20 signs at local gas stations that had the entire town laughing


The interesting thing about going to gas stations is that you can always get surprised.

This is exactly what happened at one in the Wallingford neighborhood of Seattle. The owners decided to mesmerize their customers by writing funny and interesting lines on the message board.

These were a few of the best.

1. Coughing is a delicate issue today.

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Considering the spread of the COVID-19 all across the country, one cough will have consequences. We´re talking about getting sick with the virus and even dying.

Given this situation, the thing about this message is that it’s funny but also quite relatable.

2. A really bad decision.

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Let’s face it, you should never name your dog Shark if you’re going to the beach. Just imagine the chaos and despair you will cause on everyone when you’re calling your dog.

Yes, I know you laugh a lot while thinking about this scenario. And the truth is, we can’t blame you.

3. The cost of ignorance.

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This was one of those messages that made everyone laugh and have a good moment to think.

After all, many parents don’t want to get their children into school considering the costs. The problem with this decision is that nothing is more expensive than an ignorant person.

4. Beacon is not organic.

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Unfortunately, this is a hard reality that we should all accept sooner than later. Of course, this doesn’t mean we can’t have a good laugh about such a bummer.

The key is to eat whatever you want with the proper moderation. This is the only way of enjoying while keeping your health safe.

5. A scary death.

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You don’t have to think too much to understand the exquisite humor behind this message.

As you can imagine, it was a pretty funny moment when people read the message at the station.

6. God bless weekends.

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There’s nothing better than a funny message that hides an indisputable fact.

Of course, this one is the greatest example. After all, it is a fact that we all spend our week waiting for the weekend to come.

7. The real Super Bowl.

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There are people who don’t care too much about sports. For them, the terms we can all associate with an important event have a different meaning.

While the intention of this message wasn’t to show this reality, some people can feel related to it.

8. A good question no one can answer.

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There’s nothing better than making a good joke about the differences between American and British English.

As you can imagine, the station owners know it more than us. And, yes, this was a message that people stared at it for minutes while having a good laugh.

9. The cons of being an astronaut.

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Having this job can be the most prestigious thing on earth, but no one tells you about this issue.

Truth be told, it would be insane to think about an astronaut using this operating system. After all, we all know it tried to be Windows’ main rival and it ended up failing in a big way.

10. Always be kind.

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This is one of those messages that should be shown in every single location.

We’re currently living in a world where kindness has become a rare virtue. We could make society better by making it less rare than it is.

11. A cool pandemic.

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The COVID pandemic has been so bad that we would all prefer a zombie apocalypse.

In fact, if anyone would have told us decades ago that we would suffer a pandemic, we would all have thought about something like the Night of the Living Dead.

12. Having a hot body is not that easy.

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This is why the best thing you can do about it is to make a joke about it.

If you think about it, the fact that the owners used the word “cremation” is quite interesting. After all, you have to burn a lot of fat in order to have a hot body.

13. Flat earthers are one of a kind.

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The lunacy of their ideas is so extreme that this message is not that inaccurate.

If you think after centuries of scientific discoveries that the earth is flat, you’re definitely a fearless person.

14. Classic jokes never get old.

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This message is the greatest example of it. To write such a classic joke in a gas station describes the great humor of the owners.

Of course, the funniest thing about it is to watch people looking for the error in the top line.

15. There’s nothing worse than snow.

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Even if you’re at home, snow will always ruin everything. We’re talking about low temperatures and a lot of cold.

Of course, you can always find people who love to feel the chill. But we can all agree that in comparison to extreme cold, feeling warm is quite delicious.

16. Inspirational and funny at the same time.

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This is one of those cases where you can turn a serious and reflexive message into a funny one.

In fact, we could say the message hides an unquestionable truth. After all, you do have to sleep a lot in order to dream.

17. None of them will lie to you.

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Whether you like it or not, this is an undeniable fact that we should all accept.

In fact, you’ll need to have an open mind and be willing to accept the truth if you encounter one of these three.

18. The main rule of business is…

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For good or bad, history shows that the world of business has no rules. After all, there are unscrupulous people that get away with murder and others who innovate.

In any case, if you’re starting a business, always follow the righteous path. And the one that allows you to win more money in a legal manner as well.

19. Having a big patience won’t make you fatter.

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The main injustice in life is that something as boring as lettuce is the perfect thing to eat. Or that something as delicious as a Cheesecake can get you fat if you eat it a lot.

Of course, another injustice is that our bodies will never be as thin as our patience.

20. A serious question.

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Can you imagine if this idea ends up being true? We can all agree it would be cool as hell.

However, it’s just one of those cases where the name of a product has a Spanish word in it.

In case you don’t know it, soy milk would mean in Spanish “I am milk.”

Watch more cases of funny signs in the video below!

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Source: Funny life, StyleCraze.
