20 funny examples of people who probably slept through math class

Math isn’t a strong point for all of us – or really, most of us! Regardless of that, we still do our best and try to make the numbers make sense. An occasional mistake or two happens, but that’s why we carry calculates with Google installed (phones) in our pockets, right?
Well, not everyone does their due diligence when it comes to checking their math work. Here are 20 of the funniest examples we could find.
Let’s go!
1. Oh boy

We thought we would shock you with the first one. If it takes you a second to understand, you may need to retake math class! This is just a taste of what’s to come.
2. Touche

I love a good comeback. This text conversation is a good reason example of pride coming before the fall. Open mouth, insert foot.
3. Ad revenue

Some people don’t like how our political system is set up to reward whoever spends the most on ads. This woman has a point, but she arrived at the wrong destination. So close.
4. Ask management

I love how this person will immediately disqualify themselves from the job because they actually asked management. Sometimes, there are dumb questions, no matter how the saying goes.
5. Ancient

This person must have been hanging out with Abraham Lincoln or something. 190 years ago was quite a while. Only Betty White can relate to something like this.
6. Leader of the Free World

This joke hasn’t aged all that well! For the 1/100th time reads as .01, meaning that he hasn’t even said this one full time. Only 99 more to go.
7. I need to start saving

If this was really how it worked, we all should be dropping a few quarters a day in a jar and retiring by the end of the year. Thankfully, someone cleared up the confusion at the bottom.
8. Yikes

This first tweet is good, the second tweet is gooder. If you don’t get it, don’t google it. I want you to enjoy the rest of your day.
9. Managers special

Always look at your receipt. This is that “Black Friday Deal” shopping. You see bags of chips labeled like “99% off, was $100”. Clearance sale for the fail, huh.
10. Almost had it

Poor Kroger had a special going on, but then Covid restrictions made it so you could only buy a few of the essentials. You can buy 4 for $5, but prepare to get thrown out.
11. Two strikes

There is a reason the world likes to make fun of Americans. Most of us can’t label all 7 continents on a map, let alone do the conversion from an inch to a centimeter. The follow-up comment is even funnier, sadly.
12. Free-99

This “free plate” costs a quick R 10. Do I know what R is? No. I do know that free should mean free, though.
13. I’m not sure if I agree

Disagree with someone’s beliefs or methods. You can’t really disagree with math, though. “I just disagree” is the phrase of a defeated person.
14. “Get your clicks”

Clickbait is a real problem. This just isn’t that, though. Adding percentages of different groups together seems like it should work, but it doesn’t. Using his math (but correctly), about half of people don’t wash their hands.
15. “I’d redo your math”

Always have a second look. If you don’t, you could end up looking like this poor woman in front of all her internet friends.
16. An incredible poll shamed

If you are an Avengers fan, you get the joke in this poll. Even if you aren’t, you should still get the (sad) joke that the commenter made. I don’t think they were trying to be funny.
17. Proportionally accurate

Not gonna comment too much on this, just read and enjoy.
18. Just think about it

This was super popular on the internet for a while. Do you know the answer? Oh ya, the last comment is just a Reddit troll.
19. Everything about this is not ok

This is what you read when you want to see if you still feel pain. Specifically in your eyes. If you read this and hurt, don’t worry, you are still alive.
20. Con-artist legend

There is a thing called “being too smart for your own good.” That doesn’t apply to this guy. He’s too dumb for his own good. Legendary scam, bro.
Hopefully, you made it this far. We are sorry you had to witness that dumpster fire of math. Truly, we are surprised people like this are real.
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Source: Bored Panda, Reddit