3-year-old makes Mommy cry answering question

Is He really up there? Watching? Guiding His sons and daughters down here?

The debate about God’s existence is no stranger to us. Maybe once in our lives, we have asked about it, or maybe not.

This was not the actual question asked to a 3-year-old toddler, but the thought led there.

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This little girl’s inspiring story may have a potential answer to this ultimate question.

A baby girl named Leah was in a tight battle with Severe Congenital Neutropenia and complications from a bone marrow transplant.

It’s not quite fun for a kid her age, but Leah and her loving family gave it a good fight. They didn’t let it get the best from their little angel.

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According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine,

“Severe congenital neutropenia is a condition that causes affected individuals to be prone to recurrent infections. People with this condition have a shortage (deficiency) of neutrophils, a type of white blood cell that plays a role in inflammation and in fighting infection.”

A video surfaced on the internet and has moved many souls since then.

In a touching video, we could see Leah with an invasive tube glued to her cheek and running into her nose. It’s not the best sight from a charming little cutie like her.

She’s been sick for quite some time now. According to the “About” section of their Facebook page named Prayers and Love for Leah, she had her 1st bone marrow transplant on 2/7/14 and her 2nd on 3/29/16.

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In the same video, her mom asked her a series of cute questions from a kid’s personality test on the internet.

Leah answered each with so much innocence and enjoyment.

The tube in her nose didn’t seem to bother her at all. She’s still energetic and her eyes were still sparkling with hope. When life knocks you down, all you need to do is to get back up on your feet. This was the lesson Leah was trying to teach us.

The 3-year-old girl answered the “get to know you better” questions with so much wit. She was also able to share her innocent humor with her responses. When she was asked what’s her favorite animal, she said “Tiger.” And when asked what she’s scared of, she adorably whispered “Tigers” as well.

She even said, “I’m scared of Tigers.” So technically, she’s scared of her favorite animal.

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When mom asked her favorite place to go, she said “Target,” which made mommy say, “You’re a girl after my own heart.”

The questions became a little tougher for our tough cutie.

When Leah was asked what makes her sad, she said…

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“Because I can’t go at your house. And I can’t go at Grandma and Grandpa’s house. Cause then I could be with Daisy and Sebastian. I miss Daisy and Sebastian.”

And the ultimate question that had mommy sobbing.

“What does love mean?”

Our brave little girl stopped for a moment but gave an unexpected answer. An answer that you wouldn’t imagine coming from a 3-year-old toddler.

Leah said…

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She knew it and uttered the word just like that- despite her condition, all the hardships, and pain that her young body had gone through.

We’re not sure how the family introduced God to her, after all, and we can’t argue with what she answered.

Leah’s mom wasn’t able to hold her emotions back after what she heard.

She ended up crying to release all the emotional stress that she’s carried throughout this ordeal.

Facebook/PrayersAndLoveForLeah Source: Facebook/PrayersAndLoveForLeah

The Prayers and Love for Leah Facebook page will give you a beautiful update about Leah.

She’s now 7 years old and is already recovering from her illness.

She’s blossomed into an energetic and happy kid. Leah’s courage and faith have made a huge difference in her recovery.

Facebook/PrayersAndLoveForLeah Source: Facebook/PrayersAndLoveForLeah

We can’t wait to see Leah grow into a beautiful princess, or perhaps a “Mermaid with feet,” just like what she would like to be.

Watch Leah’s touching “question and answer” time with mommy in the video below.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Shareably, George Gassmann, Prayers and Love for Leah, U.S. National Library of Medicine
