20 times people proved common sense isn’t common

Common sense isn’t too…. common, anymore, is it? The things and people that we seem to encounter out and about in the wild always seem to inspire new levels of shock. You find yourself wondering, “how did they get this far in life doing things like that?” We’ve rounded up some of the best examples we could find for you to get a good start to your week with. Here you go:

1. Wrong number

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You get a text from this dude and you are FOR SURE assuming they are coming off a two-day banger and haven’t seen daylight for the entirety of it. There is no way a cop wouldn’t pull this person over for swerving.

2. Ya, that’s not it

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I don’t know where these people live, but $100 a week for a 9-5 is about 40 cents an hour. That’s not it my guy. Gonna pass on that one.

3. We know who DIDN’T win it

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At first glance, this is funny. At second, it’s sad. At third, it’s funny again. If only we could see who said it.

4. Staring contest

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We aren’t sure who designed this, but it is pretty legendary. If someone refuses to poop in public, they may have been traumatized from a stall like this.

5. Elon Musk’s house

Imgur Source: Imgur

The only person that this doesn’t look stupid on is Elon Musk. He probably has a car that can actually get into that garage. If that isn’t his house, who cares.

6. Oops

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This is like when people get their license as teenagers and decide to post it online with a celebratory photo… while at the same time revealing ALL of their personal information. This gift card had a quick shelf-life as soon as this photo was posted.

7. New addition

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This better be an unfinished addition that the school ran out of funding for. If not, this is just a fat liability that someone is about to cash in on.

8. The consequences of sin

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We’ve all been taught for years that our actions have consequences. Apparently, trying to twerk triggers the consequences a bit early.

9. Fracking

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Is this what they talk about when they mention fracking on my tv? Getting diesel from rocks is kinda the whole issue, isn’t it? I don’t get why this is such a huge deal.

10. Safe and secure

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You can tell an innocent person from the way they protect themselves from others. They don’t think of stealing, so their defenses don’t consider someone’s actual intentions.

11. Key under the mat

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“I put the key under the mat” is a phrase we’ve all heard. Normally, that’s a totally fine thing to do. This wasn’t one of those times.

12. Never possible

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This is one of those thoughts that you think makes sense until you think about it for maybe three seconds more. If you don’t see the error of your ways by then, you get made fun of on Reddit.

13. Yuck

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This tray was used to make a bunch of bacon in the oven. When the roommate came over, he thought it was icing from cinnamon rolls and scooped his finger in it and licked it off. It was pure pork fat.

14. More annoying than anything

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Extra layers of security sound nice… until they get in the way. I mean, if someone really wanted to get in, this door wouldn’t stop them, right? Might as well stop having to get up whenever someone knocks.

15. Smooth

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I won’t add too much to this, the caption on the photo is honestly plenty.

16. Nearly worked

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The poor drywall next to this door is about to be ROCKED. I want to see the husband that did this and give him a smack. Privacy over convenience, right?

17. Locked up tight

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Have you ever used the wrong equation and got the right answer? This is sort of that. That chain is obviously not connected to anything, but you couldn’t drive it away because of the makeshift boot it makes, right?

18. “Not my fault I was born”

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If you haven’t used this in an argument with your parents, you aren’t a part of the internet generation. Saying “I didn’t decide to be born!” is one of the best comebacks to not getting what you want that I can think of.

19. Just hurtful to see

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This poor girl has probably done some things in her life that she regrets, simply because she seems to be the gullible type. I mean, who knows how many paper strips have passed through her digestive tract.

20. Locked drawer

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This was probably intended for a 3-year-old who found the candy drawer. It also probably only worked until he turned 4 and realized his parents were idiots.

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