20 dogs that made for the cutest flight passengers ever

Dogs do so much for us as companions and there’s a reason they’re called man’s best friend. In addition to being able to help with physical workloads, though, they also provide us with something equally important; emotional support. It used to be that a dog would only be allowed on a flight if it were a registered service dog. However, recent recognition of the benefit of having a support dog around to soothe nerves and calm anxiety has seen airline after airline changing the rules to allow for these furry, four-footed therapists.

Now, people can often board a flight to find a dog sitting next to their happy owners, if not several of them. The end result is an internet overload of adorable canine flight passengers chaperoning their globe-trotting humans around. Here are 20 photos of the cutest flight passenger dogs you have ever seen.

1. “The most popular passenger on the plane”

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This Southwest Airlines flight attendant got outdone by his adorable passenger one day. Sure, he’s got mega adorable dimples and a great smile, but NOTHING can beat those cute, droopy wrinkles or those giant paws. We can totally see why he was voted most popular passenger on the plane that day.

2. Receiving hard-earned praise for her services

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This is Corporal Kiddy, and this amazing girl served for 12 hard years in the United States Marines. When she was retired with honors and flown home with her handler, the flight attendant decided to share her big announcement with the rest of the passengers over the loudspeaker.

Of course, the cabin boomed with applause and when it did, she leaped into another passenger’s lap to “graciously” accept her hard-earned praises.

3. Bentley the canine co-pilot, at your services

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Meet Bentley, the English bulldog that does more in a day than most people will in a lifetime. He was excited to meet the Captain of his commercial flight back home to Canada, and even got all dressed up for the occasion.

Don’t let the excitement fool you, though. This dog gets to fly in helicopters with his dad on the regular and even has his own YouTube channel where you can see him on all of his adventures and videos of his viral moonwalk. Trust us, you want to check it out.

4. #goals

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According to the OP, this man was snuggled up with his big, fluffy doggo like this for over 2 hours. These two should be the poster-children of pet therapy. They are soothing each other and sleeping like babies through the whole flight.

5. The first flight is always the scariest

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This is Rocky and even though he’s a big guy, he still gets scared sometimes. This picture was taken of him on his very first flight. It’s nice that he gets his own seat, but it doesn’t look like he cares much for being next to the window.

6. Duke is still trying to spill the secret

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Remember Duke the Bush Beans’ family dog who was always trying to spill the family secret to their baked beans recipe? Well, thanks to all those nostalgic commercials he now flies first class whenever he makes a trip, and it looks like he’s still trying to spill the family’s beans.

7. They aren’t above begging

via Gfycat

Just because a dog is a professional service animal doesn’t mean they don’t get hungry. No matter how well trained, some dogs just aren’t above begging for food. Then again, it’s Chex mix which is totally a type of snack for sharing, so we understand.

8. Sometimes they need support too

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This doggo’s owner said they were a little nervous about flying in a plane for the first time. Sometimes even service animals need a little soothing every now and again. Thankfully, she gets to be right next to mom the whole flight.

9. Ewoks make great talking companions

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“The passenger next to me on my plane kept trying to talk to me,” the Redditor wrote. We understand how that could be a little frustrating if you don’t speak Ewok, but how could you ever be annoyed with a face like that???

10. Evacuating their hoomans from the fires

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Dogs can make even the hardest of times a little easier. Like these pups who were evacuated from their homes with their owners to keep them safe from the Fort McMurray fires. Though their hoomans were surely devastated about leaving their homes behind, we’re sure they were all feeling blessed to have their furbabies safely by their sides.

11. Sometimes being good is boring

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You know this cutie is definitely a frequent flyer. She may be being well behaved, but she’s also as bored as the rest of the passengers probably are. She was being so well behaved, though, that one of the other flyers couldn’t help but give her a quick pat on the head for her solid work ethic.

12. Cutest passenger by a landslide

Imgur Source: Imgur

When a flight attendant met this little cutie in a carrier on her plane, she couldn’t help but snap a photo to share with the world. She declared him the cutest passenger she’d ever met and with that adorable face, we’re inclined to believe her.

13. Can’t resist the nose boop

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We know we’re not supposed to touch service animals, but some therapy animals can be touched by strangers, so long as it’s okay with their handler. Other times, though, the opportunity presents itself and you’re giving them pets before you even know it. We’re assuming that’s what happened when this flyer booped this sweetie on the nose when she wouldn’t stop begging him to play with her.

14. Sorry hooman, no room for you

Imgur Source: Imgur

If you think that looks don’t get you certain privileges in life, take a closer look at this picture. No one and we mean no one would give up space on an airplane seat for someone else to stretch out next to them. That is, of course, unless that someone happens to be an adorable golden retriever puppy looking to stretch out for a snooze. Then it suddenly becomes an opportunity to steal pets while they slumber.

15. C’mon dad, switch me seats

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Though it’s wonderful that service and therapy dogs are allowed to ride in the cabin when flying certain airlines, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll be a comfy ride for them. Unless they’re given their own seat, they must ride in your lap or on the floor in between your legs. Clearly, this dog thinks it’s only fair that her and her human should take turns riding in the seat.

16. No need to be nervous

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A flight passenger was experiencing some pretty high anxiety when the plane kept rumbling through the air from turbulence. When she looked over and saw this dog, though, it gave her inspiration and calmed her down. If that little dog who looked so nervous could weather the flight without a peep, then so could she.

17. Want a lap partner???

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As we said, flights can get a little cramped for some dogs. Like this big guy who wants to ride in mom’s lap and snuggle up to her. So, just prepare yourself to be pounced on when they get sick of being curled up.

18. Learning to fly with Amelia Earhart

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No joke. This woman’s name is Amelia Rose Earhart and she’s a private pilot as well as a reporter for NBC-affiliated KUSA-TV based out of Denver. This picture was taken on her pup’s first flight of many and we’re totally jealous. Talk about learning from the best.

19. Luxury rescue express

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This was a sad story with a happy ending. A woman had to temporarily leave her dog with friends in Florida when she was forced to move back in with her parents to recover her health. When she went to visit her furbaby, she found her “living in a crack house, didn’t have dog food, covered in fleas, and my friend is now an addict. Through unbelievable luck, connections, and happenstance I got a private flight back with just me and her a day before I was actually due to fly back alone”

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

20. It doesn’t get better than this


Generally speaking, being surprised by another passenger on a flight isn’t a good thing. You should know, though, that really only applies to human passengers. There’s just no way you could not laugh when sitting next to a dog that grins at you every time you turn your camera toward them.

H/T: Animal Channel
