20 parenting fails that prove not everyone is cut out for the job

You don’t have to prove you’re going to be any good at this whole parenting thing in order to do it. And, let’s face it, some people get off to a rocky start.

Then again, no one is a perfect parent and “parenting fails” – at least those moments when you feel less-than-stellar – happen to the best of us.

Whether it’s a hair-brained idea or just a momentary lapse in judgment, these 20 people no doubt did a facepalm when they saw these photos (and hoped their kid would never see them).

1. What sport is this?

This dad didn’t get the angle quite right when teaching his little one how to butt the soccer ball with his head.

Looks like dad’s the real butthead here.

h1lleard/Reddit Source: h1lleard/Reddit

2. Thwarting the escape

Ok, so in some cases, this might feel like a parenting win.

But we’re pretty sure you have to put a short time limit on it unless you want to hear the screaming rage or else raise a master escape artist.

Botra/Reddit Source: Botra/Reddit

3. Picture perfect

No family looks as effortlessly happy as they do in their portraits in real life. Real life is all about the outtakes.

And this is definitely one of them.

WakaFlockhart/Reddit Source: WakaFlockhart/Reddit

4. Don’t look back

It looks like someone is too young to be in a restaurant.

And it looks like dad plans to wait decades, not years, to try this experiment again.

But just look at that little guy’s face!

couchsittingbum/Reddit Source: couchsittingbum/Reddit

5. Should have stayed home

Some kids are too young to spend time in restaurants.

This one is a parenting fail AND a good citizen fail.

thegreatbarcia/Reddit Source: thegreatbarcia/Reddit

6. The truth hurts

Teachers really need to stop asking kids to draw their families – that might be better left to therapists.

We wonder if mom put away her phone long enough to really appreciate this work of art.

@bronlines/Instagram Source: @bronlines/Instagram

7. Beat this

Wow. The fact that this appears to still be plugged in is making us shudder.

Safety first, folks!

@regin4pun4oro/Twitter Source: @regin4pun4oro/Twitter

8. Destined to fail

Giving your toddler a bottle that big? On an airplane? Just…no.

And who is taking that photo instead of helping?

AtlantaBoyz/Reddit Source: AtlantaBoyz/Reddit

9. Read the manual

Apparently, some people need to be told that a stroller should have all four wheels on the ground.

Big time dad fail.

Oligarchy/Imgur Source: Oligarchy/Imgur

10. This little piggy

Pigs aren’t clean. Toddlers aren’t clean. But two wrongs don’t make a right here.

Could this be any more unsanitary?

notfrontpage/Reddit Source: notfrontpage/Reddit

11. Head over heels

What parent takes a photo of this instead of intervening and telling their kid to sit their butt on the slide?

We’re confused about what makes this funny to people.

@ribbirfb/instagram Source: @ribbirfb/instagram

12. Up to no good

Not only is wet concrete NOT good for baby feet, but we want to know why the photo was more important than rescuing the kid.

notfrontpage/Reddit Source: notfrontpage/Reddit

13. Slimed

There’s not much you can do about this one.

Sometimes you just have to let the vomit speak for you.

notfrontpage/Reddit Source: notfrontpage/Reddit

14. You’re a parent, not an airbag

It’s hard to imagine what these two geniuses were thinking when they nearly suffocated their baby between them.

We hope that kid is ok and has no memory of this moment.

Imgur Source: Imgur

15. Hold on, I dropped something

Whatever you do, don’t drop the phone.

Those things are expensive!

SirPickleNipple/Imgur Source: SirPickleNipple/Imgur

16. Oops

That’s going to be a great first photo.

He’ll just need to Photoshop the bruise off of his newborn’s face first.

Matame/Imgur Source: Matame/Imgur

17. Stay right here

That looks like a very clean place to put a baby.

Hope she got her Slurpee, that’s obviously the most important part.

YouRTerminated/Imgur Source: YouRTerminated/Imgur

18. Safety helmet

Well, we certainly wouldn’t want the kid to get wet.

Do we not put warnings on plastic bags anymore? Apparently we needed them.

YourRTerminated/Imgur Source: YourRTerminated/Imgur

19. Did you forget something?

Baby-wearing is nice and all, but you have to remember you’re wearing your kid to really make it work.

Nice of this person to snap a pic instead of notifying this dad that he’s crushing his baby.

YouRTerminated/Imgur Source: YouRTerminated/Imgur

20. Seriously?

Dad, you’re fired.

YouRTerminated/Imgur Source: YouRTerminated/Imgur

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