20 McDonald’s photos from the 80s and 90s that show how much things have changed

McDonald’s has been around for a long time. And it’s likely to be around for many more decades, if not centuries. But just like anything else, it’s changed over the years.

Some changes are gradual and happen almost without us noticing. Others are rapid and shocking. But some things are still pretty much the same. Or are they?

Just because something bears the same name does not make it the same thing from one year to the next. Almost everything adapts to the times and reinvents itself. Even McDonald’s, one of the most well known and instantly recognizable companies in the world, has made sweeping changes over the last four decades.

Do you remember when McDonald’s was like this?

1. Tray liner games

Timzor/Reddit Source: Timzor/Reddit

Back in the day, kids could play with more than just the happy meal toys at McDonald’s. The trays liners also offered hours of fun.

2. Video game stations

Gumbywonton/Reddit Source: Gumbywonton/Reddit

Those controllers sure did get greasy.

3. The themed kids’ seats

Sammyaxelrod/Reddit Source: Sammyaxelrod/Reddit

Why sit on a stool when you can sit on a hamburger?

4. Transformacdonald’s

Nototororious/Reddit Source: Nototororious/Reddit

The happy meals themselves also transformed, into childhood obesity.

5. McAshtrays

Omariamariaaa/Reddit Source: Omariamariaaa/Reddit

Nothing like a Big Mac and a big cig.

6. More robust ashtrays

Shanster925/Reddit Source: Shanster925/Reddit

Because sometimes you couldn’t leave McDonald’s until you’d got through a whole pack of 20.

7. Styrofoam containers

Molrobocop/Reddit Source: Molrobocop/Reddit

Polluting the environment was half the fun of eating at McDonald’s.

8. High chairs

ToyGameScroogeMcDuck/Reddit Source: ToyGameScroogeMcDuck/Reddit

Ronald McDonald was practically some kids’ godfather.

9. The coffee stirrers which had a nefarious use

BuzzOnBuzzOff/Reddit Source: BuzzOnBuzzOff/Reddit

They were so good that fans of a certain illicit substance used them when ingesting. We can’t say which drug, but it shares a name with a drink found in all McDonald’s.

10. Outdoor playgrounds that were genuinely tempting.

Sugarcain/Reddit Source: Sugarcain/Reddit

Some parents planned out routes that avoided these, as kids would whine to go so damn much.

11. Apple pies from the deep fryer

Lady__jane/Reddit Source: Lady__jane/Reddit

The filling was so hot that your tastebuds were burned off for weeks afterward.

12. A huge cast of characters

SpitFyre8513/Reddit Source: SpitFyre8513/Reddit

Nowadays, kids’ characters only promote boring stuff, like healthy eating and exercise.

13. The opportunity to sit next to Ronald

Endlesswaveofwhat/Reddit Source: Endlesswaveofwhat/Reddit

These could make a comeback. They’ll be the only people we can get within six feet of.

14. Drive through menu boards that didn’t rely on pictures

Buoyak/Reddit Source: Buoyak/Reddit

A description of the item and the price. It all seems so quaint now.

15. McCookies

Costner_Facts/Reddit Source: Costner_Facts/Reddit

No apples or carrot sticks in sight!

16. Super simple toys

Pokey420/Reddit Source: Pokey420/Reddit

Once upon a time, kids were happy with getting a thin hand puppet.

17. Back when they used to say how many billions had been served

Supermav27/Reddit Source: Supermav27/Reddit

They lost track at 99 billion.

18. Orange drink

Corey9113/Reddit Source: Corey9113/Reddit

What could be healthier than something that contains no juice but tastes like orange? Remember the stomach cramps this gave?

19. When they couldn’t tie in with a kids’ movie, they’d just make toys of their food

PeaceFrog229/Reddit Source: PeaceFrog229/Reddit

Spooky McChicken nuggets? Well, it sure is scary to the chickens.

20. Glass mugs

Throwd_away8675309/Reddit Source: Throwd_away8675309/Reddit

Once in a while, the giveaways were made out of materials other than plastic.

Yes, change is essential, some things for the better, some for the worse. Few people will lament the death of smoking inside a family restaurant. But some things should definitely make a comeback!

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Source: Bored Panda, Reddit/r/nostalgia
