20 photos taken seconds before disaster

It doesn’t take a genius to work out what happened next in any of these photos. The answer to all is pain, embarrassment or both.

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, what happened after these photos cost people $1,000s. Every one is taken at that magical moment just before calamity strikes.

Some of the people are blissfully unaware of the disaster that’s about to befall them. Others are clearly looking upon the moment with dread. All of them are hilarious!

1. If only she had put a napkin on her lap

XLIxLEGENDx7x/Reddit Source: XLIxLEGENDx7x/Reddit

The dessert at that place is incredible, not that she would know.

2. That hand won’t support him for long

Imgur Source: Imgur

Did he jump or was he pushed?

3. How nice to see them jumping together

Imgur Source: Imgur

To think that he was scared of sharks.

4. At least it didn’t get into the net

Imgur Source: Imgur

This is what a good goalie looks like.

5. She’s gonna hate him

Tillicum/Reddit Source: Tillicum/Reddit

I hope he felt guilty!

6. “Pass the hammer, would you?”

McWreckTheGaff/Imgur Source: McWreckTheGaff/Imgur

When you’ve watched too many Marvel movies.

7. Hairpy birthday

MURPHtheSURF/Reddit Source: MURPHtheSURF/Reddit

The others are singing while she’s singeing.

8. She’s wondering why the photographer is laughing

Vadge/Imgur Source: Vadge/Imgur

That’ll teach her to sunbathe and bother no one.

9. Fun fact: glass can smash

Vadge/Imgur Source: Vadge/Imgur

If only it was possible to not clank them together so damn hard.

10. What’ll hurt most, the knee or the head?

GregIsBae/Reddit Source: GregIsBae/Reddit

Watch out for the drain.

11. At least he has a spare eye

Romancreed/Reddit Source: Romancreed/Reddit

Did she position him there so this would happen?

12. That outfit sure does look flammable

Vadge/Imgur Source: Vadge/Imgur

And all that chest hair is sure to help spread the fire.

13. Grandma said that it was a bad idea all along

Imgur Source: Imgur

Is she gonna make it on time?

14. Could she get any luckier?

Abusivecat/Reddit Source: Abusivecat/Reddit

I hope it survived the frisbee crash.

15. There are flash floods and then there’s this

AdamE89/Reddit Source: AdamE89/Reddit

Even a motorbike couldn’t outride it.

16. How to give someone a cleft palate

Vadge/Imgur Source: Vadge/Imgur

The best thing is that the guy getting injured is doing most of the work.

17. No, he’s not balancing it

Anti_Venom02/Reddit Source: Anti_Venom02/Reddit

How can someone not notice that thing!? It’s huge!

18. Now it’s a unicycle

Imgur Source: Imgur

He’s probably not gonna win this race.

19. He’s definitely not old enough to drink

DIA13OLICAL/Reddit Source: DIA13OLICAL/Reddit

So did she just technically break the law?

20. How to get grounded for weeks

Imgur Source: Imgur

It would have been better if the ball had gone literally anywhere else.

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Source: Brightside, Brightside, Brightside
