20 dogs whose lives were ruined when their parents brought home a furry sibling

Getting a new sibling can be exciting – or the absolute worst.

Another mouth to at up all your snacks, someone you have to share your toys with, a little creature following you around all day…and then there’s the fact that you have to share the attention of your parents.

Of course, siblings can be wonderful best friends as well.

They just aren’t yet for these 20 cranky, betrayed, and downright ambivalent canines:

1. Wait for it…

Remember the carefree, happy days?

Sometimes you wake up and don’t even remember your sibling exists – and then you hear them coming up behind you…

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2. The literal worst

How hilarious is this expressive dog who looks like he’s planning to write a scathing letter to management about the newest tenant?

Little sisters are the worst when they’re fluffy and adorable.

He loves his new sister from r/aww

3. Did you keep the receipt?

Aww – this puppy is so excited to play with another dog as is nipping at the tail of one seriously depressed sibling.

Check out that look of betrayal!

If you’re going to get a new dog, you better stock up on treats to show your love to your old pup.

4. I’m too old for this crap

This adorable old boy is beyond writing a letter of complaint.

We see some household “accidents” to “mark the occasion” in this family’s future.

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5. Eww, what’s that?!

Not everyone is excited to see a squirming new baby. (And, in fact, this is not a great way to introduce a puppy.)

This dog knows exactly how life is about to change.

My boyfriend’s dog’s reaction to the new puppy from r/funny

6. You can’t be serious

Those new babies can be SO cute.

But as an older sibling it’s you’re job to look your mom and dad straight in the eye and remind them that babies don’t stay that cute forever.

My sister sent me a photo of her dog and new puppy. Man, that face. from r/dogpictures

7. This is not happening

Denial is always an option.

Or getting the point across with some passive-aggressive (bordering on the latter) behavior will let humans know that what they did was very uncool.

8. Nothing to see here

Eyes, up here humans, or else I’ll pout!

If you’re going to try to sit on your sibling and hope your parents don’t notice, you need to supplement the plan with a really cute face like this dog.

There are two dogs in this picture. from r/thisismylifenow

9. I hope you’re happy, humans

Oh, the indignity!

When that puppy is asleep, we hope this beautiful big brother gets some extra love and affection.

Little brother is so annoying from r/goldenretrievers

10. I refuse to participate in this charade

This dog is not having it. He’s saying “fine, go ahead and take a picture of your favorite child then – I don’t even want to look at you.”

11. Is this what my life has become?

Looking stunned is another way to express your feelings of betrayal.

Just remember that guilting the humans usually leads to treats.

12. Thanks for the new footstool

The sibling rivalry doesn’t necessarily end after puppyhood either.

Somebody has to win dominance.

Sibling rivalry… from r/dogpictures

13. I’m not even going to try

This corgi is cracking us up with his look of “NOPE.”

Hopefully mom gets her act together and notices the injustice soon.

When your little brother is being annoying, but your mom is standing right there๐Ÿ˜‚ from r/corgi

14. Time and space

If your dog is smart, they’ll nap while you’re loving on that new puppy.

It’s got to sleep sometime and that’s when an old dog can get all their lovin’ in.

My 2yr old dog is having no problem practicing social distancing from our new puppy!

15. Don’t even talk about it

What a hilarious contrast.

This older dog is not yet ready to acknowledge or talk about what’s going on.

Needless to say, car rides don’t have the same appeal as they used to.

16. Are you seeing this?

Man, puppies really love to get all up in your face (and your feet).

There’s really no way to stop them from being rambunctious though.

How your dog feels when you bring home a “cute” new puppy from r/dogpictures

17. This is in no way acceptable

This sweet old dog knows he can’t fight the new world order, he can only lay down and accept it.

But he can still be mad about it.

Old Boye is heckin annoyed at New Girl from r/rarepuppers

18. Wait, it’s not a snack?!

That face when you realize your sibling isn’t a toy OR a snack.

When you get caught bullying your younger sibling

19. Are you happy now, people?

As a human, it’s your job to show some remorse and give your first pet some extra lovin’.

Feel their pain and maybe they’ll come to accept things a lot quicker.

Annoying Little Sister from r/AnimalsBeingJerks

20. What puppy?

Finally, try not to lose your new puppy.

But if you do, you know who had a hand in hiding it.

My older and smaller dog with his younger and bigger sibling

Now who’s ready for a new pet?

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Source: H/t Bored Panda
