35 Photos That Men Won’t Begin To Understand

The day in the life of a woman is something that men will never understand. Even the best men who try will never truly get it. Just know, women, that you are not alone in these struggles. We are in this together.

1) The Bump

Not the baby bump. If you have long hair, you understand what this is about. If you wear your hair in a ponytail for longer than an hour, you won’t get it back to normal until you shower again.

Cheezeburger Source: Cheezeburger

2) Guess, Frank, Guess

If you’re a woman and you ask another woman why she needs her bag, then you need to get a clue. If you’re a man then you’re forgiven. There are things a woman needs in that bag.

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3) Don’t Talk To Me

If a woman is alone and there aren’t any other people nearby, then don’t talk to her, don’t stare at her. It will only make her both uncomfortable and scared. Run away, girl!

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4) Burn Yourself Every Time

Yeah, unless you curl or straighten your hair every day, you are going to burn yourself when you do it. For some reason, we’re incapable of using a hot iron without burning something.

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5) Keep a Strand

Yes! These cafeteria chairs are the worst! Your hair will indefinitely get pulled stuck and pulled off by these little holes. And that’s if someone doesn’t purposely troll you with it.

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6) Can You Feel the Pain?

I bet you can feel the ridges in your own wrist just looking at this picture. This happened a lot as a teen when you were at school and had nowhere else to put your hair ties.

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7) Just Order A Large

Get yourself a burger and she’ll leave it alone, but get yourself some fries, and they become community fries. Men will never understand how much women love potatoes.

Elephant Journal Source: Elephant Journal

8) Razor Cuts Never Stop

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been shaving, there will be times when you cut those wrinkles on the back of your ankle. It’s like they were designed to get in your way.

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9) Try All the Colors

If you don’t recognize what this is then you don’t wear makeup. It’s imperative that you try the makeup out on your hair before applying it, no matter how much you love the color.

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10) Never Leave It

You don’t understand how important it is to wash your makeup off until you don’t do it once. You wake up with burning eyes and a dirty pillow. Not a pretty sight.

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11) Don’t You Dare

Whether it be pillows or hand towels, there will be things that are for decoration only in your house. Even your houseguests know this so why can’t your husband understand?

Live Meme Source: Live Meme

12) So Painful

Perhaps not every woman suffers from extreme abdominal cramps, but most have before. It feels like a t-rex is trying to be birthed, teeth and all. Not fun in the slightest.

Dropi Source: Dropi

13) We Understand your Dilemma

Everything that goes in your hair will probably break at some time. Especially if you have extra thick and curly hair. Silky hair girls won’t even understand this one.

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14) Always Been This Way

Men hardly ever have much of a dress code, but women on the other hand, have to dress like old maids. Why? Oh, so we don’t disturb the pervy boys and men.

Wattpad Source: Wattpad

15) Why, Hose, Why?

Not sure who tights and hose are designed for but it’s not your average woman. Even after wearing them all day, they still won’t ride up to where they are supposed to be.

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16) The Obsession

If most women could choose between wearing makeup and having flawless skin, they’d go without makeup. It’s an obsession that we’ll never get over.

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17) Ruined Again

There’s almost always that day of grace at the end of your period where you think you’re done. But oops, turns out you’re not. Your entire day is ruined along with those lacy pink undies.

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18) Please Stop Talking

Most guys can’t give a girl a compliment in a non-creepy way. But when women do, there’s no ulterior motives and we really just feel like they mean it, whether they do or not.

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19) Achoops!

This may not be realistic but it definitely feels like it’s true. If you cough or sneeze, it’s like the dam has broken and everything comes flooding through without holding back.

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20) It’s Finally Here

Wearing shorts is all fun and games until you get crusty red patches on your thighs. Most women don’t have a thigh gap so this is all too real for us.

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21) All the Time

It really sucks to find hair in there. You try to keep it out but somehow there’s always one or two that slips in without your consent. And pulling it out feels weird.

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22) Exactly How We Feel

When we wear high ponytails, it always feels like we’re pulling the skin so far back that we look bald from the front. Yep, good old egghead syndrome yet again.

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23) Don’t Let It Happen

After applying mascara, it’s important to keep your eyes open for a while. So whenever that sneeze starts tickling your nose, you do everything you can to not let it happen.

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24) No, All Of Us

When walking in heels, it’s important to watch your every step. If you don’t you could break it or twist an ankle. There are so many hazards that sneakers will never see.

The Meta Picture Source: The Meta Picture

25) Opposite for Men

Most men use their shampoo faster than conditioner because most men don’t even use conditioner. But as a woman, moisture is everything. In pretty much any context.

The Meta Picture Source: The Meta Picture

26) Your Little Angel

You can go through the first 99 like they are dispensible. But that last one must mean everything to you. God knows you’re not grabbing the band off the asparagus again.

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27) None For You

Women don’t want attention from random guys and probably don’t want it from most guys she knows. If you wouldn’t ask a guy for a hug then don’t ask her, problem solved.

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28) Caked Again

Not the good kind of cake either. Why this happens and how we can stop it are two things we’ll never really know. But it happens to the best of us and it means it’s time to buy more.

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29) Sticky Lips

Hair blowing loosely in the wind is bad enough as it is. What we don’t need is it sticking to your lips all awkwardly. This is when those wrist ponytail holders come in handy.

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30) Thank You, Random Cititzen

When someone average calls you pretty, it’s a compliment. But when someone who you think is beautiful says you are pretty then you feel on top of the world.

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31) Draw Pictures Now

How in the world this hair gets on the shower wall, we’ll never know. But since it is there, it’s important to draw words and pictures in it before you clean it off.

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32) Shopping is Fun

It really doesn’t matter if we buy anything, most girls enjoy the shopping trip more than the purchase. Take a day out at the mall any day, money or not, it’ll be a good one.

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33) Kiss Me

This is s struggle that isn’t too annoying most of the time. However, it does make your coffee cup look silly and a little trashy. But since when do we care about looks?

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34) Exactly!

Bras are incredibly expensive. Men can spend $5 on undergarments and socks and they are good for months. But women have to spend crazy money on something society forces us to wear.

Memedroid Source: Memedroid

35) The Best Feeling

The moment you take off your bra at the end of the day, it’s as if every other one of these problems fade away. It’s just you, This is Us, and Ben and Jerry now.

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