20 cool inventions you’ve probably never seen before

Not every problem requires a solution in the form of a new product you have to buy.

But from painful issues to pet peeves, it sure would be nice to have something that could eliminate the things that really bug us.

These 20 inventions are here to do just that. You might not know they exist – and some of them might even alert you to a problem you didn’t even know was solvable!


1. In hot water

Wouldn’t it be nice to know exactly how hot or cold your water was before jumping in the shower (or even just burning your hand)?

Seriously, how hard would it be to make these standard?

It would also be a great way to know how much hot water you use.

Imgur Source: Imgur

2. Dough stamp

Ok, so it might not bring us world peace, but how many times have you ordered food and had to try and figure out what kind of filling was in an empanada, burrito, etc.

Fine, maybe just once, but we still think this is excellent.

These empanadas have what they’re filled with stamped into the crust. from r/mildlyinteresting

3. Backseat mattress

Let’s pretend it’s just for sleeping.

Anyone who takes long road trips knows that it might be nice to catch a few zzzs without having to shell out for a hotel room (as long as you find somewhere safe to park).


4. Chip-lifter

Seriously though, where has this been all our lives?

It might seem silly but any Pringles-lover will know exactly why this is brilliant.

Imgur Source: Imgur

5. CPR kiosk

Well, that’s interesting.

As long as weirdos don’t use it as a chance to feel up a synthetic torso, this would actually teach us something useful instead of allowing us the time to buy a $22 airport salad.

Waiting for a flight? This airport has a machine that teaches you how to give CPR. from r/mildlyinteresting

6. Band-aid dispenser

We need more of these!

Aside from all the random times you just don’t have a band-aid imagine how nice it would be to have these in public restrooms when you were wearing uncomfortable shoes. You could protect your heels without having to wait to get home and try to heal those open wounds!

Or are we the only ones wearing really uncomfortable shoes?

Picture Push Source: Picture Push

7. Sheet label

Ok, so it’s less an invention and more just a way to make your life easier.

No one likes putting the bedsheets on after doing laundry and if you’re anything like us you put the fitted sheet on wrong 100% of the time on the first try.

We’ll take anything that makes it less tedious.

These sheets that tell you what side of the bed to put them on from r/mildlyinteresting

8. Cooling coaster

Yes, please!

Even if it doesn’t work perfectly in this precise form (ice gets pretty gross pretty quickly) it’s still smart to come up with some way to keep drinks cold on the bar.

Bar in Utah (Utah!) has strip of ice along bar to keep drinks cool. from r/mildlyinteresting

9. Politeness enforcer

It’s probably meant to keep you from spilling stuff on your phone at the table.

But we prefer to think of it as a way to keep your phone in view in case something important pops up but that also keeps your hands from playing with it constantly.

Imgur Source: Imgur

10. Beer saver


We’re not saying we can’t finish a bottle in one sitting, but sometimes you get distracted and it would be great to keep things fresh.

Enter the beer saver!

Amazon Source: Amazon

11. Cable bin

We knew there were ways to keep all of those cables in check, but we prefer this elegant solution.

In fact, we’re off to buy one now.

Pinterest Source: Pinterest

12. Foot hammock

Sit a lot?

Have circulation issues or back pain as a result?

Are you a bit short?

Enter the foot hammock! Now you don’t have to lower your chair so your feet reach the floor and type at an uncomfortable angle as a result (or let your feet dangle and have your legs fall asleep).

Amazon Source: Amazon

13. Wall extension cord

Don’t want to invest in another piece of furniture to cover your cords? Have them unravel from the wall with this cool invention!

We’re honestly surprised it took so long for people to come up with marketable solutions to cord clutter!

@piweeFR/Twitter Source: @piweeFR/Twitter

14. Nail polish holder

Have you ever tried to hold a bottle of nail polish of those between your knees while you paint your nails? It’s risky.

If you’ve ever painted your nails at all, you can immediately see the beauty of this invention.

Amazon Source: Amazon

15. Water bottle humidifier

Our offices are always at the mercy heaters and air conditioners which tend to dry out the air.

While we might not want to bring in a big humidifier, this little contraption lets you turn your water bottle into one using just an outlet!

Amazon Source: Amazon

16. Heel saver

People will blow you off and tell you to wear different shoes or walk next to the sidewalk grate. Ignore their “fashion advice” and kindly inform them that sometimes the second idea is not an option.

These would be really useful – and save some of our most expensive shoes.

This grill from r/Damnthatsinteresting

17. Magnifier light

Reading in low light is no longer a problem with one of these!

This model can also provide warm light in case bright blue-tinged light bothers your eyes.

Pinterest Source: Pinterest

18. Self-cleaning hairbrush

Wait, so we’re not just supposed to let hair build up in there?

That’s actually pretty gross when you think about it. We really don’t wash our hairbrushes enough.

But this one was built to be washed!

tirisal1/Imgur Source: tirisal1/Imgur

19. Hands-free umbrella

This is so much cooler than a poncho and allows you some space under the hood as well!

When you’ve got your hands full (and when do you not?!) this would come in very handy (no pun intended).

Pinterest Source: Pinterest

20. Cuddle mattress

Let’s face it, cuddling can get very uncomfortable very quickly.

Snuggle longer without losing all feeling in your arms with this clever mattress that gives you a place to put them!

Cuddlee Mattress Source: Cuddlee Mattress

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