20 hilariously random photos that we can all relate to

Memes are like a new means of communication in our modern day. We send relatable memes to our crushes, besties, siblings, and sometimes our moms (who never understand what’s going on).

The people who come up with the hilarious and relatable content that we share all over the internet. Here are some of the most random, and surprisingly true images out there!

1) It burns!

I think I have probably done some serious damage to my poor eyes by doing this. But do I ever learn? No, of course not.

Imgflip Source: Imgflip

2) Scary movies always seem like a good idea at the time

If you watched it in the dark, good luck sleeping at night. There is a sure fire way to get some rest though: switch your focus to a TV show for kids afterward. It’s the only way.

tattooforaweek Source: tattooforaweek

3) There is no greater struggle

It’s the law. You cannot take more than one trip for the groceries. But is there any greater sense of a achievement than when you get to the kitchen and finally get to put all those bags down? No ma’am.

Imgur Source: Imgur

4) With great power comes great responsibility

What they say goes. They can make you wait forever at the top of the slide in a ridiculous pose if they want. You have no control over the situation.

Imagine having such power at 14 years old! Or however old lifeguards are. They seem so old when you’re a kid but in reality they’re just young teens.

Cashout_GClark Source: Cashout_GClark

5) The math doesn’t add up here…

They don’t even have them as an option! I always wondered that as a kid. But it was also pretty fun to go flying up out of my seat when the bus driver hit a bump in the road so, not all bad.

Imgur Source: Imgur

6) Not as glamorous as it’s made out to be

It always looks so classy in the movies, but that is a lie. It’s much sloppier, we all know it well. It almost always ends up in a massive amount of regret the next day.

Imgur Source: Imgur

7) We all do this

If you tell me you don’t, you’re lying. There’s nothing more terrifying than being alone in a dark basement, even for a moment! Those creepy noises could be coming from anywhere, or anyone… Run!

Maaouad Source: Maaouad

8) Why isn’t every day a business day?

There is no greater pain than when you are tracking a package every day (or multiple times a day) and they keep moving the date of delivery back. They post office is fine to play with your heartstrings like that. It’s ruthless.

curlyheadred Source: curlyheadred

9) There’s no greater nostalgia

This is relatable. It’s so easy to forget how much you love the ability to breathe through your nose. But there is nothing worse than sitting on the couch, feeling sorry for yourself, and remembering the good ol’ days.

Me.me Source: Me.me

10) To snooze or not to snooze

There is nothing worse than waking up and realizing that your alarm is moments away from going off.
On the other hand, there’s nothing better than waking up and seeing you have another 2 hours to snooze before work.

1_natematthews Source: 1_natematthews

11) Yes… what?!

Couldn’t they have taught us the guitar, or even the clarinet, the piano? Something a little more useful. But hey, I can still remember how to play hot cross buns 20 years later so it wasn’t all for nothing. A valuable part of my education…

bustle Source: bustle

12) No one is prepared for this pain

I don’t know how Podcasters do it, honestly. I didn’t realize how annoying I sounded until I heard it recorded. Absolutely traumatizing.

Astrologymemes Source: Astrologymemes

13) Kids bring out the best in us

You can fancy yourself a tough guy, but if a kid wants to be goofy around you, you play along. It’s just human nature.

Imgur Source: Imgur

14) There can only be one

Even if you perform every day for the rest of your life, you’ll still never be Beyonce. Only Beyonce can be Beyonce, and that’s a harsh truth most of us aren’t ready for.

franniepanini Source: franniepanini

15) Genius move

I’ve never thought to do this, this but it’s genius. Absolutely not worth the risk to have some inappropriate message pop down while they’re trying to read the meme.

Noodlefloop Source: Noodlefloop

16) They have places to be

This could not be more true. These guys could probably enter the Olympics. The most adorable thing is that if my Mom is home when she gets a delivery, she’ll yell thank you out the door. It’s wholesome.

abedelrey Source: abedelrey

17) Nutella is always the answer

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, baby. You can’t go wrong with some Nutella toast or even a few spoons from the jar. It’s made from nuts and therefore basically a health food so, dive in guilt-free. You deserve it.

JagexLuna Source: JagexLuna

18) The absolute high of Facebook birthday wishes

By the time you wake up on your birthday, the likes and happy birthday messages are already a flowin’. Even Facebook friends you never speak to post on your timeline with well wishes. You never feel as special as you do on your Facebook birthday!

Reddit Source: Reddit

19) They’re called seal pups for a reason

Have you seen photos of seals next to photos of puppies? The way they look and act is more similar than you would expect. They’re both playful, they both love the water, the only difference is that one is basically a mermaid.

9gag Source: 9gag

20) Gets me every time

I swear some songs are designed to mess us up like that. Luckily, when I’m singing in the shower or alone in my car there’s no one around to make me feel embarrassed. Just gotta try again and belt it out as best you can!

Imgur Source: Imgur

I don’t know about you, but I relate to 20/20 of those images. They’re bits of wisdom and situations that we have hilariously (and sometimes, unfortunately) all encountered before. These little truth nuggets really put some things in perspective!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Buzzfeed, Imgur
