20 photos of beautiful Maine Coon cats that prove they are beyond majestic
Maine Coon cats are the largest domesticated cat breed and they can grow up to (and sometimes over!) 3 feet, nose to tail!
Their smooth, silky coats and glorious tails make them majestic creatures to watch.
Once on the brink of extinction, these photos will show you why the Maine Coon is now one of the most popular breeds.
1. Rugged and outdoorsy
Their thick coats mean that Main Coons can tolerate the cold better than your average housecat.
And they look even more majestic in the snow!
2. They’re all ears
Even as kittens, these beautiful cats have long, furry ears that give them a distinctive look.
Could you resist this adorable kitten?
3. Attitude
Their expressive faces are just part of their charm.
Chips looks to be in quite a mood – maybe he wasn’t ready for his close-up.
4. Hey buddy
Could this kitten be any more charming?
Doesn’t it look like it’s waiting to listen to you unload your problems?
5. Hair model
Nearly any redhead would pay to have hair like Brutus.
Do you think he knows how absolutely magnificent his tail is?
6. Big boy!
Mikado is like a big baby!
Just look at those intense ears, curled up whiskers, and that severe stare.
We need to make sure we stay on his good side!
7. Like a lynx
These lynx-tipped ears are so incredible that we want to take this kitten home right now.
Can you imagine her sneaking up on you in the snow?
8. Statuesque
This 7-month-old black smoke Maine Coon is one of the most handsome cats we’ve ever laid eyes on.
And it appears he knows how to work his angles.
9. Honest expressions
Unlike dogs, cats have more grumpy expressions in their repertoire. But at least you know where you stand.
Zelda and Nelson look so disappointed in us that we kind of wonder what we did wrong and how we can fix it.
10. Over the shoulder glance
Ares lives in Germany where he spends all of his time looking like he’s ready to have his photo taken.
Wouldn’t you just love to run your fingers through his fur?
11. So tiny!
Even though they grow big, they’re tiny newborns.
Cobi lives in Spain and is now 9 months old, but if we were his parents we’d enjoy looking through his baby photos every day!
12. Where are you going to sit?
We certainly aren’t going to ask this cat to move.
We’ll just find a new couch.
13. Faceplant
It’s hard out there for a Maine Coon/Ragdoll kitten.
You want to play all day but sometimes you get so tired that you have to fall asleep right in the middle of destroying something.
14. So satisfied
Oskar is so darn cute that he hardly looks real.
We know cats can’t smile, but gosh darn it, we’re convinced he’s happy in this photo!
15. A nice bath
Samy doesn’t seem to mind getting a little wet as long as he can drink from the sink.
That’s surprising since we imagine it takes him quite a while to dry that fur coat!
16. Playing coy
Amadeo (or “Deo”) lives in Poland and is only around 5 months old despite already looking quite worldly.
He’s clearly got some personality.
17. Just thinking
Merlin looks like he’s lost in thought.
And since Maine Coons have some of the biggest brains of all the domestic cats, they could be some relatively deep ones as well.
18. How’s my profile?
We don’t know anything about this sweet kitten other than it has the most snugglable (Is that a word? It is now!) face on Earth!
19. On the prowl
What a tail!
This is one well-fed and well-groomed cat.
20. Cat nap
Maine Coons might be overtly majestic but they’re just like any other goofball cat at the end of the day.
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