20 photos proving cats have this “quarantine” thing mastered

Cats don’t understand pandemics. Some of them are just pleased to have us around while others wonder when they’ll get their alone time back.

Of course, cats are the masters of social distancing. And quarantine isn’t a big deal since they’re sleeping most of the day anyway.

While much of the world is stuck at home, the cats are wondering what the big deal is and showing us how to cope.

1. Keep your distance

This is a pretty normal distance for two cats, yes?

By the looks on their faces, they’re pretty tired of having to demonstrate it to their humans.

@thecatjournals/Twitter Source: @thecatjournals/Twitter

2. Distance and an impediment

Cats don’t need masks – they’re happy to put as much distance and stuff between themselves and the next living thing as possible when it’s time for a nap.

No germ sharing here!

@JeanConnell9/Twitter Source: @JeanConnell9/Twitter

3. You’re staying here

No matter how many times we’re warned, some people still feel like their desire to leave the house is more important than the lives of others.

This cat isn’t having it. He’s going to be sure no one puts their shoes on and leaves this house.

@ellle_em/Twitter Source: @ellle_em/Twitter

4. Digital catty hour

Sure, cats like some company every now and then. And if “Cat TV” has taught us anything it’s that they’re perfectly capable of watching a computer screen for entertainment.

A good kitty knows that digital FaceTime is the only appropriate face time right now.

@boldkaitlin/Twitter Source: @boldkaitlin/Twitter

5. Were you saving this?

This cat has one thing to say to all those greedy toilet paper hoarders out there:


@jessithebuckeye/Twitter Source: @jessithebuckeye/Twitter

6. This is how it’s done

Cats can even share a bed and maintain their distance (sometimes).

If you’re quarantined with someone who has to leave the house for work, you might want to take note.

@corvetteg1rl/Twitter Source: @corvetteg1rl/Twitter

7. Self-isolation

If only we could sleep as many hours a day as cats did then we might all feel a little less stir crazy.

Then again, we’re always complaining about how we don’t get enough sleep – maybe now is the time to see if it makes a difference!

@sue_vh/Twitter Source: @sue_vh/Twitter

8. They ran out of masks

Until we find out the truth about whether SARS-CoV-2 can be transmitted to pets, this cat is going to keep to herself.

And she does not look pleased that her owner is not maintaining a proper distance.

@cookieasm50/Twitter Source: @cookieasm50/Twitter

9. Me time

We all need some time to just zone out and get our minds off things every now and then.

But that means you might have to take turns on the laptop.

@sydsyd226/Twitter Source: @sydsyd226/Twitter

10. Hello over there

These cats are proving that you don’t to be in the same room to be friends.

It might require a little shouting, but you can still talk to your friends long-distance.

@lovesimoncat/Twitter Source: @lovesimoncat/Twitter

11. Home schooling

Just because you can’t go to school doesn’t mean learning is over for the semester.

This cat isn’t interested in learning math, but is helpfully encouraging its brother to learn while it uses the laptop screen as a germ shield.

@saevans8/Twitter Source: @saevans8/Twitter

12. Shelter in place

Cats are great at chilling in one spot for a long time.

And they just want to know why humans get so twitchy.

Just chill out already and do some of that relaxing you’re always talking about missing out on!

@steelepierce/Twitter Source: @steelepierce/Twitter

13. Stay entertained

When you’ve watched all of Netflix you have to get creative with your entertainment.

Allow your cat to help by making sure you never quite finish that puzzle!

@ddanno77/Twitter Source: @ddanno77/Twitter

14. Check in with your friends

This cat knows that not only is it important to maintain relationships while we’re all quarantined but that some friends need a little extra care, especially if they live alone.

It’s always a good idea to ask how everyone is doing every few days.

@AslanTheCat44/Twitter Source: @AslanTheCat44/Twitter

15. Neighborhood Watch

Plenty of people are still flouting the rules – which only makes other people want to do the same.

They’re putting lives at risk and now cities are starting to crack down.

Maybe it’s the cats that have been keeping track of them all along!

Good kitties!

@louise_sarah/Twitter Source: @louise_sarah/Twitter

16. When you need a break

Being at home all the time is tough on everyone.

On the bright side, some of us are discovering new parts of the house that previously went underutilized!

@thecatBluebell/Twitter Source: @thecatBluebell/Twitter

17. When someone gets too close

This is the look you need to give anyone you don’t live with who invades your space out of cluelessness.

6 feet, people! 6 feet!

@hodathecat/Twitter Source: @hodathecat/Twitter

18. Alone, together

Safety first!

Distance doesn’t have to effect your relationship.

@suestev93437247/Twitter Source: @suestev93437247/Twitter

19. Sometimes you’ve gotta be firm

Some people are just so needy that they can’t comprehend social distancing.

You need to be firm with your co-dependent friends, just like this cat!

@ThoraAndWilbur/Twitter Source: @ThoraAndWilbur/Twitter

20. More time for cuddles

Of course, there are plenty of cats that are thrilled to have their humans around and plenty of humans that are taking solace in their cats as well during this tough time.

We’re lucky to have these wise creatures.

@jactravels/Twitter Source: @jactravels/Twitter

Stay safe!

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