20 hilarious mom tweets every mother can relate to

I’m just going to say it – being a mom is the hardest job in the world. It’s no secret that it can be a bit of a challenge, but it’s so rewarding at the end of the day! Sometimes it helps to rant, rave, and share your struggles with your friends…. or the world. And we all know Twitter is the perfect place to do that.

1) This Mom Who Needs a Break

A bond between a mother and child is like no other. But that doesn’t mean you don’t need a break! For most moms, the hours that the kids are at school is that break. And a mimosa never hurts.

Twitter, Martinisandmini Source: Twitter, Martinisandmini

2) This Mom Whose Son is Destined for Great Things

People often say their kids are “old for their age”, and sometimes you might think your kid is behind the curve. But rest assured, the other kids are also licking the bathtub.

Twitter, Mommy_Cusses Source: Twitter, Mommy_Cusses

3) This Mom Who Wants to Share the Special Moments

It’s a milestone moment when your child says their first word. But once they start talking, they never stop. So make that first word count because you can be sure they will be screaming it at 2am.

Twitter, CrazyExhaustion Source: Twitter, CrazyExhaustion

4) This Mom Who Was Late for Work

One of the best parts of watching kids grow up is seeing their inquisitive side ask questions and put things together. The answers to the great question, “WHY?” aren’t always easy to digest. It makes for some good laughs…after the tears dry of course.

Twitter, WorkingMom86 Source: Twitter, WorkingMom86

5) This Mom Who’s Now Questioning Everything She’s Ever Known

Whoa. What if we’ve been holding our kids back by enforcing social standards from birth? Are we all just slaves to the whisper?

Yeah, right. Good try little guy.

Twitter, JennyPentland Source: Twitter, JennyPentland

6) This Mom Living in a Horror Film

Kids can be scary. Their imaginary friends, and tales of monsters in the closet can be unsettling to say the least. But the worst is in the middle of the night, when they’re at the foot of your bed, with a blank stare, washed out face and hair hanging in front of their eyes, singing an eerie nursery rhyme.

Is that just my kid or…? Oh no.

Twitter, Maughammom Source: Twitter, Maughammom

7) This Mom Raising a Party Girl

Honestly, this will be a good skill to have in 15 -20 years. Babies are basically just little drunk people anyway, so this makes sense.

Twitter, mcarisa Source: Twitter, mcarisa

8) This Mom Who’s Raising an Old Soul

This kid gets it. Just wise beyond his years! Only 60 more years of that until you can retire, little buddy.

Twitter, Sarcasticmommy4 Source: Twitter, Sarcasticmommy4

9) This Mom Who’s Figured It Out

If you misplace your kid’s toy or they leave it at grandma’s, it will all of a sudden become their favorite. And thus, chaos will ensue.

Twitter, mommy_cusses Source: Twitter, mommy_cusses

10) This Unfiltered Mama Who Raised an Unfiltered Baby

I bet this kid isn’t even trying to embarrass their mom. They’re just curious. Kids hilariously have no concept of what kinds of things are (and are not) appropriate to say in public.

Twitter, Unfiltered Mama Source: Twitter, Unfiltered Mama

11) This Mom Who’s New Favorite Animal is a Fish

There’s nothing funnier than when kids say things wrong and embarrass you in public. Sometimes it can get you into a little trouble, but it’s worth it. And you can be sure their bad words will quickly become their favorites.

Twitter, WorkingMom86 Source: Twitter, WorkingMom86

12) This Sleep Deprived Mom

Those first few months are the hardest (well, maybe until they become teens). Sleep deprivation is a certified torture method, and moms can relate. Even the most simple of tasks can feel impossible!

Twitter, LurkAtHomeMom Source: Twitter, LurkAtHomeMom

13) This Mom Who’s Going to Need Some Ice for That Burn

This basically sums up parenting. Putting up with kids, who are unapologetically mean, while simultaneously being proud you’re raising someone destined to be hilarious.

Twitter, SardonicTart Source: Twitter, SardonicTart

14) This Mother of an Artist

Girl, can your kid do my nails too? Those are perfection.

But yes, a word to the wise, if your child hasn’t made a sound in a few minutes… they’re up to no good!

Twitter, KateOfHysteria Source: Twitter, KateOfHysteria

15) This Mom Who Said It Nice the First Time

Everyone thinks they’re going to be the kindest, nicest, purest mother. Everyone is wrong.

It’s a scientific fact that the Batman voice gets thing done.

Twitter, LurkAtHomeMom Source: Twitter, LurkAtHomeMom

16) This Jet-Setter

There’s nothing better than a secret luxury vacation. Even if the destination be a quiet bathroom. Actually, if you’re a mom, especially if the destination is a quiet bathroom.

Twitter, sarcasticmommy4 Source: Twitter, sarcasticmommy4

17) This Mother of a Son Who Can’t be Tamed

This kid really just wants to finish Octonauts before he has to go. Come on, Mom!

Twitter, SarahDelRi0 Source: Twitter, SarahDelRi0

18) This Mom Who May Have a Criminal On Her Hands

My money is on the kid with the lock pick… but I’m sure they’ll both turn out fine. It’s certainly come in handy in this situation!

Twitter, amydillon Source: Twitter, amydillon

19) This Mom Who Cries Over Spilled Wine

Whenever you are out of wine or chocolate, it’s upsetting every time. So surely we can all understand when our babies cry about an empty bottle!

Twitter, thatcarlygirl Source: Twitter, thatcarlygirl

20) This Mom Who’s Surely Just Sent Another Fundraiser Cheque to the School

No one can ever be truly prepared for what it means to be a parent until it happens. It’s shocking how much money it takes to keep them warm, fed, and healthy. And the sanity that is lost along with that money.

Twitter, BlackCatBettie Source: Twitter, BlackCatBettie

These mamas definitely served us some truth with a side of hilarity. What are your biggest #MomProblems?

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Bored Panda, Twitter/#MomProblems
