20 clothing disasters that went unnoticed until it was too late

Sometimes we don’t find things out about the clothing we are wearing until it is too late. That is exactly what the 20 people below discovered. These are 20 hilarious clothing disasters that weren’t noticed until it was too late.

Thanks, Grandma!

So my name is Brodie Jonas Dean, my grandma found this shirt for me thinking it was a great coincidence. Thanks grandma :/
by infunny

Aren’t grandmothers the best??? We’re sure BJ’s grandma was super thrilled to find a shirt specifically designed for her grandson at the mall.

Some realistic advice for modern times.

Thanks for the advice
byu/zapsquad inCrappyDesign

Maybe this was a mistake, or perhaps the designer was a little pessimistic.

Nothing says I love you like….

Walmart? I think you meant “Fist Bump”…
byu/iEuphoria infunny

You have to wonder if the person who designed this shirt knew exactly what they were printing, but also knew that they could deny this later if called out.

Not the best place to put a red flower on a white dress.

Maybe not the best idea to have a red flower down there
byu/GallowBoob infunny

Flowers on dresses are fairly standard. The designers of this dress probably could have placed them in a better location, however.

This man does not have a massive wedgie, that’s his shirt.

The design on this guys shirt makes him look like he is walking around with a massive wedgie
byu/kdman3 infunny

This guy’s shirt design makes it look like he just got a massive wedgie. It serves as something of a bully deflector. When they see him they think “Oh, we must have gotten this guy already.”

A perfectly reasonable sweater to purchase for a toddler.


Imagine being a teacher and some kid shows up to school with that sweater on. What would you even do? Do you tell the parents?

“Is this made by Ann Summers? Starting her customer base a tad early I think,” wrote one commenter.

Who or what are these for?

How the hell do you wear this?
byu/waskonator inpics

Shortly after this garment was released, the clothing company had an all-staff meeting to address where human arms are located on the body. It turns out arms actually protrude from the shoulders and not the hips. Oops!

Soccer kits are not immune to terrible design.

Spain’s new shirt looks like it got dirty while eating bolognese pasta
byu/bajrambekteshi infunny

The designers of Spain’s football kits decided that they wanted their team to look like they just got in a messy food fight.

“Now that’s a sport I’d play. Competitive condiment combat!” wrote @paracelsus23.

Don’t let students design their own graduation t-shirts.

We’re the graduating class of Peninsula High this year. They told me I could make the t-shirts. Look what just arrived.
byu/CairoSmith infunny

Sometimes letting students design their own grad t-shirts isn’t the best idea. Other times, however, it’s the greatest idea.

I’m sorry, who should I let handle this?

College of Veterinary Medicine, choose your fonts wisely
by inCrappyDesign

C-V-M as in the College of Veterinary Medicine.

That’s a long time to go without pooping!

Jesus christ
byu/Tropical_YT inCrappyDesign

The trap door on this girl’s onesie reads “Don’t open till Christmas.” This is an entirely unreasonable request, children need to poop! What kind of BS advent calendar is this???

That’s….that’s not Asia

No, not quite
byu/nvernon123 infunny

How many people were involved in this shirt being printed? From the designers to the screen printers, everyone of them is responsible for this.

“I suddenly envision an entire clothing line called, “Stupid”. Historical figures, land masses, dates and events… all improperly identified with confidence. I’m going to be a millionaire, because Stupid sells.” wrote @hydrazi.

This shirt does not have an opinion on Miami.

I Miami
byu/comicfitz inCrappyDesign

Putting a read heart on a red background is not the greatest design….

No, Nike, no

Just hang yourself ✔️
byu/PickleBugBoo inCrappyDesign

Don’t do it. Don’t do what Nike is suggesting here.

And what exactly IS going on at Grandpa’s???

And what exactly happens at grandpas??
byu/Batcrac inCrappyDesign

Before anyone gets too freaked out, Grandpa’s is a paint ball company.

“Grandpa’s is a chain of Paintball arenas/parks. In context it works,” wrote @Masswrym.

Real men shoot Jesus with a bow

Better Run Jesus!
byu/tonytwobits inCrappyDesign

Gender roles differ depending on where you live. In some cultures, you’re not a real man if you don’t shoot Jesus with a bow. In other areas, you’re just not supposed to cry.

The world’s least convenient pocket.

My wife’s new dress has a total of two pockets, and this is one of them.
byu/orionsbelt05 inCrappyDesign

Why do this? Why do this to the people who purchased your clothing?

This isn’t it Dr. Pepper. This isn’t it.

So they were giving out free Dr. Peppers…
byu/letigrechinois infunny

The DP here stands for Dr. Pepper. You really should search acronyms before you put them on a shirt.

Words don’t have to make sense.

I don’t know how I’m supposed to read this
by inCrappyDesign

Some people think that words should be strung together to form sentences and communicate ideas. Other people don’t care about these things, however.

Unicorns have genitals and we all need to accept that.

Reddit -Studio595 Source: Reddit -Studio595
While unicorns are a fictional animal from mythology, one has to assume that they did have genitals. Whether or not they should be printed on shirts is another questions, however.

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Source: Reddit – Funny/Reddit – Crappy Design
