20 exhausted people caught snoozing in public without shame

You know when you really need sleep, like, it’s going to kill you if you don’t get any? Well so do these people. They are committed to getting sleep wherever they are, and some nice bystanders made sure to snap pictures to record these incredible sleeping positions. Some are dangerous, and some are just darn nigh incredible that the person pulled it off. Here are 20 people sleeping in public without a clue of what’s going on around them.

Airport guy

Pillow Guy Source: Pillow Guy

Okay I know exactly what this is like. You probably can’t say you’ve reached adulthood unless you’ve spent a full day on the floor of an airport. This guy might not feel to great when he wakes up though.

All boxed up

DrollFeed Source: DrollFeed

This friend just unloaded a shipment off the truck and decided to catch a snooze. Props to him for keeping those boxes up even while unconscious.

A leaning nap

Drollfeed Source: Drollfeed

Not sure how long this one lasted, but this little guy looks like he’s having a good time on that ottoman. Oh to be a kid again, with no care in the world!

Ridiculous balance!

DrollFeed Source: DrollFeed

That doesn’t look comfortable or doable. Some of us are not flexible! But still, how is this comfy for him?

That’s not moving…right?

DrollFeed Source: DrollFeed

Sure, the underside of a Semi-Truck might be nice and shaded, but if the truck was moving we can’t imagine it would be a fun experience.

Oof, not the nose!

worldwideinterweb Source: worldwideinterweb

That might require some surgery to fix the face after a good hour in that position. Also it’s 2021, can we get that sanitized when she leaves!

Asleep on the subway

worldwideinterweb Source: worldwideinterweb

I for one don’t trust the people on the subway enough to fall asleep. This girl doesn’t really care, she’s just grabbing a quick nap on her way home from work.

Walk it off

worldwideinterweb Source: worldwideinterweb

Yikes. The neck problems that are going to accompany this man for the rest of his life are scary. Talk about waking up on the wrong side of the bed. Try the waking up on both sides of a chair!

You can sleep anywhere…

worldwideweb Source: worldwideweb

Including sitting upright in a chair, you just have to have enough body about you. Use yourself as a pillow, get creative!

That pesky light

DrollFeed Source: DrollFeed

This guy got creative with getting rid of the light in his eyes. He just hopped under the desk!

Cutest photo you will see all day

DrollFeed Source: DrollFeed

In the midst of a bunch of strange photos, this one really stands out as the most heartwarming!

How is this possible?

worldwideinterweb Source: worldwideinterweb

If I’m ever eating Pringles, I finish all of them, there is no waiting. It blows my mind that this man fell asleep in the middle of a bite of that crispy goodness.

A quick ride

DrollFeed Source: DrollFeed

Not only was this a quick ride up the escalator, but it was a quick nap as well.

Sleeping in class

DrollFeed Source: DrollFeed

As long as the teacher doesn’t get mad at you, you can always use your books as a…reverse pillow?


DrollFeed Source: DrollFeed

This man doesn’t look comfortable, but the lake is probably extremely peaceful and calming. We give this spot a solid B+.

No way…

DrollFeed Source: DrollFeed

Not possible. It had to be staged right? This isn’t the most dangerous on our list, but it’s close.

Come on bro

TheOrangeDuke Source: TheOrangeDuke

Have some more self-awareness. The whole office is taking a selfie with you!

Lego’s forever!

dreadpirateciv Source: dreadpirateciv

This cute little guy loves his legos and his naps. He sometimes combines the two and takes lego naps!

A Presidential Snooze

Obama White House Source: Obama White House

This little guy won’t ever forget this one. This picture will follow him everywhere!

Danger, Danger

Imgur Source: Imgur

Remember that picture from earlier? Yeah, we’re pretty sure this one is moving, and this guy is just chilling. If he lives to tell about it, it will be the greatest nap of his life.

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Source: DrollFeed, WorldWideInterweb, Imgur
