25-year-old with brain cancer passes away – Just minutes later, so does his beloved dog

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Dying from a broken heart is a real phenomenon, and this story proves that it can happen to dogs as well as humans.

At the age of only 18, Stuart Hutchison got some terrible news. He had brain cancer.

Stuart Hutchison/Facebook Source: Stuart Hutchison/Facebook

Stuart had been looking at going to college, but his diagnosis changed everything. Immediately, he was scheduled to undergo chemotherapy and brain surgery.

The doctors were able to fight the cancer, but sadly, it was very aggressive.

At first, it looked like they had cleared it up. But Stuart kept on experiencing pain. Later, they discovered that the cancer had spread to his bones.

Stuart realized that his journey was far from over.

Stuart Hutchison/Facebook Source: Stuart Hutchison/Facebook

Throughout Stuart’s journey, he had three loyal companions, his dogs. One of his dogs in particular, Nero the French Bulldog, could really sense the pain that he was experiencing. He was always there to comfort Stuart. In fact, the dog would rarely leave his owner’s side.

“He had three dogs. But him and Nero were like one man and his dog. Nero was the dog which was always with him” – Stuart’s mother.

Stuart Hutchison/Facebook Source: Stuart Hutchison/Facebook

Realizing his time was short, Stuart decided to marry his long-time girlfriend, Danielle.

When they got married, Stuart and Danielle were only in their early 20s. But Stuart loved Danielle so much that he knew that he had to marry her while he could.

Stuart Hutchison/Facebook Source: Stuart Hutchison/Facebook

Then, when Stuart was 25, the young man’s health rapidly declined.

He realized that he didn’t have long left in this world. So he chose to spend his last month at home, with his dogs, his wife and the rest of his family.

Everyone was heartbroken the day that Stuart died. The young man had just wanted to live a full life like anyone else.

Due to circumstances beyond anyone’s control, his life had been taken from him.

But no one was sadder than Nero, the loyal French Bulldog. As soon as Stuart had died, Nero kept on weeping and making sad noises.

Stuart Hutchison/Facebook Source: Stuart Hutchison/Facebook

Soon, the dog was looking ill and couldn’t walk. So one of the family members decided to rush Nero to the vet.

By the time that Nero reached the vet, he too was dead. It was just 15 minutes after Stuart himself had passed away.

Clearly, the heartbreak of losing Stuart was too much for Nero. He couldn’t bear to be apart from his human owner.

Everyone would miss Stuart terribly. And the shock of losing Nero, Stuart’s most loyal dog, made the loss even more profound. For years, the two had been inseparable. And now both of them had gone.

Stuart Hutchison/Facebook Source: Stuart Hutchison/Facebook

Broken heart syndrome is a real thing that people, and dogs, have died from, as this story proves. In fact, there are two professional names for it, stress-induced cardiomyopathy and takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Luckily, most people who suffer from broken heart syndrome make a full recovery within weeks, and it is rarely fatal.

The symptoms of broken heart syndrome are chest pain and shortness of breath. Anyone who experiences this after a traumatic event should seek out immediate medical attention.

Stuart and Nero’s story is incredibly tragic. If only they could still be in the world today.

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Source: Classic Disco Hits
