20 photos that prove no parent is perfect

Parenting can be joyful and fulfilling, but it’s neither easy nor glamorous.

Even the best parents turn around to find a disaster every now and then. Just looks at these folks – they’re likely great parents, but they’re just having a bad day.

1. Don’t cry over spilled milk

Instead, just drink it. Maybe not off the floor, but whatever.

Sometimes you just need to get some calcium into them and can’t be choosy about how it happens.

I’m proud to have raised a kid that won’t cry over spilt milk.

2. Cemented in her head

What a glorious moment. In fact, you can just hear the thoughts she’s likely having – how is she going to clean this up? How much will it cost to repair? How did he even get that far?!

Let me help you from r/KidsAreFuckingStupid

3. Wet paint

There was clearly a failure in leadership here.

But sometimes you really just don’t think things can go quite THIS wrong when there are paint and toddlers in the same room.

When you lose track of your toddler for just two seconds… from r/pics

4. Way to ruin the Christmas card

There’s no use in taking ideas from Pinterest. No one can execute those in real life. Someone always ends up on the ground.

“We’re good parents I swear” from r/pics

5. What is he, a cat?

There’s every reason to sleep with one eye open for the rest of your life when a toddler looks and you with eyes that say “this isn’t the worst I’ve got.”

A villain is born. from r/funny

6. If he fits, he sits

The good news is at least you know where to find him. And he looks ok. Granted, we can’t hear any screaming through the photo.

Heard my son making weird cat noises. Found him this way. from r/funny

7. Intruder alert

Ever go to check on your baby and there’s a lemur on her head?

It doesn’t do any good to freak out, so just snap the photo and show her when she’s old enough not to be traumatized by it.

My friend had her daughters at a zoo when she heard, “Ma’am, there’s a lemur on your baby.” from r/aww

8. Who’s the boss?

Well, it’s the cat, obviously. It has always been the cat.

Just relinquish any power you thought you had.

My son and my cat have a weird relationship. from r/funny

9. Splish splash

Bubble baths are better when dad is in charge. Especially when he doesn’t know that laundry/dish detergent foams in a totally different way!

At least the bathroom will be clean when mom gets home.

Feared the worst when my marine-turned-cop neighbor called me saying “Come quick….my kids….theres b*inaudible* everywhere… Wifes gone…”

10. Having your hands full

Babies take up a lot of space. There’s the baby itself, then all the gear you have to lug around. Sometimes there’s just no place to put your lunch.

Or is there…?

11. Hand-eye coordination

Building blocks help kids with all sorts of skills. And in this case, language is one of them.

Just not the kind of language these parents intended.

12. Immunity-building

We’ve all eaten a little dirt in our lives.

At least this was from houseplants. How bad could that be?

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13. Nice catch

Hey, babies fall. Just make sure you catch them and take the win.

14. Elves/Elvis…same difference

Hey, we’ve all come to the Christmas show dressed as Elvis, right? No.

Well, then this kid is going to have a way better photo and story to tell than the rest of us.

These kids were asked to dress up as Elves for their school play. One kid dressed up as Elvis from r/funny

15. Soft landing

It was meant to be all fun and games. But someone didn’t hold on tight enough.

Then again, that’s why you could always play Tarzan in a fall-safe zone.

My calculations were incorrect

16. Future chef?

Well, as long as she never sticks her head in an actual oven, things are probably going to be ok.

And if she becomes a chef, we think this photo will make a great gift someday.

Playing hide and seek with my kids this is how I found my daughter from r/KidsAreFuckingStupid

17. Taste the rainbow

They look a little less festive on the floor, but we can totally understand wanting to watch the colorful sprinkles fly.

How else are you supposed to learn about consequences?

Guess who’s gonna have to clean that up from r/KidsAreFuckingStupid

18. Special requests

Ok, you may need a little parenting guidance if you genuinely make this request of the waiter.

The things you deal with as a waiter from r/KidsAreFuckingStupid

19. Not all water is the same

It’s a lesson we all have to learn. It’s just that some of us have to learn it the hard way.

Leave the kids alone for one minute and…

20. When you’re a good parent

And what do you get when you heroically save your child’s life after all this drama?


Oh dear… from r/KidsAreFuckingStupid

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Source: Reddit – r/KidsAreFuckingStupid, Reddit – r/funny
