20 mothers and daughters who could be mistaken as twins

Yes, children look like their parents, and yes – that’s an amazing gift that Mother Nature has given us. Having the fruit of you and your partner’s love looking like both of you is the incredible copy-paste of life. However, sometimes genetics decides to be extra generous with the copy part, and you get a lookalike.

These ladies are perfect examples. No, they don’t just resemble, they almost look identical. You’ll have to look twice to figure out who the mother is.

No wonder people get confused

Twitter - BadCay Source: Twitter - BadCay

The girl tweeted that most people think her mother is actually her sister and shared a photo of her with mom and sister. A few comments later, and everyone’s saying that they can’t pinpoint the mom. Well, it’s the lady with the bun. We must admit, she looks very youthful. Who could blame people for being confused?!

Reese Witherspoon and her daughter look exactly the same

Instagram - Reese Witherspoon Source: Instagram - Reese Witherspoon

This photo has been around for quite some time, and it’s always equally impressive. Their facial structure, the expression, the smile, the pose – everything is so strikingly similar. Reese and younger Reese, that’s how it looks like. However, the daughter’s been lucky to have inherited mom’s beauty. After all, Witherspoon is one of Hollywood’s most beautiful actresses.

Another Hollywood case of mom + daughter = twins

Instagram - Rumer Willis Source: Instagram - Rumer Willis

Rumer Willis posted a picture with her super famous mom Demi Moore, and it looks like a mirrored image of herself. They’re wearing the same outfit, the same glasses, and the way the stand is the same. Rumer’s hashtag #imnotmad is completely understandable. Who could be mad for having Demi’s genes?!

Beautiful twins. Wait – they’re not twins?!

Twitter - B4U Source: Twitter - B4U

Shweta Nanda Bachchan, the Indian author, is in the photo. She’s with her daughter, but it took us a while to figure out which one is the daughter. And it doesn’t even matter, both are incredibly beautiful.

Are we seeing double?!

Instagram - Polina Maximova Source: Instagram - Polina Maximova

Okay, when we look closer, we see that daughter has blue eyes, and her mom is a beautiful brown-eyed woman. And that’s about the only difference between these ladies. That, and the lipstick color.

Imagine inheriting such beautiful curly hair?!

Upickem Source: Upickem

Another unbelievably similar duo. The daughter’s been lucky to take her mom’s genes since her mom is beautiful. That lovely hair does the trick for us. Unless the mom shares some, it’s impossible to curl it like that.


How did the mom do it?

Twitter - Tsunami Imani Source: Twitter - Tsunami Imani

Yes, we’re asking how did the mom manage to stay so youthful?! Is there some trick we’re not aware of because these two look like sisters?

Lovely ladies

Quora Source: Quora

This one was a bit easier when it comes to making a difference between mom, and her baby girl. The daughter is a teenager, and her mom looks more mature, but the beauty is undeniable. This is what it looks like when you age well.

They should have won that contest!

Instagram - pittsburgh dogs & wedding days Source: Instagram - pittsburgh dogs & wedding days

The photo was posted by a daughter with a caption that they were eliminated from a mother-daughter lookalike contest. Well, we can imagine what other contestants must have looked like because these two are the spitting image of each other. The case would be the same even if they weren’t wearing matching outfits.

How can their smiles be so identical?!

Deviant Art Source: Deviant Art

Mom and daughter sporting the same hairstyle, and the same, well – everything. Look at these two faces, you almost can’t tell them apart.


The mom is the one behind the wheel.

Instagram - Aissaule Bakytbek Kaidarova Source: Instagram - Aissaule Bakytbek Kaidarova

We decided to make this one easy for you because this mom looks so young, it’s still hard to believe that she’s 43 years old. You’ve read that correctly – 43.

Mom could easily pass for a graduate, too.

Instagram - Nurse Kristin Douglas Source: Instagram - Nurse Kristin Douglas

The captions say that these two are going prom dress shopping. Well, no one would wonder if the mom decided to buy one, too. That’s how young she looks. The one on the left, that’s the mom.

Same gorgeous eyes!

Instagram - Lisa McCoy Source: Instagram - Lisa McCoy

The fact that this mom-daughter duo has the same makeup and hairstyle points out the obvious. At first, we thought it was the same person.

Apart from good looks, they also share a great sense of fashion!

Instagram - Kimaris Source: Instagram - Kimaris

We love a remarkable similarity, but the best is when we can still distinguish the mother from the daughter. This is the greatest version of that scenario. Two beautiful women ready to take a snap. We love that mom look so put together and chic. Way to go girl, your daughter must be very proud of you.

Three generations in one picture!

Facebook - Vivian Wyatt Source: Facebook - Vivian Wyatt

There you see a mom, her daughter, and her grandchild, all happy and smiling. Of course, it’s a beautiful family photo. You know what else? Mom is 61 years old. Unbelievable!

Lookalike contest winners!

JRobStudios Source: JRobStudios

Here are mother and daughter who won the lookalike contest. With same blonde hair, same eyes, and identical facial features – who would deny them the first prize?! Congratulations!

Ohh, those bubble cheeks!

BuzzFeed Source: BuzzFeed

The smile and those cheeks are copy-pasted. Again, we recognize which one’s the mom, but the resemblance is still impressive. They almost look like twins. Keep smiling, it suits you both perfectly. After all, a smile suits everyone. We love to see people happy!

Ready to hit the gym!

Instagram - Brittnebabe Source: Instagram - Brittnebabe

Not only do they look the same, but they share the same interests. And, is there anything better than keeping up a healthy lifestyle with your mom by your side?! We’d say this is a great example, in every way.

Daughter is marrying her mom off!

BuzzFeed Source: BuzzFeed

Yes, we head to check it twice, just to be sure, but the one in the wedding dress is the mother. Well, we wish you all the best, and you’re both incredibly gorgeous.


Mom is in the middle!

Instagram - Christie Brinkley Source: Instagram - Christie Brinkley

Now we’re seeing triple, but that’s fine with us. Here is a gorgeous mother with her two daughters. They look like three sisters to us. Imagine having those genes!

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Source: BuzzFeed; Quora; Instagram; Facebook; Shareably
