20 photos that show there’s no love like that between a mother and her child

Moms are fierce.

No matter what species they belong to they love hard and protect their little ones at all costs. There’s nothing they wouldn’t do for them.

Moms are proud of accomplishments large and small and these 20 photos are proof.

1. Waiting in the wings

Sometimes kids hardly have to do a thing to make their moms proud – for the most part, they just have to exist.

Just look at this mom in the background during her son’s turn at bat.

This is one of my favorite pics of my mom even though she isn’t even in focus. Hope you guys enjoy it. Photo by Kevin Lein from r/pics

2. The nuzzle

Humans certainly aren’t the only creatures on earth who love their offspring.

And when we’re little, there’s nothing quite as comforting as a moment to yourself with her.

♥Mom from r/AnimalsBeingMoms

3. The greatest protector

Moms can develop super strength when protecting their children.

But sometimes just putting on the “mom seat belt” is enough.

Meerkat Babies

4. Mom hugs

Mom can’t hug all of her babies at once, but she sure can try.

And that moment when you’re the one in her arms is the most special time of all.

Mama Love.. from r/aww

5. Moms are gonna mom

Moms are moms to everyone – no matter who or what they are. That mothering instinct kicks in what there’s a baby in need.

This photo proves that even between species, mom-ness prevails.

Once a mother, always a mother from r/aww

6. Glam girls

Many little girls have a memory of their mom helping them get ready for a big event – or even just for dress-up.

A photo of the moment is priceless, but the memories are ones we hold onto.

Today is my birthday and my mom sent me this picture of her doing my makeup for a ballet recital, around 1994. from r/OldSchoolCool

7. Happiness is being together

Mothers and children have their trying moments, but it’s these beautiful moments of love and affection that create a bond that cannot be broken.

Have a good day at school son from r/AnimalsBeingMoms

8. Weathering the storms

Whether a tough day is literal or figurative, mom will always be there to help her children weather the storm.

They’re our greatest protectors.

Motherly love during a storm from r/AnimalsBeingMoms

9. A moment to herself

Moms never really get a moment alone.

Sometimes they just have to force the issue and take it as it comes.

A mom just trying to eat a snack from r/AnimalsBeingMoms

10. You gotta get through mom first

No harm will come to a child as long as its mother is around.

You’re going to have to get through mama first – and good luck with that no matter what species she is!

mama lion protecting her cub from r/AnimalsBeingMoms

11. Immediate mom

This dog gave birth just hours earlier but her mothering instinct and pride took over in those very first moments.

Doesn’t she look happy?

Only a few hours old.. very proud first time mum from r/AnimalsBeingMoms

12. Piggyback ride

Moms have to take their kids everywhere until they can get around on their own.

But these kiddos are traveling in style.

Mom, I can’t swim yet Come up here, mom carrying me from r/AnimalsBeingMoms

13. Bath buddies

Bathtime is better when mom is there.

She always knows how to make things fun!

Bath with mom from r/aww

14. Proud mama

Graduation ceremonies can be tedious, but many families learned this year that they’re an important part of celebrating a huge accomplishment – and one that mothers are extra proud of.

Mom is proud from r/pics

15. Baby mine

That adoring look is something most kids don’t remember but those moments of feeling safe stay with them for a lifetime.

Mother gorilla with baby

16. Up close

Moms get very little personal space.

But sometimes it’s nice to have your little one snuggled up tight against you.

Everyone needs their mom once in a while. from r/aww

17. A photo to last a lifetime

Memories are special things you can keep for yourself, but if your mom is gone you’ll be glad you posed for that photo with her.

Last photo I had with my mom and me. I’ll never forget this night, she was soo proud of me for sticking it out and getting my diploma. This was a year before she passed unexpectedly. I love you so much mom and I know your watching over me❤️ from r/lastimages

18. The safest place

Mom makes a great pillow.

And you know you’re always going to be safe when you’re next to her.

Mommy’s tummy is the best pillow❤️ from r/cats

19. Happy days

Many moms remember the day their children were born as the happiest of their lives.

We don’t know what kind of memories other animals maintain, but this little mama sure looks like she’s having a day to remember.

Proud Mom from r/aww

20. Still lifting like a champ

This mom can still lift her 21-year-old daughter.

No one is ever too old for mom hugs!

I’m 21 years old and this was my mom and I on Christmas from r/pics

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