20 sneaky manufacturers that couldn’t fool the internet

Some corporations nowadays will do anything to make the most out of your buck. And we’re not talking about freebies or great discounts. We’re talking about packaging so deceptive you’d think you’re getting 40ml more, or that big label that says it’s the size of 2 for 1 but the math is saying otherwise. If you’re not careful, you might just end up wasting your hard-earned money so you better check this list out.

Good thing there’s the internet because these “strategies” are hilariously put to light. Here are 20 sneaky manufacturer tricks they thought wouldn’t be caught.

1. FREE wifi cold BEER!

Well played, well played!
byu/scorchednickel inassholedesign

Just by looking at this sign, you know that the people behind this ad are aware of what they are doing. The smaller words are not there as some kind of afterthought or design specification. FREE BEER they said, but at least it’s cold. Unless there’s a microscopic “it was yesterday” printed under that one.

2. They know how to get away with it

Both weigh 500g but the green one is in a 30% “BIGGER BAG MORE TO SHARE”
byu/AApickleAA inassholedesign

Do you know how these companies get away with it? Technicalities. The chips in these bags both weigh 500g but the green one has a “BIGGER BAG” and “MORE TO SHARE”. They didn’t explicitly say what’s “more to share” but we think it’s the bag.

3. Look for the fine print

[deleted by user]
by inassholedesign

“Yeah, we placed a man climbing with a rope, but we also did say — in a print you wouldn’t see outright unless we point to you — that this rope is not for climbing.”

4. What a deal!

Nice one, Snickers
by inassholedesign

Every smart consumer knows that when a product seems to say “x2” or “x whatever size” you have to get the regular one for comparison. I guess the third Snicker is invisible?

5. “Cup half full”

This cup “full” of candy x post from r/expectationvsreality
byu/GeoWho inassholedesign

Are you seeing the cup “half-empty” or “half-full”? This seemingly philosophical question is easily trumped by this product that’s more than half full of bullcrap.

6. Buy the weight not the packaging

I was wondering why I seem to go through deodorant so fast. This is brand new, never been used (labels removed).
byu/CHESTER_C0PPERP0T inmildlyinfuriating

You think it’s only potato chips that are 33% chips 66% percent air? While the math is not exact, you can clearly see what we’re up to here. We understand that the bottle needs room for the screw mechanism but does it need to be that much?

7. A “steel” price

[deleted by user]
by inbullshitadvertising

If you’re saying “copper” then backtracks to stainless steel, then you better doubt the part where it says “Stays sharp forever”. Save yourself the heartbreak, buy another knife instead.

8. Pulled a sneaky on ya!

Why yes I am.
byu/Elfkrunch inassholedesign

We don’t know how to feel about this, really. It’s pretty smart, we’ll give them that but someone’s going to take that card and spiral further down. Alcoholic? How about more booze to fix you up?

9. Here, buy some air

This candy packet is approximately 7 cm longer than the piece of candy
byu/terrygraeme inassholedesign

“Tear and share,” it says. What are we going to share with our friends? A pocketful of air?

10. Life is a box of chocolates

This Box of Chocolates…they didn’t even taste that good!!
byu/Judithsins inassholedesign

As Forrest Gump once said, “My mom always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” Sometimes it’s dark, sometimes it cherry liquor, and sometimes, it’s just packaging.

11. Half a cup

Buying a solid milk chocolate Stanley Cup? Surely you only expected half of one.
byu/TyCooper8 inassholedesign

The last time we checked, the Stanley Cup is shaped almost exactly like a goblet. If a recipe asks you for half a cup of chocolate, you now know exactly what you’re going to use. Talk about conveniently framed packaging.

12. Panda candy

by inassholedesign

No, it’s not panda candy. It’s a plain white candy with a panda face packaging. But these kids will never know until they pull out the lollipop, right?

13. Too pure!


Nothing screams “suspicious” than the hyperbolic claim that your product is too pure to be even detected by any scientifically proven modes of measurement known to mankind. Does this water clean your soul too?

14. Pepperoni Pizza “Surprise”

Every Headline On The Internet In A Nutshell
byu/Ge_Sto infunny

Is it a pizza? Yes. Does it have pepperoni on it? Yes. So what are you complaining about, exactly?

15. How much for the empty plastic?

Imgur - AngelicFluffy Source: Imgur - AngelicFluffy

Yes, we get it. The case doesn’t necessarily mean the weight. Not only is this deceptive, but it’s also wasteful as well. Do you think that extra plastic comes free?

16. If it wasn’t for you meddling kids!

Plastic is the new paper!
byu/SPLICER55 inassholedesign

You know how a team of teens and a Great Dane pull off the costume from one of the “ghosts” and reveals its true nature? This is exactly that moment.

17. Just look at it once

Cup design that makes the drink look like it has actual fruit
byu/St-Paerikus inassholedesign

Just look at the cup one time. Observe how that sweet strawberry syrup swirls into a marbled treat. Take a sip. But no matter what you do, never look at your cup again.

18. What were you expecting?

“Printed all over” and deliberately leaves the pattern on the outside of the package.
byu/sorden96 inassholedesign

You grabbed a checkered plastic table cover from the store, so what were you expecting? A cover with checkered patterns all over? Come on! On the up side, at least the whole thing covers the table nicely.

19. Basically “flavor”

This “avocado” oil
byu/Tylerjordan1994 inassholedesign

Your corn chips can come in barbecue, cheese, ranch, or jalapeno. Your candies can come in apple, lime, strawberry, and citrus. Your oil? Well, it comes in avocado flavor.

20. Is this a trick question

So, which is it, Campbell’s? 30% or 40% bigger?
byu/CivilizedPsycho inassholedesign

We’ve been staring at this picture for quite some time now. We feel like there’s an optical illusion here somewhere. We just can’t seem to locate the missing 10%.

False advertising our a sneaky way to sell? No matter which perspective you choose, always remember to make better decisions when you purchase goods. We don’t want you ending up on this list, do we?

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Source: Reddit, Twitter – @janagrc, Imgur
