no wonder they look pleased all the time.

booya113/Reddit Source: booya113/Reddit

18. Motherly love

This sweet family moment really does make it look like momma cat is smiling at the love from her kitten.

There’s no doubt she’s loving it, of course.

httpher/Reddit Source: httpher/Reddit

19. Cheery cheeks

It’s pretty hard to argue that cats can’t smile when you see photos like this.

This kitty is even smiling with its eyes!

ChazaySSB/Reddit Source: ChazaySSB/Reddit

20. Look of love

There’s something about this cat’s face that just makes us feel extra calm and cheery.

What a great opportunity for a snuggle.

phetnym/Reddit Source: phetnym/Reddit


Even if these cats aren’t “smiling”, their photos certainly brought a huge smile to our faces.

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H/T: Bored Panda/Reddit
