20 photos of people who are very confused about life
The world is a very strange place. And thanks to humans, it’s getting weirder by the day. How did these things even come about in the first place?
Did you ever see something weird and think, what led to that happening? Of course you did, because people are so damn weird.
Everyone has their quirks. In many ways, that’s great, because life would be really dull without quirkiness. But some people go beyond mere quirkiness. These people caused these 20 strange things below.
1. The architect was a real prankster
How can it be legal to sell a chair like this? Unlucky number 7 in this case.
2. Who needs a stable?
At least it’s a huge balcony and he has plenty of space to roam.
3. Who needs sunscreen?
Did he lose a bet or is it just a hobby?
4. She thinks this is forking great
Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.
5. Is this a behind the scenes shot of the movie Cats?
Or did this make it into the final movie?
6. Except that you didn’t put the fortune in the cookie
Is anyone else starting to doubt the accuracy of these?
7. Just following the rules
Could they not leave it at the corner so an actual car could park there?
8. Doubtful
If only someone knew how to fix that bell.
9. Keep it down, it’s getting good
The true match was anime vs soccer.
10. At least he didn’t do this to his homework
That’s $2,000 down the drain.
11. It’s close enough to Canada
It’s not like Canada could make something like this on its own soil.
12. Almost finished!
To be fair, this might be his first time doing this. It’ll be dry in a couple of hours.
13. When the bread is just too stressful
Why, bread, why!?
14. He spent all day making these
Yes, it was a tiring job.
15. It’s not like it’s their job or anything
The rofessors are really mart here.
16. Don’t worry, you’ll see us again in your nightmares
They just want to tell you their secret.
17. If you use oil
Have fun scraping.
18. They took a wrong turn
The map didn’t say anything about there being snow.
19. That’s just how she stands. You know, sideways
Life is more fun when you ignore gravity.
20. Dice are just Russian dolls that are harder to open
Two for the price of one! (Or is it three? Or is it four? You get the idea.)
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Source: Brightside, Brightside