20 people who are probably having a far worse day than you are

We all have those days where everything goes wrong for us. But have you ever suffered misfortunes like the 20 poor souls here?

A certain generation owes a huge debt to Lisa Simpson for teaching them the word schadenfreude, meaning shameful joy in German. We all like to laugh at the funny misfortunes of others, as long as they’re not too dark.

The 20 misfortunes below will give you a healthy dose of schadenfreude without too much of the schaden:

1. Yes, that’s the bit you need to be careful of

Imgur Source: Imgur

The contractor decided to leg it shortly after.

2. Technically, the alligator’s having a great day

PraxAttachs/Reddit Source: PraxAttachs/Reddit

Who wouldn’t be happy to get a free iPhone?

3. Just stay there forever

Imgur Source: Imgur

Did any passerby have the guts to tell her?

4. Yep, it was snowing last night indeed

Xingua92/Reddit Source: Xingua92/Reddit

Clearly, that owl’s blessing didn’t extend to the weather.

5. Did she wish for a new hairstyle?

Thisguysays/Imgur Source: Thisguysays/Imgur

You’re meant to sing happy birthday, not singe happy birthday!

6. How many people thought it was a UFO?

Anlyin/Imgur Source: Anlyin/Imgur

He’s gonna have to jump pretty high to get that one.

7. He lost a boat but gained a submarine

Jagershotzz/Reddit Source: Jagershotzz/Reddit

At least boats are pretty cheap.

8. When it’s the weekend and you can relax at last

Hanssssolo/Reddit Source: Hanssssolo/Reddit

Even storage needs a day off now and then.

9. If you look closely, you’ll notice that there’s been a spillage

Andyslot/Imgur Source: Andyslot/Imgur

Wasted olive oil is a Greek person’s nightmare.

10. Your tax dollars at work

DontKnowCantCare/Imgur Source: DontKnowCantCare/Imgur

At least she won that $5 bet.

11. Did she drink its eggs?

Ifunny Source: Ifunny

So that’s why my coffee felt more wriggly than usual.

12. Two birds with one stone

Losper/Imgur Source: Losper/Imgur

But the stone is also one of the birds. Hmm, maybe that metaphor doesn’t work.

13. When you evict yourself

Maddoxreturns/Twitter Source: Maddoxreturns/Twitter

He was too keyn to get home.

14. That means they’ve definitely gained weight

LordSethos/Imgur Source: LordSethos/Imgur

Not only has he gained, he’s also about to cut his feet open.

15. At least it didn’t smash

LordSethos/Imgur Source: LordSethos/Imgur

Those shakes got extra shaken.

16. Part car, part hurdle

Mrencinas/Reddit Source: Mrencinas/Reddit

He had always wondered what the innards of a car door looked like.

17. A cadet and his cadet

Spodiz/Imgur Source: Spodiz/Imgur

The drill sergeant might not notice. It’s pretty hard to spot, after all.

18. Is this the same one from the mug?

Dimassamid/Imgur Source: Dimassamid/Imgur

This spider knows how to ruin everything.

19. She’ll never forget this terrible ride

LordSethos/Imgur Source: LordSethos/Imgur

That guy was being so cheeky.

20. Fun fact: chocolate spread and computers don’t mix

LordSethos/Imgur Source: LordSethos/Imgur

Don’t picture it, get it up!

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Source: Bright Side, Bright Side, Bright Side
