20 weird things about America that Americans don’t realize are strange

The USA is a really, really weird place compared to the rest of the world. Of course, when you grow up in that place, you don’t realize its peculiarities.

There’s a lot of good and a lot of bad in America. But most of all, there’s a lot of weird.

In many ways, it was bound to happen. The USA is a country that began by people from all over the world flocking to it. How can you end up with anything normal when so many different cultures come together?

Here are 20 of the strangest things about America, that go unnoticed to most Americans.

1. Hiding the sales tax

Wikideas1/Wikimedia Source: Wikideas1/Wikimedia

In most countries, they actually list the price of the item when listing the price of the item. America omits the sales tax, just so shoppers can have a surprise at the cash register.

2. Avoiding the metric system like the plague

Kmtextor/Wikimedia Source: Kmtextor/Wikimedia

A system of counting that’s based around the number 10!? How could that possibly make any sense whatsoever?

3. A commercial break every two seconds

Right.as.reindeer/Instagram Source: Right.as.reindeer/Instagram

In most countries, you can watch TV and pay attention to the show, because they actually keep a show playing without commercial interruption for a decent amount of time.

4. The obsession with the flag

Eloise.trlt/Instagram Source: Eloise.trlt/Instagram

The residents of most countries just think of their flag as being a practical identifier. In America, people treat their flag like a masterpiece of art.

5. There’s more ice than drink in a drink

Pikrepo Source: Pikrepo

Americans realize that drinks at restaurants are already chilled, right? Adding excessive ice to an already cold drink is just watering it down.

6. Commercials that advertise prescription drugs

The_salty_warrior/Instagram Source: The_salty_warrior/Instagram

Apart from causing death, depression, diarrhea, anxiety, heart attacks, liver problems, brain aneurysms and a couple of other things, there are no side effects whatsoever. Why would other countries want to prohibit advertising products like this?

7. Having different laws for different states (and counties and cities)

Spaceboyjosh/Wikimedia Source: Spaceboyjosh/Wikimedia

In most countries, if it’s illegal in one area, it’s illegal in all areas. But in America, you can do something totally legal on the edge of one state, cross the invisible border and be arrested for doing the same thing. And if that weren’t confusing enough, it also applies to counties and cities! Madness!

8. Talking so damn loud

Broadsabroadoz/Instagram Source: Broadsabroadoz/Instagram

Do Americans have larger vocal cords or smaller eardrums?

9. Forcing servers and waiters to survive off of tips

Gayledrinksbeer/Instagram Source: Gayledrinksbeer/Instagram

If a customer doesn’t leave a good tip, then the waiter will only make a couple of bucks per hour. Unless you live in a country with wage laws that treat servers and waiters like humans.

10. Bathroom doors that don’t close all the way

Ninibean7/Instagram Source: Ninibean7/Instagram

Because why would anyone want privacy?

11. Calling baguettes “French bread”

PublicDomainPictures Source: PublicDomainPictures

You know, the French don’t call hamburger buns “American meat holders.”

12. Starting up random conversations with strangers

Flickr Source: Flickr

Even in big cities that some Americans consider being unfriendly, like New York, people will strike up a conversation with someone they’ve never met for no reason. In most other places in the world, you keep to yourself.

13. Calling a public toilet the restroom/bathroom

Jeremzab/Instagram Source: Jeremzab/Instagram

No one is taking a nap or having a bath in one of those, hopefully.

14. Considering any home that’s older than you uninhabitable

Pxhere Source: Pxhere

HGTV is full of Americans who hate the idea of moving into a home that, shock, horror, is older than they are.

15. Making money as confusing as possible

Pikrepo Source: Pikrepo

It’s so easy to mix up a $1 bill and a $20. And which one is worth more, a nickel or a dime? Those aren’t numbers! Wait, there’s a $2 bill?

16. Asking, “How are you,” and only expecting a positive reply

Jarry1250/Wikimedia Source: Jarry1250/Wikimedia

“Actually, I’m disheartened by America’s public toilets that have gaps in the doors. And I had to eat my drink because it was mostly ice. So when I complain, all of a sudden you don’t want to have a random conversation?”

17. Smiling constantly

Jessica Albano/Flickr Source: Jessica Albano/Flickr

Yes, it takes more muscles to frown, but maybe I want to exercise my face?

18. Drugstores that stock harmful products

Manou_laping/Instagram Source: Manou_laping/Instagram

Want some beer and cigarettes? I can just pick them up when I’m at the drugstore.

19. Huge pickup trucks

Dave_7/Flickr Source: Dave_7/Flickr

Even with the wider American roads, this is excessive

20. Using AC on a mild day

Peakpx Source: Peakpx

Because opening a window is too much effort.

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Source: Buzzfeed, Buzzfeed, Buzzfeed
