20 relatable office notes that are both aggressive and hilarious

When work is stressful, and you’re in an office space with the same people day in and day out, little things can quickly become annoying. Whether it be someone not doing the dishes in the shared kitchen, or taking things that don’t belong to them.

It can be uncomfortable to confront a colleague, so a lot of anonymous notes get left around the office. Sometimes a sarcastic response to a passive aggressive post-it is just what you need to lighten the mood.

Here are some of the best office notes to give us all a chuckle, and remind us that maybe working from home isn’t so bad after all.

1) A passive-aggressive Canadian employee, perhaps?

Always so quick to apologize, Canadians love the word “sorry”. This is probably the best context in which I’ve ever seen it used.

Imgur Source: Imgur

2) Bob Marley

I never thought I’d say this… but maybe it’s time to replace Bob Marley. I hope this note finally got the attention of the office manager. But that note should be framed and hung on the wall in commemoration of the old printer.

Imgur Source: Imgur

3) Points for artistry

I feel this in my soul. I can’t resist the urge to do something after I’ve been told not to… even if it means risking the entire office.

Imgur Source: Imgur

4) Comical Sans

Maybe the original poster thought using a silly font would take the edge of their message? But those exclamation points make me think otherwise.

It’s pretty hard to take anything in Comic Sans seriously.

Imgur Source: Imgur

5) Just can‘t escape the friend zone

Sometimes a hilarious response can be just as good as the note left in the first place. This poor guy just can’t seem to escape the friend zone – even with inanimate objects. That’s rough. At least he has a sense of humor about it!

Imgur Source: Imgur

6) A… a cricket funeral?

I’m willing to put a significant amount of money on the fact that the cleaners work harder than any of the people who took the time to make a card or better yet – write up an entire cricket eulogy during office hours.

Still hilarious though.

Imgur Source: Imgur

7) Chill, Vince

This just sounds like something a Vince would say, doesn’t it?

I mean, I definitely have some questions about the person putting whole loaves of bread in the toilet… mainly just “why”. But also… relax, Vinny.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

8) Just Let It Go

People should be free to sing whatever they want. Love is an Open Door, you know? Don’t have such a Frozen Heart.

Imgur Source: Imgur

9) Pen protector

I think we all do this sometimes without even knowing it when we’re deep in though. But sharing that information is a sure fire way to make someone think twice about snatching one of your favorite pens when you’re not looking. Genius.

Twitter Source: Twitter

10) Tony the Tuna

Quite honestly the way this is worded will probably make most people reconsidering ever eating tuna ever again… and definitely encourage people to use the trash bin instead of releasing Tony back to the ocean from whence he came.

Imgur Source: Imgur

11) Side hustle

We… I guess this is one way to make a little extra money in addition to your salary.

Reddit Source: Reddit

12) That’s one ice cold response

Never ever go back to resolving issues to the old fashioned way. This is undoubtedly better, and, most importantly, more entertaining for everyone else in the office.

Imgur Source: Imgur

13) No spoilers!

Nothing worse than when people ruin your favourite TV show. And with Game of Thrones it was extra difficult because everyone was watching it. We’ve all had someone spoil a book, movie, or TV show for us. So plese, respect this person’s request.

Reddit Source: Reddit

14) Editors can’t help themselves

Leaving a note with poor grammar is disrespectful to those who have to read it. Did you ever consider that? No. I didn’t think so.

Reddit Source: Reddit

15) Poor Kevin

Fridge thieves are the worst kind of thieves. Poor Kevin spent all morning looking forward to that tuna sandwich! While funny… this is grounds for some serious revenge.

Bored Panda Source: Bored Panda

16) Dammit, Debbie

It seems Debbie has a bit of a reputation. Kevin should take notes and start labelling his food this way so he might be able to enjoy his next tuna sandwich.

17) Probably nothing…

Probably being the operative word. Well, that’s one way to stop a food thief. On the other hand… I’m a little concerned for this employee!

Imgur Source: Imgur

18) The cursed carrot cake

Okay, and while this image is cursed and should be illegal, you kind of have to admire this person’s dedication to living outside the box.

Someone must be having a bad day to go this off the rails!

Imgur Source: Imgur

19) Like the office zoo

*David Attenborough voice*
Such fragile creatures. So rare to see them awake during the day, and in captivity like this. Truly a sight to behold.

Reddit Source: Reddit

20) That didn’t take long

And finally, this heart warming gesture from your colleagues to let you know how much they care.

Imgur Source: Imgur

There you have it! Now you’ll have some ideas for next time a passive-aggressive note pops up near your desk.

What kind of hilarious office messages have you found at your workplace?

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Bored Panda
