20 people whose disabilities and illnesses are outshined by an incredible sense of humor

Some people are determined to maintain a great sense of humor, no matter what happens. After all, laughter is the best medicine.

There’s nothing funny about getting ill or suffering from a life-changing injury unless you make it so. People that find it possible to laugh at their own misfortunes are truly amazing. We can all learn a lot from them.

The 20 people below are all living with something that could have impaired their outlook on life. But instead, they all saw an opportunity to make others laugh.

1. Should have read the sign

Redleif/Reddit Source: Redleif/Reddit

This prank was so funny, all the kids in the park forgot that it was April 1st.

2. Just before the procedure

PiranhasaurusTex/Reddit Source: PiranhasaurusTex/Reddit

Yes, he was going in for an amputation. Yes, he was going to make the surgeons laugh, even while under anesthesia.

3. Did you have to van Gogh there?

Gem25/Reddit Source: Gem25/Reddit

She would only be recovering from ear surgery once, so she had to make the most of it.

4. A whole new spin on the odd couple

RonakDoshi/Imgur Source: RonakDoshi/Imgur

She could be in a three-legged race without a partner.

5. They complete each other

Docmailllou/Reddit Source: Docmailllou/Reddit

He does this every time he goes shopping.

6. Disarming humor

DuckFanAccount/Twitter Source: DuckFanAccount/Twitter

Seriously, three different arm jokes in one profile! Impressive.

7. Why have a leg when you can have a Lego?

Leggedcrow/Reddit Source: Leggedcrow/Reddit

He’s a leg-end.

8. False claim

Reddit Source: Reddit

Don’t you hate it when products let you down like this?

9. Do you have a portable cup holder?

TerminalCorporal06/Reddit Source: TerminalCorporal06/Reddit

It would be very handy if it weren’t so footy.

10. Kids have to sacrifice so much for their education nowadays

Devgal/Reddit Source: Devgal/Reddit

But this is extreme, even for today’s standards.

11. How did he earn his knighthood?

Mysmilestaysstrong/Reddit Source: Mysmilestaysstrong/Reddit

Who would watch this character’s TV show?

12. When McDonald’s is mocking you

Imgur Source: Imgur

He broke the rules and managed it with his one hand.

13. When she got pissed off with people judging her

SianKaan/Reddit Source: SianKaan/Reddit

Is this the breast joke of the article?

14. This one is just painfully true

PhuNkii/Imgur Source: PhuNkii/Imgur

Future president?

15. Think about it

EinTier/Reddit Source: EinTier/Reddit

Classic rock fans will get this right away.

16. Barney has been excluding people all this time

Uselessmelody/Imgur Source: Uselessmelody/Imgur

Let’s be honest, he’s a little too old for that show anyway.

17. Entrepreneur

Dragonwolf43/Imgur Source: Dragonwolf43/Imgur

This is a whole new way of selling your body.

18. What do pancakes have to do with anything?

TackyBrad/Reddit Source: TackyBrad/Reddit

Oh. I hop, not IHOP.

19. He breaks this rule in every restaurant

Signal-7_10-4/Reddit Source: Signal-7_10-4/Reddit

Some people are just rebels like this.

20. Whenever it’s shorts weather, he makes people laugh

Pinterest Source: Pinterest

He actually encourages people to laugh about him behind his back.

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