20 people who failed basic math so badly it’s hilarious
There’s a reason why every phone in the world comes with a calculator. It’s because math can be damn hard. But at least you didn’t screw up your arithmetic like these dimwits.
Usually, there’s nothing funny about math. In fact, for most of us, it’s sure to spark a headache.
But there are some sums that are so easy that no adult can mess them up, right? Wrong.
Here are 20 hilarious math blunders:
1. Turns out that time machines that are scheduled for release in the year 2100
To be fair, 2020 has dragged on for about 900 years. Perhaps this guy knows something we don’t. Or maybe he’s just dumb.
2. He could swear that he’d bought the right number in the store
Isn’t that crazy? He was sure they said 45 at first. But then he got home, and they were 54. How does that happen?
3. On New Year’s Eve, this is true
This will happen on every day of 2020. If you think it’s a shame when this has passed, then you can look forward to 21:21:21 365 times in 2021. And then 22:22:22 in 2022.
4. 25-year-olds are much younger these days
Give it half a decade, and this will be 100% true. What’s even worse is that this was posted in 2017. No one born in 2000 was even an adult back then!
5. Imagine how rich you’d be if you earned as many as 10 quarters a day!
You’d be pushing six figures thanks to those quarters, according to this guy. It’s a shame that that other guy burst his bubble. He was going to retire on his quarters!
6. The impossible deal
Why did you put three bags of bread in your cart? Didn’t you read the sign? No, not the sign that encourages you to put four bags of bread into your cart. The one that says you can’t!
7. To be fair, he didn’t say that he was counting in Earth days
On Mercury, a day lasts 1,408 hours. Driving 2,000 miles in a day on that planet would be super easy. You know, if it weren’t so close to the sun and all.
8. Quick, get it before the deal ends!
It’s only going to be $25 more expensive than usual for a short time! Then it’s back to the original price. Don’t be a sucker, buy it now!
9. What’s the heaviest a gram can be again?
And while we’re on the subject, how many grams are in an Instagram? Is a ton of feathers heavier than a ton of bricks? Did seven really eat nine?
10. So if you buy two sets of three, how many do you get free?
“No, I’m not buying six. I’m buying three and then three again.” Maybe they could just give them seven and a half cards for free?
11. Maybe all the population of the USA and the populations of a couple of other countries were in North Carolina that weekend?
What was happening to make North Carolina so popular all of a sudden? This is why you don’t host the world’s most popular event of all time during hurricane season in a hurricane zone. Take note!
12. At least they were able to times that IQ by a big number
Sure, he ended up with a zero IQ. But at least he could times it by a number as huge as 500. Maybe he even could have used 1000!
13. Age discrimination at its worst
What happens when a Target employee turns 17 in this person’s mind? They get fired so someone young enough can take their place? It’s a store, not Logan’s Run.
14. That is pretty old
When they were just a young whippersnapper, no homes had electricity. And there were less than half the US states that we have now! What a life.
15. That’s the smallest 50% off ever
Yes, it’s half off. But it was $24.99 to begin with. And now it’s $22.50. But it’s still half off. Honest.
16. This is why the entire world laughs at Americans
The American way is always the best way, even if it takes longer, charges you $50,000 in medical bills and ends with you getting shot.
17. The plate comes free for extra money
Yes, it costs more. But at least that extra charge means that you get something for free. And who doesn’t like getting something for free?
18. Every cloud has a dirty lining
So 31% of men can be part of 96% of the total population, according to this guy? So 69% of men make up less than 4% of the population? After all, 60% of all percentages can be any amount you want.
19. She was cursed to always be half his age
Yes, give us a hard one next time! How many dollars are there in a quarter? How many squares are there in a triangle?
20. I feel lucky to have been born in early November
I don’t need to worry about my parents’ Valentine’s activities. I was born three whole months before February! That’s also, known as nine months after February.
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Source: Bored Panda