3-year-old melts hearts with her gift to garbage man


Each and every one of us had their own special hero who we admired and looked up to when we were young.

For many children, this could be the mailman or their preschool teacher.

But little Brooklyn Andracke from Bloomington, Illinois, couldn’t wait for the garbageman to arrive at their home every week!

Facebook/Trace Raymond Andracke Source: Facebook/Trace Raymond Andracke

It all started when she was a toddler.

At first, she would wave to him from the window, and then after a while, her mom used to take her outside to wave to him in person.

The garbage man waved back, although he didn’t know the little girl or her family. But every Thursday little Brooklyn wouldn’t miss her hero’s round in his garbage truck.

Even if for some reason she did miss it, she would ask her parents to drive her around the neighborhood to spot him and say “hi”!

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But, it seems that Brooklyn was not the only one who enjoyed these meetings.

As Brooklyn’s mom explained, the garbage man also looked forward to them.

“He said that he has a meeting every Thursday morning and always tries to get out of there in a hurry so that he can make sure to see us every week. He said he doesn’t have any kids of his own, but he mentors several children and just loves them.”

And then, at some point, the time came for the two to exchange more than a simple “hi”.

It was time to become proper friends.

And what do friends do when it’s their birthday? They offer treats and receive presents.

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Indeed, in 2016, it so happened that Brooklyn’s birthday was on a Thursday- I mean, it couldn’t be a coincidence, right?!

So, Brooklyn got a cupcake and waited for her friend to come over so she could give him his treat.

When the man arrived, he was surprised by what was waiting for him in that neighborhood! But Brooklyn was even more thrilled than him- so much so, that she couldn’t even speak!

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“He pulled over, got out and gave us his BIG smile. Brooklyn was instantly speechless as she handed him the cupcake. I explained to him that he makes our day every Thursday, and we really appreciate the honking and waving, and how special of a day it is for us,” Brooklyn’s mom, Traci, explains.

After this encounter, the little girl couldn’t contain her enthusiasm. But this was not all.

The following Thursday, a surprise awaited Brooklyn when she went outside to greet her garbageman friend, whose name is Delvar.

Delvar brought his toddler friend belated birthday presents, and the little girl couldn’t have been more excited!

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Her mom filmed her reaction to her beautiful Frozen-themed presents and the little girl looks very happy with them!

But the surprises didn’t stop there for little Brooklyn.

Her new friend, Delvar sent her a video- which he hoped she would enjoy, although it was “a little stinky”.

The video was a lesson about garbage collection and disposal and we are sure the toddler was amused by all the new stuff she learned!

After that, the two of them officially became friends and they even kept sending videos to one another.

What a lovely story that reminds us of the beautiful difference a friend can make!

You can watch the detailed story in the video below.

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Source: Facebook, Inside Edition
