20 photos demonstrating Bernadoodles are stuffed teddy bears

One fun thing about dogs is that it sometimes feels like new mixes and breeds are being created all the time. Like for instance, have you ever heard of a Bernadoodle?

These adorable dogs are a blend of a Bernese Mountain Dog and a poodle – kind of like how a Goldendoodle is a blend of a Golden Retriever and a poodle.

Maybe poodles just make really great mixes.

And like other poodle mixes, Bernadoodles are known to be great dogs. Because they have the poodle hair, rather than fur, they don’t shed, which is a huge benefit. And, they are really loyal, cuddly, playful, and intelligent, like a Bernese Mountain Dog.

These dogs can grow to be over 100 pounds, but they are pretty much always cute. Read on to see exactly what we’re talking about.

1. Double Trouble.

These guys could not be more excited to meet! Imagine meeting someone who looks exactly like you, and even has a similar style to you.

Reddit - u/trexglittermonster Source: Reddit - u/trexglittermonster

2. This holiday treat.

This cutie feeling the Christmas spirit! She’s all aglow.

Reddit - myxamatortoise Source: Reddit - myxamatortoise

3. Snowy Baby

True to Bernese Mountain Dogs form, this pup loves to romp in the snow! Seeing all the paw prints in the background make this even more adorable.

Reddit - Creepy_Awareness1509 Source: Reddit - Creepy_Awareness1509

4. Paw!

Are we sure this paw is real? I mean, look at it! It’s so fluffy.


5. Beach Boy

Look at him! He’s so proud of his rock and seems to love the beach! That smile is contagious.

Reddit - sbonedocd Source: Reddit - sbonedocd

6. This is Bowie, and he has poise.

He is looking like he can see into your soul. And maybe he can, which is fine because he seems very nice.

Reddit - VA1N Source: Reddit - VA1N

7. Jumping for joy!

Nothing better than seeing a happy dog. And this guys excitement knows no bounds. I bet he would be awesome to play with.

Reddit - Janu49 Source: Reddit - Janu49

8. A Silver Fox, er…dog?

This guy is a Mini Bernedoodle, so he’s always going to be a little small, but his gray beard reveals his age in quite a dapper way.

Reddit - viragocodes Source: Reddit - viragocodes

9. Like we said, these dogs are great cuddlers.

Get you someone who holds on to you the way that Ava holds on to her owner.

Reddit - isabellayon Source: Reddit - isabellayon

10. They make excellent lap dogs.

There is nothing as adorable as an oversized dog who still thinks it is a little baby. I bet they cuddle so well.

Reddit - TretornGirlOradell Source: Reddit - TretornGirlOradell

11. Perfect puppy posture

It’s called a sploot and he is doing it perfectly. We love a dog that knows how to get comfortable.

Reddit - kneecoalll22 Source: Reddit - kneecoalll22

12. There’s something sassy about this one.

Her name is Clementine, but she looks way more like a teddy bear. I just want to boop her on the nose!

Reddit - Dom_Ash Source: Reddit - Dom_Ash

13. Before he grows all the way up.

Oh.My.God. I just want to squeeze this little pup! When he gets older he’ll be over 100 pounds, but right now I am obsessed with his little legs! How does he walk anywhere?

Reddit - doughnut_tread_on_me Source: Reddit - doughnut_tread_on_me

14. The BEST before and after.

It’s shocking how much these dogs can transform in a short amount of time. These pictures are 5 months apart.

Reddit - garethsmitty Source: Reddit - garethsmitty

15. A king amongst men.

This regal fellow is another Mini Bernadoodle. He will stay just around this size, which I am grateful for because he is perfect just like this.

Reddit - Impossible-Yak5553 Source: Reddit - Impossible-Yak5553

16. City Slicker

This puppy is only 4.5 months and 50 pounds, but he looks ready to take on the world already.

Reddit - wishiweretraveling52 Source: Reddit - wishiweretraveling52

17. These are true puppy dog eyes.

Could you say no to that face?

Reddit - grillandchillz Source: Reddit - grillandchillz

19. Precious cargo

No trip is complete without your trusty sidekick.

Reddit - badbeticrocker Source: Reddit - badbeticrocker

19. Play time is over.

This precious boy is looking pretty tuckered out. A whole day of acting adorable sure does take it out of you.

Reddit - NedCOMO Source: Reddit - NedCOMO

20. The perfect cuddle buddy.

On cold gray days, there is nothing better to do than to cuddle up with a fluffy pet. This Bernadoodle is an excellent choice.

Reddit - BenTG Source: Reddit - BenTG

No matter what, Bernedoodles are some of the most adorable dogs, and they come pretty darn close to a teddy bear!

If you want to see more adorable Bernedoodles, check out this page.

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Source: Reddit, DogTime
