20 wild pictures of cats that made their owners realize they were really weird

People who have cats or have been around cats for a while know that they are weird animals. They do some pretty crazy stuff and act in unpredictable ways most of the time.
Experts say this weird behavior they adopt has to do with the fact that they once used to be both prey for larger animals and predators to smaller ones. This caused them to develop skills like stalking, pouncing and killing, while at the same time they had to learn how to hide effectively.
And all this accounts for weird feline behavior like hiding in boxes and small places, chasing shadows and invisible prey, and many more.
Below, we have compiled and are presenting to you the 20 funniest moments of crazy cats doing weird things and we bet you’ll have a good laugh!
1. Sitting comfortably

This cat just enjoys sitting like this. We think she’s at least weird!
2. Bat-cat

When you walk in the bathroom and see this, you can’t help wondering if your cat is really a reincarnation of a bat.
3. Hanging out

Who can deny that this kitty looks like a lady posing for the camera?
4. Be like them

This sweetheart wants to be just like her human siblings. She now wants to be rocked just like them.
5. Dancing queen

Well, she’s not really dancing, but her performance is anything but ordinary.
6. Food, please

When kitty is hungry, she knows how to ask for it. Look at her eyes though!
7. Like father, like son

You know you’ve brought up your pet right8. when it helps you change light bulbs!
8. Sleeping beauty

Have you ever seen a cat sleeping in a weirder position than this one? Nearly impossible!
9. Kitty is watching you

Honestly, we’ve never seen a cat sitting like this before. But it’s still cute!
10. Drunk

We don’t want to know how much this kitty drank last night! She looks so wasted!
11. Creepy

This kitty rehearsing her threatening looks is just so creepy, isn’t it?
12. Yogi

This yogi cat is doing some weird things with its paws, don’t you think?
13. Pole dancer

Let’s all agree that this kitty cat wannabe pole dancer has some potential, right?
14. Spider-cat

When you’re a cat, but all you really want to be is Spiderman!
15. Love my tail

This is another aspiring yogi cat. In this case, Sara is obsessed with her tail!
16. Comfy

This kitten has found the purrfect pillow: her new daddy’s head!
17. How?

Really, can anyone figure out how this cat got in there?
18. Just closed my eyes

Have you ever said that you’re just going to close your eyes for a moment and ended up napping for a good hour or so? That’s what happened to him.
19. Stretching

This kitty is casually stretching while laying on her daddy’s stomach. Guess she’s preparing for her workout.
20. Human-like

This cat has this habit of standing on two paws, and this makes it adorable!
We hope these kitties made your day- they definitely made ours!
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Source: Bored Panda, Science Alert