Celebrities forgo the glam during quarantine and post photos of their “real selves”

It’s rare for anyone to post a selfie these days without some sort of filter or alteration. Of course, celebrities have access to real-life enhancements like Botox, peels, and facelifts so even their #nofilter photo isn’t necessarily the “real deal.”

Nevertheless, millions of people are happy to click on the most unflattering photo they can find of a famous face and the recent quarantine orders have provided celebs ample time to perfect their best “fresh face.” And we’re still embarrassingly fascinated by the “real” versions of celebs in quarantine.

(That’s not to say we aren’t all stressed – no one is getting out of this pandemic unscathed – it’s just that we would also like to pout about it by a pool in Malibu.)

Here are 20 that we found ourselves raising our eyebrows at (since we don’t have Botox and can still do that):

1. Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren looks damn good no matter what she’s doing, so let’s just get that out of the way.

But we might just walk right past her on the street without realizing she’s an award-winning actress (and 74 years old to boot!) if we saw her looking like she does on the left.

@helenmirren/Instagram Source: @helenmirren/Instagram

2. Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts truly does live up to her “girl next door” image when she’s not working the red carpet.

Frankly, we’re happy our day jobs don’t require this much off-hours effort.

@juliaroberts/Instagram Source: @juliaroberts/Instagram

3. Antonio Banderas

Let’s not pretend it’s only the ladies who look different when they’re not dressed to impress.

While we do appreciate a man holding carbs, it’s safe to say that the actor doesn’t carry quite the same “sexy Spaniard” vibe in the post-quarantine photo.

@antoniobanderasoficial/Instagram Source: @antoniobanderasoficial/Instagram

4. Gwyneth Paltrow

The ultimate rich girl since the moment she was born, sometimes it seems like Gwyneth Paltrow lives to annoy.

While she’s certainly not Hollywood-ready on the left, it’s still pretty clear that a lifetime of high-end skincare will do a body good.

@gwynethpaltrow/Instagram Source: @gwynethpaltrow/Instagram

5. Jessica Chastain

If she doesn’t look familiar, you should know that that actress still has a Golden Globe, two Academy Award nominations, and was named by I as one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2012 (but that does seem like ages ago).

This comparison seems the most real to us. Redheads look different in every light. But it’s clear that heavy makeup is gorgeous but not quite practical these days – for any of us.

@jessicachastain/Instagram Source: @jessicachastain/Instagram

6. Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson

Both stars came down with Covid-19 and recovered and they’re certainly looking good.

It’s not red carpet fancy, but who has time for that (more than once or twice a year)?

@tomhanks/Instagram Source: @tomhanks/Instagram

7. Elle Fanning

Yes, Elle Fanning – like everyone above – looks gorgeous both ways. In this case it’s probably because she’s 22.

Still, we’d be pretty happy with those quarantine brows!

@ellefanning/Instagram Source: @ellefanning/Instagram

8. Kevin Hart

Funny man Kevin Hart shared a quarantine photo recently and was *almost* unrecognizable.

Then again, it’s pretty hard to maintain that look on the left.

@kevinhart4real/Instagram Source: @kevinhart4real/Instagram

9. Shakira

After seeing Shakira at the Superbowl this year (wow, it’s hard to believe that was THIS YEAR), we know her hips still don’t lie.

Of course, we’re not claiming that doing your hair and makeup is a lie either, but it’s just good to know she can look like a (very pretty version) of the rest of us sometimes.

@shakira/Instagram Source: @shakira/Instagram

10. Kate Bosworth

It’s hard to know (and silly to speculate) about what celebrities have had done to their faces.

But if the photo on the left is simply what she looks like (all-natural and unfiltered), then we’re genuinely jealous (especially since she’s clearly going to eat those carbs too!)

@katebosworth/Instagram Source: @katebosworth/Instagram

11. Gal Gadot

Gal Gadot is beautiful regardless of what she puts on (or doesn’t). She has, however, suffered a bit of backlash during the quarantine for her all-star rendition of John Lennon’s “Imagine.

It rang a little tone-deaf (in more ways than one) during some of the early and scariest days of the quarantine.

@gal_gadot/Instagram Source: @gal_gadot/Instagram

12. James McAvoy

People generally break down into two groups when they see a comparison like this – folks who see absolutely no difference and those who do.

Let’s just say we are marveling at what a difference good lighting makes!

@jamesmcevoyrealdeal/Instagram Source: @jamesmcevoyrealdeal/Instagram

13. Hailey Bieber

At 23 and growing up in a celebrity family, the former Hailey Baldwin has always had it all.

Still, that’s a heck of a natural look to be able to pull off (if that’s makeup- and filter-free!).

@hayleybieber/Instagram Source: @hayleybieber/Instagram

14. Taylor Swift

Yep, T-Swift looks like T-Swift. Then again, we can see some eyeliner, mascara, and neutral lipstick going on in the left-hand photo.

Then AGAIN, celebs don’t owe us a makeup-free selfie just for our satisfaction.

@taylorswift/Instagram Source: @taylorswift/Instagram

15. Kristen Bell

Kristen Bell has one of those faces that just recognizable no matter what, makeup or not.

Even if you look back at old photos of her, she hasn’t aged a day, so we fully expect to see her fresh-faced selfie look just a tad jealousy-inducing.

@kristenanniebell/Instagram Source: @kristenanniebell/Instagram

16. Halle Berry

Well, you certainly can’t expect a woman to look like the right-hand photo day in and day out!

We’d say Berry’s pretty perfect even after a “makeunder.”

@halleberry/Instagram Source: @halleberry/Instagram

17. Will Ferrell

Some say men have it easy because they’re not expected to put on elaborate makeup or perfect their hairstyle before looking “on.”

But quarantine is adding a bit of furrow to everyone’s brow and this photo of Will Ferrell from Gal Gadot’s much-maligned “Imagine” video shows that he’s happy to let it go during quarantine.

@gal_gadot/Instagram Source: @gal_gadot/Instagram

18. Mark Ruffalo

We have three Mark Ruffalos for the price of two here!

Still hot before and after quarantine? Yes.

But he’s more likely to get cast as an absent-minded professor (who students still inevitably have a crush on) looking like he does on the left.

@markruffalo/Instagram Source: @markruffalo/Instagram

19. Hilary Duff

Hilary Duff didn’t go fresh-faced for her quarantine selfie but proved she’s just like the rest of us by going a little off the rails with her hair.

What better time to do whatever the heck you want to your look than when you’re not being told what to look like all day?

@hilaryduff/Instagram Source: @hilaryduff/Instagram

20. Lizzo

Lizzo is phenomenal no matter what she’s doing and millions have tuned in to both her Grammy performance (which was truly remarkable – and also took place THIS YEAR believe it or not) and her Instagram videos.

We’re loving a fresh-faced Lizzo playing the flute and helping us all chill out a bit – even if we know she’s doing it from one of the many glam locations she’s always giving us access to.

@lizzobeeating/Instagram Source: @lizzobeeating/Instagram


Celebs – they’re just like us!

Ok, they’re not, but they’re people too. And while they may have it better than the rest of us right now (from access to great skincare to views overlooking the California coast), they can still be stressed.

And if you’re annoyed by celebrity culture right now, that’s normal.

But you also don’t have to look.

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