20 unlucky people who are probably having a way worse day than you are

We’ve all had our share of bad days, but unless you’re covered in vomit or trying to figure out how to replace the interior of your car, your bad day might pale in comparison to these 20 people’s.

Then again, with the way things are going in the world right now, who knows, maybe your day IS worse.

But is that a contest you really want to win?

Just be glad you’re not these folks:

1. And still, we rise

When you’re feeling down in the dumps, just remember this yeast dough that never stopped rising just because someone threw it in the trash.

Just don’t picture yourself as the person who has to clean it up.

Be the yeast.

When the bakers make the mix wrong and don’t realize yeast doesn’t just stop working because it’s in a dumpster. from r/Wellthatsucks

2. Keep Austin Weird

Oof. Awkward.

We’re just going to blame this one on Austin and hope the poor kid didn’t feel humiliated by the whole thing.

3. Wardrobe malfunction

They say the camera adds 10 pounds, but this shirt takes off at least 40.

It just happens not to be a good thing in this case.

Amemeinglesslife/Imgur Source: Amemeinglesslife/Imgur

4. Let’s name him Ralph

Cool puppy, man. It’s a really good thing he’s cute because we might be a little annoyed in this situation.

By now some of that would be our puke too.

My brother, on the ride home from picking up his new puppy. from r/Wellthatsucks

5. Gone to the birds

Don’t you hate squatters?

These birds are so rude and not only do they require clean up but a literal eviction.

6. Hope it was good money

It’s going to be really hard to get a date after that.

When someone says you look familiar, do you just tell them or pretend you don’t know what they’re talking about?

My friend works as an extra in movies and does stock photography…. just saw him pictured as a sex offender on a bus in Florida from r/Wellthatsucks

7. That’s what you get for complaining

Wow, the 24/7 really adds to the intentionality of it.

We hope someone at the DMV went home feeling like justice was served that day.

8. In the hole

Well, frankly, that just sucks.

Apparently, the water company had been conducting some tests when this happened and it’s not a sinkhole.

Not that that makes it any better.

This happened to my car today! from r/Wellthatsucks

9. Taste in music

What’s the worst part about this – the destroyed headphone or the fact that you can be mad at the creature that ruined them?

I mean, look at that face?


Aaaand there go my $300 headphones from r/Wellthatsucks

10. True patriot

I mean, a bald eagle flying into your room is a cool story (and a wild photo) but then you have to clean it up.

Maybe that’s why they say freedom isn’t free.

Last week a bald eagle flew threw my bedroom window, while I was laying in bed . It was insane, to say the least. from r/WTF

11. Tone it down

Some very uncool things happen at work, especially when you have to work in a conventional office.

But this is so much worse than listening to your coworker’s mundane stories around the water cooler.

We would want the rest of the week off after this.

The one time the toner exploded at work while switching it out. You can see where I was at that exact moment. from r/Wellthatsucks

12. True love

Yikes. We don’t even have to know what happened here to know this person had a worse day than us.

But we really do want to know what happened.

I guess their feelings weren’t mutual from r/Wellthatsucks

13. Customer disservice

Well, at least the guy who feels bad about knocking them over isn’t the same guy who has to clean them up.

THAT’S the guy who’s really having a bad day.

A new way of playing domino from r/Wellthatsucks

14. Welcome home, sucker!

Buying a new home is such a momentous occasion.

It’s always important to get a photo of that first moment you walk through the door – provided this doesn’t happen.

The worst part is once you own a home that’s only the beginning of all the repairs you’ll need to worry about.

After years of saving, I finally bought my first house. The key snapped in the door and locked me out. from r/Wellthatsucks

15. Taco ’bout a bad day

Wow, no tacos AND someone ended up in jail?


Not a good night for this DoorDash driver from r/Wellthatsucks

16. Cats

That cat 100% did this on purpose. And he’s proud of it.

The cat closed the balcony door on me by standing on the handle and pushing it down. I had to wait for someone who had a key to my apartment to open it up for me. Luckily, i had my phone with me. from r/Wellthatsucks

17. A hero to many

How hard is it to put on pants, man?

Have fun explaining that one to HR. And your mom.

ABC reporter Will Reve appeared on Good Morning America without pants. from r/facepalm

18. No words

We’d just have to walk away for a while after this. It’s too much.

Paint lid wasn’t closed properly by the store… from r/Wellthatsucks

19. At least we’re still smarter than robots

Of course, we’re the ones who have to clean up the dog poop they smear all over the place.

Roomba made the poor choice of trying to clean up dog poop. After dragging it around the dining room, the roomba put itself in the corner. I’m assuming because of shame. from r/Wellthatsucks

20. Cartoon-level bad

It was a great day till this moment from r/Wellthatsucks

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Source: H/T Bored Panda
