20 wholesome and pure cat pics to distract you from the rest of the world

Having a bad day or need a break from a long one? Or are you just in need of something to zone out to?

Luckily, the Internet has never stopped collecting cat photos to help us all out of these situations.

These ones happen to be pretty darn wholesome, so if you’re in the mood for a whole load of cuteness, scroll on!

1. New friends

This whole situation makes us tear up. We think of cats as so mean and solitary sometimes, but they know when people, as well as other creatures, are in need.

And while we don’t always get a hug around the shoulder, this furry kitten really needed it.

This made my day! from r/cats

2. I Heart You

How could you not welcome this sweet cat near you when you saw it coming?

Actually, it would be kind of funny to watch this cat be in a bad mood. It would be like a really rude Care Bear.

Triple Hearted from r/aww

3. Snuggles

Some cats just love to snuggle with humans. It’s not common, but we’re always jealous when we see it.

Our cat snuggles with its claws out and never at times or in places that are convenient. But we’ll take it anyway.

2 months ago: “we absolutely are not getting a cat.” Now: from r/cats

4. You saved me

People adopt pets from shelters every day. And if you’ve ever done it you should really give yourself a pat on the back (if you’ve given your pet a good home).

Think of the life you potentially saved them from and how they got to turn into their best selves under your care.

When I adopted Penny from a shelter 10 years ago she was scared and aggressive. Today she is the most loving cat I have ever met. from r/cats

5. How? But aww.

Well, that’s not what we would expect to see upon arriving home. AND they both stood still for a commemorative photo!

At that point, you have to just play the lottery because you’re clearly having a lucky day.

Cat and deer 🦌 from r/aww

6. Yin and yang

We love when cats sleep like this – and we’re not sure why they do it.

The only problem is the head on the butt thing – we just can’t stop thinking about how it could go wrong – but it’s not our risk to take!

Perfectly cozy, curled up cats from r/oddlysatisfying

7. Ah, to be young!

Remember when you woke up and greeted the day with excitement and ambition and took a breath of fresh air into your lungs to wake yourself up and get going?

Yeah, me neither. But it sure sounds nice and this kitten looks inspiring while doing it!

He’s having a main character moment from r/aww

8. Hey, dad

Among the many reasons we can’t understand why someone would be cruel to an animal is that sometimes they look at you like this.

How do you resist loving this forever?

An official “when you are in love” picture. from r/aww

9. Move over, puppy love

If you think you need to get your kid a puppy as a pet, maybe consider a much less care-intensive cat.

A lot of cats bond with their small humans – just look at these two!

Sweet kitty love from r/aww

10. Goofus

Cats love laps. In fact, the only thing they love more is an outstretched lap. It’s the ultimate comfort divot.

And the bonus is when they look up, they look like total goofs and you can get a great shot of your sometimes-majestic creature.

That face though! from r/aww

11. Easy friends

Cats that like to be pet will take it wherever they can get it. Even stone statues.

We think this cat improves the overall aesthetic. And what was that boy doing with that hand anyway? Mansplaining something to his sister?

This is way more charming.

I know the feeling, kitty from r/aww

12. The belly of trust and doom

We have to say, that’s one comfortable cat! Laying belly up and next to the dog is a level of “I’m not worried” that we’ve never been unfortunate enough to experience.

Maybe we should be playing with more catnip.

Got my dog an emotional support kitten, this was their first week together from r/aww

13. He has your eyes

How can you not laugh when you see this photo?

Cat genetics is fascinating, but we’ve never seen markings so similar on a dad and baby.

You ARE the father, furry sir.

Dad and Son from r/aww

14. Baby boss

Those of us working from home with a cat have faced certain challenges when it comes to finding a place for them to chill that is not directly on our stuff.

The “judgment drawer” is certainly one option. In fact, if you use guilt as a motivator, it can be great.

If not, at least you can appreciate that it’s better than having a cat on your keyboard.

Ruth sits in her judgement drawer when I work from home from r/aww

15. The look of love

Whether you think this look says “dad, you’re the best” or “I’ll kill you last, human,” you have to admit that it’s pretty adorable.

Cats can do this sort of thing just as well as dogs. And we should all feel fortunate that they’ll look such a lesser species as us in the eyes.

The way the cat looks at its owner from r/aww

16. I’m home

Not only is the photo adorable, but the story behind it really tugged at our heartstrings.

We can’t help but feel like this cat is smiling because it’s so glad to be home.

My cat returned after 7 months of searching. My second cat found and brought him. from r/aww

17. Step by step

We don’t think we’d want to keep track of that many cats, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy how adorable this family is.

And how much effort did it take to get this photo? Some human deserves a prize for this accomplishment!

Even smol cats get a step from r/aww

18. Unlikely friends

Interspecies friendships are their own kind of adorable. We always wonder how they came to be.

But no matter what the animals are, when they’re showing affection, we can’t look away.

I love moo from r/cats

19. A happy ending

We know we don’t feel as much emotion as this woman does at finding her cat, but this photo really hits us in the feels.

What a sense of relief and gratitude she must feel!

Woman goes to pet cats at a shelter and finds her cat who had been missing for a year from r/aww

20. 21 years

Cats can live a long time – which is one of the many great things about having them as pets.

And there’s just something about this cat’s eyes that fill us with emotion, especially with a 16-year-old cat of our own.

Just turned 21 years. He has accompanied me through teenage years, college, marriage, and was still able to meet my 4 month old baby. Thank you for a lifetime of companionship…I love you with all my 💓. from r/aww


Well, that either sated your need for a cat break or made you want to see even more. We won’t judge you if you keep looking through Nala’s page.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Bored Panda
