20 tattoos that are so bad we want a refund just for looking at them

Tattoos can be beautiful and hold important meaning. They can also be terrible mistakes.

Putting permanent ink on your body requires some thought – or, at the very least, a spell check and look into the portfolio of the tattoo “artist” you’ve enlisted.

1. All about the Benjamins

If this money could talk it will tell this guy to get a refund.

Vomitsadface/Imgur Source: Vomitsadface/Imgur

2. That’s bananas

It’s a good thing this design included those side bananas, otherwise, we would have never figured out what was going on.

Allofthekittens/Imgur Source: Allofthekittens/Imgur

3. Poor life “dicision”

Clearly, she did not let any of her past spelling lessons get in the way of this tattoo.

And what’s that comma all about? Is there another part of the sentence lurking under her arm?

Mdkynyc/Imgur Source: Mdkynyc/Imgur

4. Pick a font, dude

Brenda must be some woman!

We just hope she likes this guy.

Thereisnolifeiknowtocomparewithpureimagination/Imgur Source: Thereisnolifeiknowtocomparewithpureimagination/Imgur

5. That’s a baby? A baby what?

If you really want to get a reminder of your infant tattooed on you, why choose your back where you can’t even see it?

However, in this case, that’s a good thing.

DontDoubtMyCommitmentToSparkleMotion/Imgur Source: DontDoubtMyCommitmentToSparkleMotion/Imgur

6. Taco tramp stamp

We’re not going to pretend we don’t appreciate Taco Bell sometimes, but not enough to get the logo tattooed on our bodies.

Vomitsadface/Imgur Source: Vomitsadface/Imgur

7. Someone get this man a pen

Well, depending on what you want to gain, you may or may not need a pen.

Vomitsadface/Imgur Source: Vomitsadface/Imgur

8. Don’t make him flip you the Taco Bell

This is one serious committment to fast food.

Do you think he plays “eenie meenie miney mo” to decide where to eat that night?

Ladybug007/Imgur Source: Ladybug007/Imgur

9. We would 100% not like fries with that

We don’t know why this exists, we only hope we don’t see it in our nightmares.

GeneralTooey/Imgur Source: GeneralTooey/Imgur

10. We go together like…

So, maybe this is a sign it’s time to break up then?

MillennialBoi/Imgur Source: MillennialBoi/Imgur

11. A lot of ink

Did he have to pay extra for all that ink? Or do you think he got a discount for the crappy design execution?

Trashcantiger/Imgur Source: Trashcantiger/Imgur

12. Patriot

What if we told you that you could be proud to be an American without advertising it on your forehead?

InfidelCB/Reddit Source: InfidelCB/Reddit

13. We’re sure they’re trembling in their boots

Maybe she’s a huge N.W.A. fan, but if she ever gets arrested we’re betting the cops are more likely to laugh and roll their eyes than get angry at this atrocious ink.

fetus-in-a-suit/Reddit Source: fetus-in-a-suit/Reddit

14. That’s no one’s best side

We understand that a sonogram might be the only photo you have of your child.

But maybe a simple name would be a little less creepy than an in utero view.

Jarasi_/Reddit Source: Jarasi_/Reddit

15. It’s bad

Michael Jackson is a tough figure to cope with these days.

There are still plenty of fans of his music who aren’t fans of the man himself.

Not this person though. She leaves us asking “Annie, are you ok?”

Precif/Reddit Source: Precif/Reddit

16. Lord help us

Is this more or less blasphemous than taking the Lord’s name in vain?

Tsunamibash/Reddit Source: Tsunamibash/Reddit

17. Is this lion drunk?

That’s the least ferocious lion we’re ever seen.

blue-25/Reddit Source: blue-25/Reddit

18. Is that, like, a fearless centipede?

Honey, that’s not a word.

It takes 3 seconds to spell-check something.

We’re not sure who to be more embarrassed for – the woman with the tattoo or the “artist” tagged in the post.

Rosietoe/Imgur Source: Rosietoe/Imgur

19. Spiderman


Interesting life choice.

ChimiAndChill Source: ChimiAndChill

20. Keep your kids away from (tattoo) guns

This has to be the most amateur tattoo we’ve ever seen.

Always make sure to look at the portfolio of the artist about to permanently mark your skin!

sassufras/Reddit Source: sassufras/Reddit


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