20 neighbors from hell that will make you appreciate the people who live next door

Sure, all neighbors get on one another’s nerves now and then. But the 20 neighbors below are nothing short of pure evil.
Neighborhood grievances have existed since humans first started settling in one location. They always will exist.
And while most neighbor problems can be solved with a few beers/wines and a good barbecue, some things are unforgivable.
The 20 neighbors below all deserve some kind of award for being disrespectful and inconsiderate to their fellow man:
1. It’s harder to not sweep the entire damn thing!

Maybe the one neighbor likes crunching through the snow and slipping to their death?
2. Who needs email or text messaging when you can just talk through wifi names?

One guy higher up on the list is the real awful neighbor here.
3. Imagine how loud it must have been

A true journalist would have found out which Rocky movie was playing.
4. The one who wrote this message is worse

Sure, it’s annoying, but you could have asked nicely first. Just an idea.
5. It’s not like anyone else wanted to use the road

Slash the damn tires!
6. That could easily have gone into someone!

This must be illegal.
7. Because the front yard is just one big trash can

It’s bad for the neighborhood and the planet.
8. Talk about an eyesore

AC units are ugly enough to begin with.
9. They caught the neighbor red-handed

The neighbor in the photos is getting a lump of coal on Christmas morning.
10. So much screaming

The power of Christ compels them to be more considerate.
11. Someone show this message to the one that threatened to kill the old lady neighbor

This is just the right amount of aggression.
12. Das ist nicht gut!

I hope it’s not the German flag from the 30s and 40s.
13. How to make a hazard in one easy step:

Because the driveway was too easy to park into before.
14. When your neighbor’s pavement becomes your driveway

Mi carsa es su carsa.
15. Payment for the neighbor’s dog injuring his dog

If you ever wondered what $288.66 looks like in pennies, now you know.
16. They’re a nonsmoker, but the neighbor’s a smoker

If only there was some kind of container that could hold cigarette butts.
17. When you have some spare ducks to prank your neighbor with

To be fair, duck meat is delicious. When life gives you lemons…
18. Award-winning poetry right here

The Nobel Prize in Literature goes to the four people that actually live here.
19. Just throw them out

Imagine if this was your view every weekend.
20. Apartment living

Why bring your trash to the chute when your neighbors can do it for you?
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