20 unfortunate mishaps we’re glad didn’t happen to us
One would argue that sometime’s it’s pretty easy to laugh when someone else isn’t having a great day – accidentally falling into a pool, stumbling into a door, or simply having an embarrassing moment, sometimes it brings others some comfort and laughter. Of course, as long as these unfortunate mishaps aren’t anything severe or life-threatening, laughter can definitely be good medicine, even though we certainly wouldn’t want to be in their shoes.
Let’s take a look at twenty very unfortunate but also funny mishaps that will bring a lot of people a good laugh.
1) Time for another repairman
This photo can definitely use some context. The man above is someone who was called because the door was jamming from the inside, and this usually is a quick fix. However, the man forgot to bring his tools once he was inside and the door was already closed – so they had to call another repairman.
2) You’re not getting your camera back
When your items get lost, sometimes you just have to accept the fact that you’ll never see your stuff again. After all, we don’t think this shark would be willing to give it back.
3) Students can relate
The following picture is definitely one that a lot of students can relate to. We’ve all mistaken a deadline in our lives, but this one is particularly painful… Let’s hope the classmate was only teasing!
4) Custom facemask
the good news is my custom facemask arrived, the bad news is that they printed my face 20% too large pic.twitter.com/jBaVM7nbYI
— Cameron!! (@cameronmattis) July 27, 2020
In these strange times, facemasks have become unavoidable. Some people like to opt for a fun design, just like this person who simply decided to print a facemask of his own face – too bad it didn’t work out the way he’d hoped.
5) Stock photos should be appreciated
I just found out this isn’t me… my parents never took out the stock photo and it’s been there for like ten years.
byu/Pugrito-815 inWellthatsucks
Sometimes, you come across things that have seemed normal to you for years, only to realize that there’s actually something wrong with him. This poor person always thought that he was the one in the picture!
6) Allergy test
My 12 year old, allergic to nearly everything
byu/airlee77 inWellthatsucks
People with a lot of allergies know just how annoying life can be sometimes – even something as simple as a doctor’s visit. The allergy test certainly worked, but no one expected this child to be allergic to almost everything.
7) Too hot to kayak
Just a little too hot to kayak in Florida today.
byu/tyrannosaurus_fred inpics
Apparently, not all kayaks are resistant to heat, especially when you let them rest in the scorching sun on a hot summer day. Good luck cleaning that mess up!
8) Now that’s horrible timing
When your cabinet decides it’s time to break lose and come crashing down the day you install your brand new glass top stove.
byu/thorisadog inWellthatsucks
Getting a brand new glass top stove in the kitchen – that’s surely something to be excited about! Just wondering how much easier or more fun cooking could become… Until your cabinet above decides to throw a tantrum, of course…
9) Let’s just get a whole new car
So much for changing the battery
byu/Astrofluke inWellthatsucks
Dealing with an empty or broken battery in the car is never fun, but it’s hardly one of the worst things that could happen to your ride either. However, when you see that there’s a black widow nest residing over there, it just makes you want to buy a whole new car instead.
10) Getting too violent against a cockroach
Long story short, I saw a cockroach.
byu/x313 inWellthatsucks
The person who shared this photo online definitely doesn’t like cockroaches. In an attempt to get rid of the pesky animal, it looks like the oven had to die instead…
11) That’s one way to kill some time
I spilled 50,000 2mm glass beads on the ground and I now have to sort them by hand
byu/Myosonami inWellthatsucks
Sometimes, spilling one thing on the ground can lead to some very lengthy consequences… There are an estimated 50,000 beads in there and it’s gonna take a while before it’s all sorted out!
12) An unlucky accident
The picture above is definitely proof of why should always clutch things in the back of a pick-up truck during transport. All it takes is a sudden stop and you end up with a statue through the window.
13) Now that’s painful
Paper shredders can be useful, but we’re pretty sure that this person will never want to use one of those dastardly things ever again. Lesson learned!
14) Where’s the bread?
I got this bread from Whole Foods… more like Hole Foods 😏
byu/igothitbyacar inmildlyinfuriating
Bread with holes in it, it’s definitely kind of normal – but this one particular piece of bread is definitely pushing it far! When Whole Foods suddenly turns into Hole Foods!
15) This is what happens when you’re not awake yet
Admittedly, this probably isn’t the best way to start your day! From now on, this person will never forget to check if their glasses aren’t positioned upside-down.
16) Cheez-It cereal
Prepared Cinnamon Toast Crunch in the dark. It was Cheeze Its.
byu/songbird808 inWellthatsucks
We’re not sure if the combination of Cheez-It crackers with milk is a winner, but every crazy recipe has to start somewhere.
17) And this is why we’re going to the vet
This vet trip is off to a bad start.
byu/MiddleFroggy inWellthatsucks
Trips to the vet usually are fun, because it’s just sad to see your beloved pets not feeling well. After seeing this unfortunate picture, it’s not hard to understand why they’re going to the doctor in the first place.
18) Good luck getting your football back, or your shoe
What happens when your football is stuck somewhere high and needs a nudge? Throw your shoe on there, of course? Seems like this idea didn’t exactly go as planned.
19) A message from above
Someone in Australia was tying their shoe when a Fire Bombing plane had to drop their load due to turbulence
byu/nerdroberts inWellthatsucks
This anti-fire plane dropping its load was necessary but definitely unfortunate for this person typing up their shoe. One moment you’re busy making a knot, the next you’re completely covered in red goo!
20) We don’t even know what happened here
If you could sum up the year 2020 in a single picture, this is definitely a top contender. The kitchen is an absolute mess, and you can only begin to wonder what caused this… An earthquake, perhaps?
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