20 parents sorting things out as they go along

Being a parent is said to be the most difficult job in the world.

If you’re already a mother, you’re blessed and if you’re a father, you’re honored to be called.

You have been entrusted with the grave responsibility of raising another human being. And your job as a parent does not end when your child leaves the nest; it is a lifelong commitment.

Unfortunately, having a child doesn’t come with a manual that will walk you through the entire parenting process. That is why no matter how hard you try, slips are unavoidable. No one in this world is perfect.

Therefore, we’ve created a list of some of the most hilarious epic fails these parents have committed as they try to figure things out.

1. Levitating

Reddit - fiteMILK Source: Reddit - fiteMILK

This kid had no idea he’d discovered the secret to levitating himself until he finished washing his hands. That’s why it is critical to wash your hands, especially in the situation we are in right now. Something unexpected and enjoyable will be revealed along the way.

2. Lego = 1 Kid = 0

Imgur - dreadpirateciv Source: Imgur - dreadpirateciv

Only this kid knows how he ended up sleeping there, comfortably lying on top of legos. However, one thing is certain. This round was won by Legos.

3. Two kinds of bathtub

Imgur - mikeleeorg Source: Imgur - mikeleeorg

Big brother claims that the bathtub is too small for two people. So this kid builds his bathtub, which is less sanitary and stinks a lot! I know, right?

4. It’s a bird, it’s a plane… No, it’s a baby!


This father is telling his children that he is superman with incredible strength. To prove his point, he sends his third child straight into space.

5. Multitasking at its finest

Reddit - KentuckyforKentucky Source: Reddit - KentuckyforKentucky

This young girl is intelligently lazy. Her parents must be very proud of her for raising such a brilliant babysitter. Mind your own business, please.

6. A guardian angel

Reddit - Musicats78 Source: Reddit - Musicats78

They say our guardian angels keep an eye on us while we sleep. This is the case with this baby. She is sound asleep, knowing that her guardian angel is literally above her.

7. Feeding frenzy

Reddit - deardelilah1 Source: Reddit - deardelilah1

Due to sleep deprivation, this father is one blink away from becoming a zombie. When you’re supposed to feed and put the baby to sleep, but you end up falling asleep first. Hopefully, the baby’s ear didn’t suck on the bottle.

8. Work of art

Reddit - kovikovi144 Source: Reddit - kovikovi144

The art is the wet concrete adorned with tiny footsteps; the baby is the artist. The mother’s pride is visible on her face as she watches her baby create a masterpiece at such a young age.

9. ‘A’ for effort

Imgur - CaitlinnDeanne Source: Imgur - CaitlinnDeanne

Daddy did his best, but his baby turned into a burrito. To be honest, it’s as cute as a cocoon. Just like what we see in a baby’s photoshoot, right?

10. It’s not what you think it is…

Imgur - mjonesbulldog Source: Imgur - mjonesbulldog

“Mom, before you say anything, let me explain. It is not what you believe it to be. This shambles you see here? This is an example of art. I’m striving to be Vincent van Gogh.”

11. Sweetness overload

Imgur - alexantonovici Source: Imgur - alexantonovici

This child makes the sweetest gesture to his mother by giving her a relaxing bubble bath. The kid, on the other hand, was dead serious when he said he’d fill the bath for his mom.

12. May the force be with you

Reddit - Fruitlessbox Source: Reddit - Fruitlessbox

This girl is drenched in dirt after destroying an entire Sith army on her own. She is wielding two lightsabers, one her own and one from a fallen foe. Darth Vader is trembling!

13. Talk to you later

Reddit - CFearon615 Source: Reddit - CFearon615

More than 23 million minutes later… Don’t worry, that’s only about 45 years. I’m pretty sure this iPod, and hopefully me, will still be alive by then.

14. Only losers wear skirts


This father did everything he could to prepare his daughter for a school event. Unfortunately, he was unaware that his daughter was removing her skirt. He must have mistaken it for the latest fashion trend.

15. The power of the filter

Reddit - Ka_paw Source: Reddit - Ka_paw

Who would have thought we’d live to see the day when we’d be able to see Van Gogh through filters? At the very least, we now know what he looks like as a dog. It felt cute at the time, but I may delete it later.

16. The master and his slave

Reddit - Buzzspucket Source: Reddit - Buzzspucket

The boy believes he has finally made friends with the cat. And he’ll never be happier than when he’s a horse for his best friend. Until he realizes the cat never treated him as an equal.

17. Laptop or baby? Choose your fighter.


This is what happens when daddy babysits two things at the same time. A sacrifice must now be made. Make a wise choice for your fighter.

18. Mind over matter

Reddit - mpbishop Source: Reddit - mpbishop

She is far too tired to return to the house for a nap. As a result, she decided to draw a pillow with chalk. That’s some top-tier creativity right there!

19. Baby skincare

Reddit - enterfunnyusername Source: Reddit - enterfunnyusername

The diaper cream found the baby’s face, and the baby found the diaper cream. Not only will the sun be afraid to shine on her face now, but even ghosts will flee.

20. Modern-day sleeping beauty

Reddit - Sketchy_Uncle Source: Reddit - Sketchy_Uncle

At such a young age, this girl understands the value of beauty rest. Thus, she ensures that she gets 8 hours of sleep per day… even if it means sleeping in a Costco plastic container.

I’m sure your stomach hurts from laughing at these parenting fails!

You can rest assured that no children were harmed in making this compilation.

The parents still have a lot to work on, and they have a lifetime to do it.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family!

Sources: Bright Side, Bored Panda, BuzzFeed, Just Something
