20 intimidating mother-in-laws that made us appreciate our own

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Marriage comes with all sorts of challenges. However, the trickiest part for most brides is maintaining a good relationship with their mothers-in-law. Everyone knows that road is bumpy and full of curves. It’s especially problematic if a woman marries “the only son.” Psychologists agree that mothers can sometimes see another woman as a threat. They don’t want no one to “steal” their child from them.

We bring you 15 examples of mothers-in-law who have gone way too far. Yes, this is worse than all the nagging, complaining, and arguing. Keep reading; some of the cases are truly unbelievable.

MIL logic

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A wife came home and found a mess in a dishwasher. To make things worse, she wrote that her husband loads the dishes in the same wrong way his mom does. Well, has this MIl never owned a dishwasher before? It’s either that or she’s pushing this woman’s buttons? Let’s just hope the dishwasher case didn’t lead to a more severe conflict.

Can this be considered a piece of advice?

Reddit - SofiLoran Source: Reddit - SofiLoran

We couldn’t have imagined any mother-in-law would go this far. She posted a billboard of what she thinks is going on in the family. A billboard! Wow, she took the saying “let everyone know” to a whole new level.


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Imagine the level of audacity it takes to wear a wedding dress to someone else’s wedding. Wearing something white is bad enough because it clashes with the bride’s dress. We guess some mothers-in-law simply can’t help it. Poor girl, it must have wrecked her day.

Another dishwasher situation!

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What’s with MILs and the dishwashers? The previous one didn’t know how to put the dishes in, and this one makes a dangerous trap with all the knives pointing out. We guess it would be best if these two women stayed away from each other’s kitchen.

Seriously, Peggy?!

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Peggy decided to be brutal when she wrote a note to her soon. At first, it’s all nice and well, and she wishes the happy couple to have an excellent time (wherever they’re going). However, she ends the note by saying that the wife never does anything well.

Why would anyone do that?!

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A woman posted a photo with a complaint that her mother-in-law leaves the refrigerator door open every time she cooks. Is she trying to cool down the room or what?! This is like asking the motor to quit. At least it’s not one of those refrigerators that beep when you open the door.

But, why?

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Here is a mother-in-law that eats just one bite of a banana every morning and leaves the rest on the counter in case someone wants a banana. It’s such a nasty habit. We wonder how often do other family members take her up on that offer?!

She took the best part!

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We laughed so hard at this one. It’s bad, but at least it’s also funny. Mother-in-law got a little drunk and then ate all of the skin and a leg off of the fried turkey. Now, we know. There is drunk, and there is a “ruin the entire meal” type of drunk.

Jealous much?!

Reddit - SyracuseBiscuits Source: Reddit - SyracuseBiscuits

The sweet conversation between a mother and a soon quickly took a turn for toxic. Mom asked him if he got the birthday card and then decided to complain that he forgot her birthday. According to angry MIL, the guy “let his spouse come between the two of them.” It’s always the wife’s guilt.

When your MIL thinks you work “computer whatever.”

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A lady posted her MIL’s annual holiday letter. It would be nothing unusual if the mother-in-law didn’t describe her profession so terribly. We would love it if she learned what OP stands for.

Do all MILs hoard paper goods?

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This one’s also a bit funny. It seems like many people act similarly when they get to a certain age. We have an example of a mother-in-law who is so scared that the household will run out of paper goods. She’s hiding them everywhere. According to the person who posted the photo, the situation is similar in four more rooms. Incredible!

I take my coffee sharp!

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Compared to other cases on the list, this one is relatively harmless. The mother-in-law didn’t know that she was pouring coffee beans in a sharpener instead of a coffee grinder. That’s even sweet. We hope she’ll learn the difference soon. She deserves a nice cup of fresh coffee.

Just because it’s on the internet…

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A concerned mother-in-law asked if this photo is accurate. Well, does a tattoo ink really contain rubella virus, shards of sharp glass, tear gas, mold, and who knows what else? Does it seem logical? No. At least she sounds worried. Dear MIL, forget about it. There would be no tattooed people if it were true.

Wait, what?

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Yes, that’s right, they are watching us. All of us. But that cozy place under the mattress is the only safe option. Dear mother-in-law, give it a rest. The government is not going to take away your son’s stimulus money. They gave it to him in the first place.

Are you really going to eat that?

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All jokes aside, maybe it’s just a coincidence. However, it must be unsettling to eat a cake with “die” written all over it. We hope it was delicious because its looks aren’t its strongest feature.

Reddit - SaltyDogBiscuit Source: Reddit - SaltyDogBiscuit

Source: YouTube/Raining Season; BoredPanda; MyHorridParent; MumCentral
