30 dogs rescued from puppy mills experience touching the ground for the first time

Puppy Mills aren’t exactly places full of cute little fluffers that anyone can just play with. They are cruel breeding grounds with terrible living conditions.

Those mills treat dogs as nothing more than puppy churning machines made to do their bidding for profit.

So rescue stories involving these horrible places are always welcome.

Check out this group of dogs who were rescued from puppy mills, They finally got the chance to feel what it’s like to walk on the ground for the first time.

These poor pups were rescued by the National Mill Dog Rescue.

A total of 30 dogs that saved from puppy mills were then transported to the Arizona Animal Welfare League & SPCA. It was a place where they could recover and hopefully receive adoption placement.

But you have to feel for these dogs though. They went from the horrors of a puppy mill to a place where they suddenly felt loved and cared for. It must have been a huge shock to the pups.

And if you go to the Puppy Mill Project, you’ll read that there are an estimated 10,000 puppy mills in the United States. They can produce up to around 2 million puppies a year.

Those poor, poor dogs.

The sad part is that the demand for dogs is way too low. That means and an estimated 1.2 million dogs are euthanized in shelters every year in the U.S. since the numbers don’t add up.

Most of those dogs don’t find permanent loving homes.

The truth is that many people unknowingly support puppy mills. They end up buying from pet stores, Craigslist, Facebook marketplace, and other places similar.

Imagine a hot, dirty place full of dogs kept in horrible conditions, They are unable to leave their cages, then are forced to breed up until the point that they can’t produce any more puppies.

And no, they don’t receive the proper care inside.

When they can no longer produce puppies, those breeding dogs are simply discarded. It’s such a cruel fate but it is all too real.

It’s a good thing that there are many organizations dedicated to the rescue of these dogs. Rescued canines get a second chance.

If you suspect a place near you that is a puppy mill, you can report these areas to such organizations.

It is always good news when there are dogs rescued from these mills. The 30 rescue dogs got to walk on solid ground, finally getting to experience freedom.

And that’s for the very first time in their lives.

YouTube - National Mill Dog Rescue Source: YouTube - National Mill Dog Rescue

All the adorable running and playing, the wagging of tails in delight, is exactly how all dogs should be. There are others who were unsure what to think and do, sitting around or walking slowly, not knowing what to do.

But they’ll get there, with the proper TLC.

30 dogs hopefully found forever loving homes with lots of cuddles and treats.

Check out the video below for more on this story!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: The Animal Rescue Site, National Mill Dog Rescue
