20 photos of sweet fathers who would do anything for their kids

There’s no one right way to parent. But these dads are setting examples that every man should follow.

Everyone deserves a loving, supportive father. Sadly, many people do not get this for one reason or another. Those who are able to go through life with a dad that looks out for them are lucky indeed.

All fathers need to try to do their best for their kids. Of course, fathers are humans like anyone else, meaning they sometimes miss the mark. But if a dad knows he’s trying, then the odds are that his kids will thrive.

The 20 dads below aren’t perfect, but they’re doing a damn fine job of raising their kids:

1. Same people, different graduations

Beaverkc/Reddit Source: Beaverkc/Reddit

He was able to balance college and a child. He always taught his daughter the value of an education. 20 years after his own graduation day, he was overjoyed to see his daughter graduating.

2. He even matched his clothing with hers

Imgur Source: Imgur

He kept on walking back and forth as they were waiting. She was laughing the whole time.

3. He doesn’t care what his colleagues think

Reddit Source: Reddit

As long as his kid stays dry. That’s all he cares about.

4. Harley men may look tough, but they’re still great dads

Keeleyconnolly/Reddit Source: Keeleyconnolly/Reddit

Same people in both pictures, 22 years apart.

5. Lawnmowing tradition

Heifdogg/Reddit Source: Heifdogg/Reddit

Barely anything has changed in 30 years.

6. Always happy to lend a hand

Ticosurfer/Reddit Source: Ticosurfer/Reddit

He puts the man in manicure.

7. Before he passed, he arranged birthday cards and flowers for years

SellersBailey/Twitter Source: SellersBailey/Twitter

He passed away when his daughter was just 16.

8. Today’s game is Daddy is the baby

Imgur Source: Imgur

In this instance, the child is being a great parent.

9. They wear matching outfits whenever they can

Nguyenphandoanh/Instagram Source: Nguyenphandoanh/Instagram

You can see how close they are.

10. Letting him walk

Gangbangkang/Reddit Source: Gangbangkang/Reddit

He has cerebral palsy, but with this device, he can walk with his dad.

11. Their second-year at the daddy/daughter dance

JClanton/Reddit Source: JClanton/Reddit

They didn’t realize that last year’s picture of them was used on the poster until the day of the dance.

12. Birth photo with a twist

Pikabu Source: Pikabu

The baby will think that the dad gave birth to them thanks to this picture.

13. He’s really putting effort into this tea party

Sbsolly/Instagram Source: Sbsolly/Instagram

Could he not have matched his wig to his beard?

14. The kid was upset with the wind blowing in his ears

Not2Handsome/Imgur Source: Not2Handsome/Imgur

This dad has a solution for every problem.

15. The last thing his daughter ever gave her

Gar1986/Reddit Source: Gar1986/Reddit

She died in a tragic accident, and they never got to say goodbye.

16. The first time he was able to hold his twins

Kjhumpal/Reddit Source: Kjhumpal/Reddit

They were premature. He just wanted to hold on to them forever.

17. He’s the only one old enough to benefit from the treatment

Goodjobcobb/Instagram Source: Goodjobcobb/Instagram

Nothing like a girl’s/dad’s night in.

18. He refuses to leave his sick child’s side

Berat235/Reddit Source: Berat235/Reddit

He will do anything to make him feel better.

19. He had five daughters, so dressing up like a princess is a given

Imgur Source: Imgur

The girls had the best Halloween ever.

20. Happy to follow the tutorial

Podziaranytata/Instagram Source: Podziaranytata/Instagram

He didn’t know how to braid hair, but he was keen to learn.

If only all fathers were like this!

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Source: Brightside, Brightside, Brightside
