20 crazy wedding dresses that stand out for all the wrong reasons

Sure, everyone has their own taste, and who are we to judge what someone else chooses to wear? But come on, could you imagine getting married in one of these?
Some brides like to wear the traditional white dress on their wedding days. Others like to mix it up with something a little more unconventional. A few choose to go for an outfit that’s so far out, the guests will remember nothing else about the wedding.
The great thing about weddings is that there’s no one way to go about them. Almost everything can be customized to the bride and groom’s preference. And the brides below really knew that:
1. What does this remind you of?

The bride wanted to look feminine. And what could be more female-oriented than a tampon?
2. I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Snowman

How did he put the ring on her finger and vice versa?
3. Hers wasn’t sewn. It was baked

Did they eat it afterward?
4. A whole new kind of train ride

Just imagine how much dirt ended up on that thing.
5. Is the sheep her something borrowed?

She won’t be returning all of his fleece.
6. She hearts it

When they told her less is more, she listened. But she thought that meant less in some areas, more in others.
7. Technically, this is the opposite of standing out

Wow, it’s so effective, at first sight, we all thought that she was a floating head and arms, right?
8. She wanted to look hot

She definitely doesn’t look cold.
9. A parasol!? So weird

The red is a little strange too.
10. He looks comfortable

What an accomodating bride!
11. The maker asked for her cup size. She said red

Easiest commission ever.
12. 10 out of 10 for effort

They wanted a wedding that looked like it could be in a movie.
13. When the mad scientist’s experiment goes wrong

There’s self-love and then there’s this.
14. She got her makeup just right

So did he.
15. Do you think she likes bubble baths?

No, she loves them.
16. She hated the idea of only using the dress once

When you have a baby, or three, you can never have enough diapers.
17. How is the tiara the least shocking thing here?

“Orange you glad you’re marrying me?”
18. At least it looks comfortable

Cotton is hardly a crazy material choice, she thought.
19. So that’s where all the toilet paper went

She’s responsible for the entire shortage.
20. Look but don’t touch.

The guests didn’t get to have a drop.
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Source: Be Me This, Ranker, Teddy Feed